Poetry probably the best game idea ever (Read 209 times)

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so my brother, ether (landon), whom i think at least two of you might remember told me this dream he had, and it's genius. a month or so ago he had a dream that he made this game that made millions of dollars. the idea of the game was pretty morbid. you have this grandma that is very old and she is worth a lot of money and you are the primary benefactor of her will. the idea of the game is to do as much "damage" to your grandma without killing her, so that she dies and you get the money and you aren't prosecuted.

someone needs to do this.
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did you read the dream i had in the what's on your mind topic

i feel like the two could be combined easily into an amazing game
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Quote from: Vellfire
so i had a dream last night where i was in california and i was playing this laser tag game that took place in a series of rooms that were kind of like a maze but were pretty linear really.  the basic concept was that you had to move from room to room to get to the end but at the same time every player had someone with them who was hired to play an old lady.  she is in a wheelchair and you have to take her with you and can't leave a room without her.  you can get her out of the wheelchair but she will only walk if you're helping her (but she can stand in one spot by herself).  so if you came to a room with stairs you'd have to help her up the stairs but then go back down to get her wheelchair because she cannot leave rooms without it.  you more or less were trying to get out without you or the old lady losing all your health and everyone was trying to shoot each other and the other people's old ladies.  the rooms had different obstacles like stairs or shots randomly fired from the walls or stuff.  the reason i am saying all of this is that i really wish i knew how to mod some sort of FPS to make this a game.  it would be like if ico and an fps had a baby.
yes. grandma Portal/Ico, haha. dude. that's a brilliant idea in and of itself.
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So one way to do that is to have some else running your grandma though laser tag and keep her preserved while you try to disable her protector and injure her.
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man i would love to try this in real life but i don't think any lasertag place would allow this
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