japanese high-resolution nipple technology
sometimes I feel like that is the ultimate goal of all this hi-tech television crap and once they accomplish that it'll all just be hardcore porno and like regular tv stuff will just end. movies will stop being made
well I basically once they make it like the feelies from brave new world or whatever that book is
This made me think of The Sixth Day with the holographic hookermatic 3000 or whatever it was.
It's kind of like watching Demolition Man and then finding out that Arnie made governor (he was president after the earthquake in the movie), only less scary, especially since we're all weird adult gamers evolved from angsty teens, meaning Virtua Sexfest probably would be bought by quite a few GWers.
Chances are that we won't see new consoles from Microsoft or Sony for a few years yet.
With this generation, so much money has been shovelled into developing hardware and online functionality that they seem to be incrementally adding new functionality via add-on kit such as PS Move and Kinect.
Both the 360 and PS3 are still solid systems in terms of graphics and functionality, and the only real reason for the new hardware is that Nintendo did so well with the Wii before releasing 900,000,000,000,000.5 cheap-ass shovelware titles to every 1 good game.
Sony has only recently started to profit from the PS3, so releasing a whole new console now would be a pretty silly move, and it'd pretty much be like saying that all the stuff they said about having movie grade graphics and the Cell being massively powerful was outright lying.
Having access to Blu-Ray means that the PS3 is also less likely to be hit by multi-disc games for now.
The 360 isn't likely to go away any time soon either as Microsoft has just released a new model which looks more like a high end PC than a 5 year old games console.
I may get one when it comes out over here as all my other gadgetry is glossy black (iPod Touch, Samsung HDTV, Samsung laptop, fat PS3... which isn't that big and which serves as my media player as it doesn't make my ears bleed) and my current 360 is one of the first 360's released in the UK, so despite being fixed a few times, it's been soldiering on since 2005.
If I get a new 360, I can then give my WiFi dongle to my dad or whoever as we have two 360's and so does my sister.