hey folks, lookin for the man of your dreams? me, too. fortunately it's halloween, which means it's the perfect time for...
http://www.superstitions.ca/Superstitions/Halloween.html]HALLOWEEN FUTURE HUSBAND RITUALS![/url]
my favorite:
308. Shortly before midnight a pure white bowl is procured, that has
never been touched by any lips save those of a new-born infant. If it is
a woman whose fortune is to be tried (and it generally is) the child must
be a male. The bowl is filled with water from a spring-well, after which
twenty-six pieces of white paper about an inch square, on each of which
must be written one letter of the alphabet, are placed in the bowl with
the letters turned downward. These must be dropped in as the clock
strikes midnight, or all will fail. All being ready, the maiden
interested repeats the lines:--
Kind fortune, tell me where is he
Who my future lord shall be;
From this bowl all that I claim
Is to know my lover's name.
The bowl is then securely locked away, and must not be disturbed till
sunrise the following morning, when she is placed before it blindfolded.
She then picks out the same number of letters as there are in her own
name. After these are all out the bandage is removed from her eyes, and
the paper letters spread out before her. She manages them so as to spell
a man's name as best she can with the letters at her disposal. The name
thus found will be that of her future husband.
Trinity and Catalina Bays, N.F.
by the way lilith, you have really good taste in music. I was going through your youtube faves a month ago and saw the tea song by michael hurley in it, and have since been listening to a lot of his stuff