I posted the photographs in whats on your mind before thanks for plagarizing me chefs
sorry........................................... i remember when hyou posted them like 2 years ago. i think bort posted them too.
they are cool though it's almost surreal like what history was in full technicolor and shit? I dunno if the colors are oversaturated or something (the way they developed these pictures is kind of sketchy and might've caused distorted colors or something) but it kind of makes it look ridiculous like even random guy selling squash looks like pimped out [famous pimp] has nothing on that dude. I mean obviously when you think about it logically historical stuff was just as colorful the way they saw it but the whole fading/degrading of old pictures works on a metaphorical level also black and white ----> color feels EMERGENT in some way and it'll be weird when we have digital photos of the year 200x when it's hundreds of years from now preserved just like the day it was taken. Would like to see more movies that are like the past but colorful and filmed normally like 'but they won't understand it's the past unless we use filters color correction' even THERE WILL BE BLOOD is like this and that movie is supposed to be serious business
Yeah dude, that's what I like so much about these pictures. I've seen so many pictures from the 1920s or whatever that are in sepia that I just sort of think that's how the 1920s looked. These pictures are amazing to me because they not only show people living the same way they did 1000 years ago, but because they show how colorful and bright and NOT SEPIA 1000 years ago really was. I think my favorite picture is
the observatory in the snow. That rug hanging on the yurt or whatever in the background blows my mind. It looks like the standby TV signal. What is that thing? Why is it there? Why is it so colorful?? I guess it's just so amazing to me because of all those black and white photographs I've seen that made me think the world was black and white, and here's this ultra-colorful towel thing that's just sort of an afterthought in the picture.
pgorskii13.jpg loljews or something what are some of these ethnic groups what is the guy with the fro and the camel also camels are officially awesome
Yeah, those guys are Bukharan Jews living in Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Bukharan Jews basically don't exist anymore, or at least not in Central Asia. They've all immigrated to Israel and the US, which is kind of a shame because they had a pretty unique culture that was really distinct from the surrounding Central Asian cultures and other Jewish cultures.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii1.jpgThis dude is Alim Khan, who was the last ruler of the Emirate of Bukhara in modern Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, which was a vassal state to the Russian Empire at the time. Apparently he was the last direct descendant of Genghis Khan to act as a ruler.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii2.jpgThe camel dude is a Turkmen. People kind of assume that all Uzbeks are from Uzbekistan and all Kazakhs are from Kazakhstan and all Turkmen are from Turkmenistan and so on, but that's not really true. The peoples of Central Asia were mostly nomadic and borders were pretty nebulous back then. In fact, the 'stan' countries didn't really exist as we know them today and are kind of products of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii6.jpghttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii7.jpgThese guys are merchants from Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Most of the people from the stan countries are Turkic. There's this misconception that Turks come from Turkey, but actually the Turks migrated there from Central Asia and Siberia in the middle ages. In fact, Turks have probably been in Europe for thousands of years. The Huns that invaded Europe in the fourth century were possibly remnants of a Turkic confederation called the Xiongnu that traveled west. The people of Hungary call their own language "Magyar" after the Turkic peoples that migrated there in the middle ages. So yeah, Turks are from Central Asia and Siberia.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii9.jpgThese people are Kyrgyz, which is another Turkic group.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii10.jpgThis guy is Bashkir. Most Bashkirs live in Bashkortostan, which is one of the federal republics of Russia. Most ethnic minorities in Russia have it pretty rough, but Bashkortostan is one of the wealthiest Russian republics because of its massive reserves of natural resources so most Bashkirs are at least economically better off than other minorities. Not that that's really uh, much better.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii11.jpgThis is a nomadic Uzbek woman.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii12.jpgThis guy is from Dagestan, which is a federal republic in the Caucasus Mountains. You can tell how influential Georgian culture is in Dagestan by looking at this guy's clothing. The Caucasus are really interesting because so many different people live there. I have no idea what culture this dude specifically is, but most of the people in Dagestan are Iranian, Turkic, or Caucasian (like Georgian Caucasian, not white caucasian).
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2957395/Russia/pgorskii18.jpgThese are poppies. Somebody smoked this shit.
Central Asia and Russia are really cool.