Just your opinion of what it's like to live there. What it's like as a place. What's it all about, this Kentucky? Its measurements and turn ons, turn offs, favourite foods. Just more of an enlightening picture of the place than wikipedia is likely to give me.
Well, let's see what I can think to tell you (I am horribly tired from the trip I just made because I had to wake up at ass-o'clock so hopefully this is coherent):
The first thing you need to know about Kentucky is that it's mostly rural. Tons and tons of small towns with little to nothing in them. However, it's not entirely DEVOID of big towns either. Lexington, Bowling Green, Frankfort and Louisville are the big ones, with Louisville being the most "big town" of them. No matter where you are in Kentucky one of those towns should be pretty close to you. But yeah, expect to see a lot of farms and mountains. Kentucky is pretty much all mountains! If you like hills and trees you're good. Also horses, we have the Kentucky Derby so you could expect to see plenty of horses everywhere you go. iirc the horse industry makes up a HUGE portion of Kentucky's income. I think we'd probably completely fall apart as a state without it.
When it comes to I guess natural beauty it's pretty damn nice. If you're far enough south, the town I live in has Cumberland Falls, which is a big ol' waterfall. It is one of the only remaining places in the world where you can see a moonbow, which is basically just a nighttime rainbow. I think it's going to be visible tonight, actually. There's also (farther west, I think) Mammoth Cave, which I have only been to once and it was when I was a little kid on a class field trip. Mammoth Cave is the longest cave system in the world, you can take plenty of tours down there and just see bunches of cave, it's p. awesome if you're into that sort of thing.
My town also has the first KFC, which I guess is just sort of a small tourist attraction. I never really got why people would go OUT OF THEIR WAY to see it but I guess some people are into that sort of thing??? Basically our KFC has a small museum in it, with a bunch of Colonel Sanders' belongings (maybe his entire bedroom??? I think that's part of it). I mean if you were already in town and wanted some cheap chicken there's no reason not to check it out, but I don't get people going out of their way for it.
As it turns out, no black people ever there either! Always just asians! This stereotype is wrong, it's asians that love KFC not blacks!!! You will constantly see groups of asian tourists taking pictures out there. Tee-hee.Since you asked about food, let me tell you about it--country cookin'. That's what you'll mostly find, outside of chain restaurants and a handful of other local places. You can find tons of tiny hole-in-the-wall country cooking places. My favorite is Jean's in Mount Vernon, KY, best goddamn chicken I've had in my life. So yeah, places with chicken and porkchops and cornbread and insanely good breakfasts--that sort of thing--are all over the place. Pretty greasy, but tasty.
I guess the biggest thing is the people though. Kentucky is a combination of the absolute best and absolute worst people. On one end of the spectrum you have the type of people who would do absolutely anything for you, who take the idea of "southern hospitality" very seriously and are just the nicest dang people ever. Just real, down to earth people who believe in being good to each other. However, you also have the really awful ignorant racist rednecks who say things like GAYS CAN'T GET MARRIED THEY'LL HAVE DEFORMED CHILDREN and ARE IRAN AND IRAQ DIFFERENT COUNTRIES????? I suppose there is a bit of a middle ground, but most people lean pretty heavily towards one of those two types of people. It's probably the grossest thing about living here, having to deal with the bad end of that spectrum.
Hmmm I'm not too sure what else to add. In terms of nature it's pretty damn cool to live here, but there's some pretty awful people (and they aren't entirely balanced out by the good ones). There's also sometimes a pretty bad lack of SHIT TO DO, but I mean if you have never been here before I'm sure you'd be more interested in everything than someone who's lived here their whole life. Most of the time when me and my friends hang out we just stay at my house and play games or watch movies, or go to a local school and play soccer. Besides going out to eat there's not a whole lot of activities to do, but also I live in a much smaller town than say Lexington or Louisville. I'm moving to Bowling Green this fall, so I'll have a lot more interesting shit to do than here. Where is your bud's job? If I knew I might be able to tell you more about that specific place though it depends on how big it is.
Really though for a month or two you could probably enjoy yourself. I mean, it's definitely not the number one cool place to go in the US but if you just want to go to some random nowhere place then you'd probably enjoy it. Cost of living is pretty low compared to the rest of the country, so that's always a plus. I guess overall Kentucky's just an average li'l place. If you want like Kentucky landmarks or notable things or whatever to read up on, you could read about Mammoth Cave, Cumberland Falls, Tombstone Junction, KFC, Daniel Boone, Kentucky Derby...eh yeah just that sort of thing.