Gross War for Cybertron (Read 583 times)

  • Avatar of Mongoloid
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Did anybody buy this? It's awesome.

I got it last night because the demo was amazing, but let me say if you played the demo and are great at it, you are still nothing.
This is hands down the most active, quick, busy multiplayer game I've ever played. There are so many buttons!

I have a problem with accidentally transforming (you can do it any time) when i'm trying to use my melee and on top of that there are usually 2-3 enemies in any area you might be in.

Being able to transform on command is really awesome, you keep momentum while doing it so you can go off ramps and transform and do the shit that made the new movies watchable.
In addition, you can choose from 4 classes, car, truck (which is an offroader type thing), tank, and JET.
I know you're thinkng, why would you choose anything but Jet? Well the jet is fucking HARD. Flying around is fun sure, but you're a huge target, and your guns arent as effective.

Get this game guys.
add me on xbox too
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a Transformers game?... . .. . .. . .eeeerrrrm, I dont know. I need more convincing.][/url]
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I was completely blowing this game off until I actually took a look at some game play. It's hard to compare it to call of duty or unreal, while it takes some ideas from both it does a good job of standing on it's own. Multiplayer consists 6 gametypes with 8 maps and has 5v5 matches (decepticons vs autobots) with every player being able to choose between 4 different classes. Controls similar to call of duty, swap grenade buttons for the skills your class gets, and sprint button with transforming between vehicle and robot form. B throws your grenade since robots dont need to fuckin crouch.

The big draw is you are allowed to transform on the fly, it's a one click instant transformation and every vehicle comes with a boost which lets you get around the map pretty quickly. It's in 3rd person and while the maps are pretty big vehicle form allows you to get from a to be super quick. And each vehicle has their own unique weapon so you can actually do some feasible damage.

Figure nows a good time to explain the classes, I'm only going to scratch the surface because there's actually a good amount of depth in each class, with the combination of skills and perks 2 scientists loadouts could be completely different in terms of how they play.

Scout (Car): Quick and deadly, the scout is able to cloak and dash around the battlefield fucking fools up. Unlike the annoying scout in TF2 since everyone has a good deal of mobility these suckers aren't as overpowered as you might think. They have the second lowest health of the classes so tag them with a few bullets and they go boom. The scouts killstreaks center around tracking opponents, with it's final killstreak actually marking every enemy on the map increasing damage dealt to them.

Scientist (Jet): Ah the plane, scientists are the flying class that can double up as a medic. While they have the lowest health in the game they are the fastest in vehicle form and come coupled with health grenades and killstreaks that heal their whole team and give them oversheilds. The final killstreak is actually a giant cannon that can one shot fools.

Leader (Armored vehicle?): This class, like the scientist is half support half kick ass. While it has great support skills like barriers and an AOE warcry that buffs the damage and defense of your team they also get some seriously powerful weapons and come with a good bit of health. They also get mines that home in on people that get to close. Their killstreaks lower the cooldown time on their teams abilities, give you (pretty much what I consider optimus's sword) that can one shot anyone you hit with it, and give you like 30 mines you drop around the battlefield.

Soldier (tank): The strongest class, having the most health and very powerful weapons the soldier pretty much runs shit with his hover and whirlwind, yes thats right this guy straight up pulls out a warhammer and starts whirlwinding fools. I suck with the soldier so I can't remember their killstreaks sorry!

You level up online like call of duty, leveling each class separately up to 25 unlocking new perks along the way (you pretty much get all your skills and weapons off the bat). Every class has a different weapon loadout and different skills and perks, while not every class has each weapon available from the get go, you are allowed to pick up any weapon on the battlefield, they can drop from downed bots or are randomly scattered about the map. Prestiging makes you a prime not sure what that means though!

The game has two campaigns thats built around 3 player co op. So you are always with 2 other bots that are either player or ai controlled. The thing I like about campaign is you can choose out of the 3 bots which one you want to play. Beating campaign unlocks extra skins for online mode plus a new character for escalation. I guess if you loathe transformers theres no way you are going to like the campaign but they keep it fun, I was afraid it was going to be linear like halo but they actually try to keep you interested. Escalation is basically like Dawn of Wars last stand, you fight waves of enemies trying to survive as long as you can and collect points. I haven't delved to much into this yet but unlike multiplayer you can actually play as Optimus, Bumblebee, Megatron, Soundwave etc etc. All characters have a different selection of skills that are taken from each of the four classes. There are two maps for last stand, 1 for each faction. This can be played online also.

WHEW long post, so yeah pretty fun game! I've been playing it on the ps3 and I must say I'm a lil impressed.
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yea this game is pretty much only transformers in that they... transform... otherwise this is just a very quick 3rd person shooter.
it's done really well and unlike anything thats ever had the brand name on it before