Topic: Dump topic for stuff thecatamites/bonzi_buddy/etc. might like (Read 281298 times)

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<< some shoddy old FPSs >>
The games narrative took place using cutscenes at the beginning and end of each level, featuring Shatner himself (in character as Walter Bascom) as the narrator. Cutscenes varied depending on the player's performance during missions: if the player didn't shoot any innocent NPCs, managed to take out the TekLord in the mission, and didn't raise any tension (i.e. walking with his gun drawn), Shatner would deliver praise. On the other hand, shooting NPCs or aborting the mission caused him to threaten to have you put back into cryo-storage.
Forbes Corporate Warrior is a 3D first-person shooter thinly guised as an investment game. The game was released in August 1997 by Byron Preiss Multimedia and developed by Brooklyn Multimedia. It was developed to operate on the Windows 95 platform.
Corporate Warrior was hailed by Crain's New York Business Magazine as, "Doom meets Wharton School of Business."
I can't find any gameplay footage of this.
In particular, I was enchanted by Forbes Corporate Warrior, for which it's lamented: ""Business is War!" is the tagline, but they mean it a lot more literally than you'd think. Set in a series of flat, grey rooms, it's your job to beat your competitors by shooting customers with one of numerous business-themed weapons, including Ad Blasters, Price Bombs, Marketing Missiles, Head Hunters or Takeover Torpedoes. No, we're not joking and, judging by the complete lack of humour or irony, neither were the developers.
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Anyone besides me like the "desktop" look to games where it still feels like a boring application but there's this window "to another world" to explore within it?
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Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 01:45:30 am by gods17
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other underappreciated aesthetics: Peculiar Prerendered 2000s Shareware

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via Lilith of the Maze: Nemu Lu Mayu - super obscure Asmik Ace-published PSX RPG in the style of King's Field, but with wildly strange aesthetic/colours. name is mispelled on various sites, not sure which is correct??]just a reminder to pay attention to Lilith's youtube playlist[/url]
Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 05:45:43 am by gods17
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This game is as bullshit hard as I remember it being.
Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 07:29:13 am by Unguided
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All tutorial message signs should explode and nearly kill the player
Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 07:55:42 am by Unguided
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just a lot of neat, weird things: heinous sound effects, find scroll allowing you to choose from a list arbitrary spell effects, multiple stressful counters constantly ticking down, protagonist is vague white figure, random enemies stream out of the doors you're meant to go through, just kind of barreling through this rainbow maze flinging picks? then you go up a Wardrobe Lift and you're in a game-abstracted house labyrinth. i give up, i'll live in this room with snakes on the floor.
Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 07:49:23 am by gods17
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Metroid 2 commercial
Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 09:28:48 am by gods17
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ah Wizard's Lair. the game it was based on, Atic Atac, was one of my favourites on the Speccy back in the day, along with Manic Miner, JSW and Lords of Midnight.
also really enjoyed that TekWar clip... <empties 50 rounds into a civilian woman> <she explodes> -> "WAS AN ANDROID"
Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 12:06:23 pm by superflat
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don't have a lot to add at the moment but all the stuff you've been been posting here lately has been great gods17 ;o
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I guess this is related to gregory clip
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Bird Week
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hey folks, lookin for the man of your dreams? me, too. fortunately it's halloween, which means it's the perfect time for...]HALLOWEEN FUTURE HUSBAND RITUALS![/url]
my favorite:

308. Shortly before midnight a pure white bowl is procured, that has
never been touched by any lips save those of a new-born infant. If it is
a woman whose fortune is to be tried (and it generally is) the child must
be a male. The bowl is filled with water from a spring-well, after which
twenty-six pieces of white paper about an inch square, on each of which
must be written one letter of the alphabet, are placed in the bowl with
the letters turned downward. These must be dropped in as the clock
strikes midnight, or all will fail. All being ready, the maiden
interested repeats the lines:--

Kind fortune, tell me where is he
Who my future lord shall be;
From this bowl all that I claim
Is to know my lover's name.

The bowl is then securely locked away, and must not be disturbed till
sunrise the following morning, when she is placed before it blindfolded.
She then picks out the same number of letters as there are in her own
name. After these are all out the bandage is removed from her eyes, and
the paper letters spread out before her. She manages them so as to spell
a man's name as best she can with the letters at her disposal. The name
thus found will be that of her future husband.
Trinity and Catalina Bays, N.F.
by the way lilith, you have really good taste in music. I was going through your youtube faves a month ago and saw the tea song by michael hurley in it, and have since been listening to a lot of his stuff
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don't have a lot to add at the moment but all the stuff you've been been posting here lately has been great gods17 ;o
thankx!!! :')
DDR-like game that generates charts off of whatever CDs you put in... unfortunately it's not too great at it and the visuals seem to consist of a dumpy skeleton dancing in a black void. apparently has a virtual pet-style twist where your avatar learns new dance moves and evolves.
o.k. this might be reaching a bit from dumptopic aesthetic but it's a couple of little kids named Kable and Hunter heelying around an empty parking garage to aimless trancey electronica that keeps cutting out
Hungry Ghosts is a fucking rad japanese ps2 game, the hardcoregaming101 page is all interesting and i recommend it, but basically you're a warrior (of either gender) with a good chance of being damned to eternal torment, fighting ghouls in this unbelievably oppressive and grim kings-fieldy hellworld to possibly figure out how to save your soul, you find molding scraps of paper with obscure information that's necessary to figuring out the mystery behind the game (but there's no translations available so good luck), also sometimes you find items that are guarded by enemies and you have to let them bite you to get ahold of the object.
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DDR-like game that generates charts off of whatever CDs you put in... unfortunately it's not too great at it and the visuals seem to consist of a dumpy skeleton dancing in a black void. apparently has a virtual pet-style twist where your avatar learns new dance moves and evolves.
no wayy
i remember seeing heelys for the first time without knowing about them and not being sure if these gliding, motionless children were servants of the devil or just the victims of some animation budgetcut / nonessential npcs rendered as doom WAD style poster people
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the skeleton and the hungry ghost ... oh wow!
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o.k. this might be reaching a bit from dumptopic aesthetic but it's a couple of little kids named Kable and Hunter heelying around an empty parking garage to aimless trancey electronica that keeps cutting out
haha omg I remember seeing infomercials for heely's when I was like 13.  I remember being old enough to be suspicious of products advertized for sale on tv, but secretly wanting a pair despite myself. they were sneakers with retractable skate wheels... there's a part of me that still secretly would like a pair... alas, they only come as big as men's size 9...
anyways check this 1990's television news piece on early VR
it kind of amazes me that only just very recently are people taking a stab at VR again with the oculus rift.
Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 01:32:31 pm by Neuropath
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