Topic: Oh lord what is this? (Read 1093 times)

  • Avatar of Legacy001
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What are you doing here?
GW! I have something I'd like you to take a look at. Rose Chronicles.
The last public release I've made in 2006 and since then I've been messing around with it more or less for 3 years, accomplishing no real progress with it. I remember making a lot of changes and tweaks, but I've lost track of it all. In fact, I have almost no idea what the game is about! All I really remember is adding a bunch of additional content without adding more chronicles.

So as a favor, maybe you'd like to test drive it? It may crash immediately upon loading, or it may crash 8 hours in. I don't know when, but I know it will probably stop promptly at some unspecified location without a true ending. If you can give me some feedback as to when it halts or something else you'd like to add, that would be very cool.

So what?
It's pretty much been a decade since I started with RM and now that I'm in my final semester of grad school, I have some free time (who knew!). If the response is strong enough, I'll suck it up and actually finish a RM game for once.

This boss is really hard and ...
Listen, I probably have no idea what you're talking about. Just let me know if the game blows up on you or if you like/dislike it.
Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 03:47:00 am by Legacy001
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I remember this! I'll try it out. Also a great place to upload it is here. Free hosting and a page for your game, pretty easy to do and a lot of active members.

Anyways I'll give this a go again. Back in the day Naufragar and this were some of my favorites... although Papyrus is an ugly font.
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If you actually feel like finishing this, this would be so awesome! I'd filed it under "Great Game That Will Never Be Finished" years ago.
Downloading it now, if only for the five minutes worth of additional content. At least this means more battles and I remember the battle system being especially fun. Been a whle since I've played it, too.

(It had a pretty good story, try to remember it ;P)
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Woah this is very good news, I'm going to check it out. I'll back up Chip in saying you should throw it on RMN as well, probably more interested players there.
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Welcome back, Legacy. :)

If this is the same one I received, then the game crashes after the battle with Primus (which is the last battle anyway so whatever). Maybe you fixed that and Vanguard before you left?

Anyways, this game rocks. It's the best. I love it.
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So far, I've gotten up to Vanguard (beginning of Chronicle 3) and here's what I've found so far:

- Marise's status cure spell Divine Puralis seems to remove postive status effects, too. I don't really know why, I checked and it's not supposed to do this, but I've had it happen several times that I cast Regen on a character with a status effect in one turn, cured her in the next and Regen was gone.
- In the second area, the plateaus, you can pass the first Fiereste barrier from the other side before it's removed, you just can't go back then.
- Vanguard is pretty empty (the only map where you can do something is the shop) and the two shopkeepers look alike and have the same name.
- No idea if that's just me, but the cursor lags badly in all Vanguard maps except for the entrace.
- During the beginning cutscene of Chronicle 3, in the Vanguard hotel, Ellington seems to teleport instead if moving. Probably because of the lag.
- In the shopping menu, Ellington has no walk graphic - makes sense since he can't equip anything anyway, but it looks weird.

Reached the end of the playable game now, here's the rest:

- If you go to the tent where Roselle and Marise rest on the plains before seeing both scenes, you end up on the screen without the cursor or any means to exit.
- The Vengeance accessory doesn't work, or at least not when Violette and Ellington are the only people in the party.
- Just about every treasure pouch, except for the two that gives tomes, either give no item at all or a completely different item.
- A lot of the treasure puches are visible without activating the search option. There's only one pouch I've found that requires this option.
- Minor error here: Violette and Ellington mention a tree blocking the way (which I remember from the 2006 demo), but the corresponding scene with Roselle and Marise has been changed to talk about tracks.
- During the second fight with the Mud Guardians, the one with Violette, you still get Roselle's and Marise's dialog and the battle stops after some turns.
- In the scene after the Mud Guardian fight, the top of Roselle's head starts moving towards Violette and disappears.
- After this scene, Roselle (with complete head) and the key are still visible - actually I think it's an earlier Roselle, she's standing at a different spot.
- The skill Divine Halolis doesn't remove status changes, but attacks an enemy for pretty good damage.
- Primus has an empty skill (no name showing up when he uses it) that works like a normal attack.
- Primus has a healing skill called Chocolate (probably the item) which he uses a lot to heal 300 HP. The fight is pretty much impossible like that.
- Primus doesn't use his ultimate skill anymore, the one where he gave three turns of warning and you had to defend at the end.
- The lesson after the Primus fight doesn't display, it's just a black screen and the characters talking about whatever the book should say here.
- The next area, the Sere Sea, doesn't work at all. You can only enter one screen with no battles and no exit except to the world map. The only thing you can do here is to click on a glowing stone in the middle, which starts a timer of about 10 seconds and when it reaches zero, a textbox appears with stuff like "Battle", "Character Remark", etc.

And this is where the game ends, so to say, since there's nothing more to be found here. Hope that helped!
Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 02:17:54 pm by Daris
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Sorry to dig this one back up. Thanks to Daris for the bug info.

Just found out that I'm taking a trip to China for a few weeks. So I'm bringing the laptop and seeing if I can get some work done there. Basically I've got about 2 month after graduation before work starts and it'll be super-nice if I can actually finish something for once. It's always pretty funny to me that I started this whole business in high school wanting to be a MD. I ended up picking up a CS masters instead. Unfortunately, all that pointers, bit-operators 'n other nonsense is pretty much useless in RM2k3, so I'll probably spend the better part of a week trying to remember what the hell constitutes a "parallel process."
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Thanks for diggin it up! I'm also looking forward to this, pleas finish it. :)
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Sorry to dig this one back up. Thanks to Daris for the bug info.

Just found out that I'm taking a trip to China for a few weeks. So I'm bringing the laptop and seeing if I can get some work done there. Basically I've got about 2 month after graduation before work starts and it'll be super-nice if I can actually finish something for once. It's always pretty funny to me that I started this whole business in high school wanting to be a MD. I ended up picking up a CS masters instead. Unfortunately, all that pointers, bit-operators 'n other nonsense is pretty much useless in RM2k3, so I'll probably spend the better part of a week trying to remember what the hell constitutes a "parallel process."

hahahha *goes to china, works on rm2k game*
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i made this chipset under the watchful glare of Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square. . .
greensleeves on guitar...i own nothing
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I thin Parallel Process is used when you want to have multiple events running at the same time.
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Parallel Process = runs in the background all the time, used for example if you want to add a day/night cycle, you'd make a parallel process event to switch day to night and maybe change screen colors after a certain time.

Good to know the game didn't die just after it was revived, I was kinda worried. ^^ But the version you uploaded had several story differences to the one I'd played, so in any case, it was nice to see how that changed.
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This looks really good!
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.