Topic: [DEMO][Devlog] Mega Man +1 (Read 1812 times)

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So as you all may know from the screenshot topic, I'm working on a Mega Man fan game called Mega Man +1.  I think it mimics the classic NES style really well.


Arrow keys: Move
Enter: Confirm selections
Z: Jump
A: Fire
1: Previous Weapon
2: Next Weapon
F5: Save State*
F8: Load State*
F12: Reset Game*

*: Only usable when you have control of Mega Man.

Contains Arctic Man and Inferno Man; both levels and boss fights.

Robot Masters
Inferno Man
Balloon Man
Arctic Man
Deal Man
Toxic Man
Boulder Man
Tidal Man
Slice Man

Inferno Twister - A flaming tornado that travels along the ground.

Static Burst - A balloon that can be remotely detonated (or popped).

Arctic Hail - A screen-wide attack that covers the screen with hail.

Luck Dealer - Throws random cards; rarer ones dealing more damage.

Toxic Drip - A slowly moving glass orb full of super-potent acid.

Heavy Boulder - A large boulder that falls straight down and breaks into four smaller pieces.

Tidal Pump - A super-dense bubble that erupts into a large pillar of water.

Slice Barrier - Two swords that rotate around you,  capable of destroying some enemy projectiles.

Hell, I have no idea.  Something about Dr. Wily taking over the world.  Maybe also a fake Dr. Light with it's own castle, and fights with Roll and Proto Man! :O

Most recent videos are at the top.

Slice Man Level Preview/New Enemies

Arctic Man Level Preview/Boss Fight

Disappearing blocks

Stage clear/new weapon

Improved jumping/damage graphics

Inferno Man level and boss battle

Demonstrates scrolling and death

All the special weapons

Pre-Alpha teaser

More Screenshots

Tidal Man level mockup

Game over/password screen

Potential Wily level boss; uses only attacks that can kill you in one hit.
Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 10:48:36 pm by Mr Weird Guy
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The potential Wily-level boss is much like a sentient version of the pipes from Super Mario XD

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Heh, I never thought of that.  They're supposed to be crushers (like in Dust Man's stage), that come down and flatten Mega Man.
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Oooh, I've never seen that one coming. Hey, nice crack effect on the 3rd crusher

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By the way, I know this is a bit late but you could actually have GM do the sprite coloring in a way for specifically a sprite like megaman.

The trick would be having something like


draw_sprite_ext(sprite_megaman_colors_01,image_index,x,y,facing,1,0,DESIRED COLOR HERE,1);
draw_sprite_ext(sprite_megaman_colors_02,image_index,x,y,facing,1,0,DESIRED COLOR HERE,1);

So that the first sprite would be the outlining (black) and the second and third would be white "blanks", basically sections of the sprite only like arms or legs or torso etc. and since they are white by default you can use image_color or the above sort of commands to color them.

This is just theorycrafting though so idk if it would really work but yeah. Just in case you still have use for this.

Also the game looks like it moves 1.5x too fast.
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Man... I really wish I had known about that earlier in development.  Could have saved me a ton of time (assuming it works, which it probably does). >_<
Oh well, what's done is done.

As for the speed, I'll see what I can do to tone it down a little.
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I remember seeing some of these shots from my daily browsing at GW, and I must say that this project is looking good! So good, that this game may be better than MM10 in almost everyway (nah, I didn't hate MM10 that much, but I still like MM9 better).

Anyways, the only problem I have is similar to what Supra Mairo said about the speed: it is way too fast!!! I'm not saying you should get rid of that feature, but maybe keep it in for a "Turbo" mode sort of thing. Also, if you can find some "Other" music besides using just MM10, that would be great too! There are tons of 8-bit songs out there! Anyways, just throwing things out.

(Why not call this Mega Man 11 or 12? +1 just sounds...stupid.)   :hmm:

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I think +1 sounds great for a classic-style fangame like this. 11 & 12 should be kept for official titles that get released & adding letters to the title would suggest different gameplay styles/engines.

The project looks great so far Mr Weird Guy. The only nitpicky thing I had to bring up was the framerate as well. It looks noticeably faster than regular Megaman games. For comparison:

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who cares, the original games were sluggish as hell
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@Brent Murray: Better than Mega Man 10?  Haha, I dunno about that.
As for music, this is just placeholder music until I can hopefully find someone to compose some original 8-bit themes for me.

@PepsiOtaku: That's exactly what I was going for with the title.  With +1, I always stay one game ahead of the series! :D
As for the speed, I dunno, watching a gameplay vid is different than actually playing it, so it might feel more "right" and normal when you actually play it.  I'm still in the middle of toning down the speed a little (mainly just jumping and fall speed, which I think is the main source of complaints).
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So good, that this game may be better than MM10 in almost everyway...
You shut your filthy whore mouth.  MM10 is awesome.   ​

And I gotta' say "no" to calling it Megaman 11 or Megaman 12.  I mean, that MegaPhilX guy did that with his Megaman fan project (calling it Megaman 10) and he had to go back and change everything after getting himself all that publicity.  MM9 and MM10 have done extremely well to the best of my knowledge, so you can almost expect at least a MM11 out of Capcom.

I agree with what others are saying about the speed (and believe me, Megaman comprised well over half of my childhood gaming, so I can tell!).  Also, I noticed Mega's falling velocity seems to get reset or lowered every time he makes a screen transition by falling, so you should try to find a way to address that.  Finally, it may just be the speed of the engine, but some of that stuff looks way hellish to dodge consistently.

Anyway, keep up the good work.  I'd like to see the end result.  :)
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@Mineyl: That velocity reset is actually intentional.  It's like that to make navigating through spikes while falling more managable.  Otherwise, you're just falling too fast, and will probably end up with an ass full of spikes.

But in other news, I've updated the jumping, as well as the damage graphics (like that spiky white flash on Mega Man when he's hit).  Inferno Man's projectiles have been slowed down a little, too.
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this looks so awesome.
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this looks so awesome.
I agree.

On a side note, why is there any interest in projects like this but for the Mega Man X series? I loved those :(​.

This looks great though, if you finish it, it will probably be on of the first indie games I will actually play through in a LONG time.
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There is actually a Mega Man X fangame being developed that I'm following called "Mega Man X: Corrupted," (link: I think it looks pretty cool.

Mr. Werid Guy: That last video's speed is perfect! Keep it there (I do like how Mega Man commits suicide after he wins the fight)!

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I don't know what sort of sound playback you are using but there is that super highpitch screech that I tihnk is because it plays the same soundfile multiple times at the same time so maybe try something like this:

if x > view_xview-64 and x < view_xview+704 then
    if sound_isplaying(argument0) then sound_stop(argument0);

The view things are there to block out any sounds that aren't originating from nearby so adjust that to whatever view/resolution you are using, and basically this just checks that if you are playing sound A for example you don't play another sound A on top of it but rather cut the first and play a new sound A so there is only one at a time.
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Well I guess I'll just leave this here...

@Supra Mairo: Yeah, I've been doing something like that.  There's just a few places where I forgot to add a stop sound command.
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Honestly, I haven't been working too much on this game the past few days.  But I did put together a boss select screen!
Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 07:35:48 am by Mr Weird Guy
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I apologize for the multiple posts, but I feel like I should have a new post for this video.
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I'm psyched for this game. How close are you to a version release?