Topic: [DEMO][Devlog] Mega Man +1 (Read 1812 times)

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I don't want to make any promises, but you can hopefully expect a single level demo this week.  I just have to make the stage select and title screen first.
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Here's a quick sneak-peek of Arctic Man's stage, featuring fully functional disappearing blocks.
And yes, I plan to be relentess as possible with my block placement.
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This looks very cool! You really nailed the megamanish feeling judging from the videos. Can't wait to give this game a spin when it's released.

big thanx to dragonslayer for sig!
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I really felt like releasing a demo tonight, so here you go.

Arrow keys: Move
Enter: Confirm selections
Z: Jump
A: Fire
1: Previous Weapon
2: Next Weapon
F5: Save State*
F8: Load State*
F12: Reset Game*

*: Only usable when you have control of Mega Man.
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Awesome, I'll be sure to download when I get home and post my thoughts later.

big thanx to dragonslayer for sig!
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Figured I'd at least bump this up with a couple new screens from Arctic Man's stage.

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Work on Arctic Man's AI is going quite smoothly.  All that needs to be done now is one more attack, and then I'll be ready to release the actual official 2 level demo.
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Oh boy, another round of triple-posting.  Another video right hurr.
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Although I hate to say it, this could have been avoided (and should have been) had you simply edited your original post.
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not sure about the audio balance! i think the sound effects are slightly too loud compared to the music (or vice versa w/e)
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Amazing job, this is almost spot on. I would say its perfect but when watching your videos I couldn't help but feel something was off, though I could not quite put my finger on it. Took me a moment but I finally figured out what it was. Its the level backgrounds. Megaman games always have some animated backdrops to make the environments seem more lively and I think that's whats missing here.
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Hell, I have no idea.  Something about Dr. Wily taking over the world.

Close enough.
Thanks all that visited my poll! Your support is greatly appreciated!

Brain overload, 'What the!?' does not compute.
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Wow, it's been a while, huh? Guess I'll leave this here for you guys.

BTW, check the first post for a new demo. :D

Amazing job, this is almost spot on. I would say its perfect but when watching your videos I couldn't help but feel something was off, though I could not quite put my finger on it. Took me a moment but I finally figured out what it was. Its the level backgrounds. Megaman games always have some animated backdrops to make the environments seem more lively and I think that's whats missing here.
Well, you'll be happy to know that the lava in Inferno Man's stage in now animated.
Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 08:29:04 am by Mr Weird Guy
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slice man's stage looks like it should have ghouls n ghosts / castlevania music
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Looks very nice, gives my game a run for its money. Got a lot more custom stuff in yours as well! Great job. Looks like you're also working at a break-neck pace as well. Mine probably won't be done until later this year or next year. Because real life kind of takes priority. :fogetnah:
Dark Wolf
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Break-neck pace?  I dunno about that.  Hell, the last boss I created was Arctic Man, and that was a month ago.  And I still have 6 robot masters and (hopefully) two fortresses worth of levels and bosses to create, not to mention all the other random stuff.  So it's probably not gonna be finished as quickly as you think.
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Check it out.  All the cool kids are doing it.