I've played it, and I know that dragonx has as well.
I've pretty much stopped playing because there are a lot of problems that they need to iron out. Sure, the game is fun for a little bit.. But when you realize how ridiculously basic and dull the missions really are (go here and press F on door, press F to pick up item that drops from door, press F to get into escape vehicle, press F to etc, etc, etc...) then the game starts to get a little boring. Like the missions are so bad that it makes the actual PvP in the game feel worse. The PvP is okay, but the missions are really terribly designed.
There's also strange lag that a lot of people bitch about in regards to shots not registering on their targets. I've gotten that several times. I have emptied several SMG clips into people only to have them live and, a moment later, hit me with only a few shots from their own SMG, killing me. I have a friend who bitches that his grenades never hurt anybody, even when they blow up at point blank range.
Driving vehicles is pretty fun when you're just pissing around, but when you have to do a mission it becomes ridiculously annoying as pedestrians and NPC drivers almost feel attracted to your vehicle. Not to mention when you're on a chase mission, a lot of players who aren't even in your mission and are driving will intentionally ram you just to be assholes. They never know if you're on a mission or not. It's just that if they see you driving, they'll probably point their vehicle at your own unless they too are on a mission.
I always play as an Enforcer, but from what I hear, Criminals have it really rough once they reach a certain notoriety level. Criminal players say that they never get a rest and are always forced into missions by the game. They say that as soon as they log in, they are sometimes forced into missions before being able to do anything. I've heard Criminals bitch that they can't even go AFK, because they'll probably be forced into missions or die. Enforcers on the other hand have all the time in the world to piss around and do whatever they feel like doing. It's kind of unfair to force Criminals into things that they may not always want to do while Enforcers are free to do whatever they want.
There are horrendous load times on 32 bit operating systems and lots of crashes, so if you're not on 64 bit, you may want to wait until they stabilize the game a little bit. I used to be on 32 bit Windows and the technical problems that plagued me were far beyond unacceptable. I'm on 64 bit now and have only played APB a few times since switching, but I've had no problems since.
Oh, and there's a memory leak too. Don't play in windowed mode, because anything else you have running will barely even function as a result of the memory leak.
If you want something a little more in depth, here's a review that I wrote: