Topic: Pokemon Black/White (Read 4410 times)

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luckily I roll with tepig (or did at one point)

so I can smash smug leaf in the face.
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that's...that's not how you say tepig
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that's...that's not how you say tepig

You might be right but I like to elongate the te  part so it sound like tea pig.

All the haters try to watch him riding dirty.

Update: Celestial Tower suck on so many levels of balls. litwick is so common it's not funny I only found one other pokemon there and only ran in to it once if that's telling you how rare it is to get something other then litwick.

Pokedex 90 obtained 52
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Bitches don't know about my Girugalith.

WTF!?  I've only just beaten Clay so I'm still newbing around all these new Pokemon. *hugs Krokorok*

I'll get my FC up a bit later I guess.

Also, to hell with Clay and his damned Mole.  Had to pull my Throh out of storage and train it up exclusively to deal with that mofo.
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Everything is coming to ahead for me I'm almost got the legendary Dragon just need to go back to rout 4 and kick some ass to get it. then beat last gym leader and bam off to the rat race.

Also I forget where that kid was that wanted to see a dragon type if any one know that will help BTW black.

here a hint a lot of plasma Pokemon are normal so fighting attacks work wonders.
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trubbish is the best new one ever (literally a garbage bag)
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i prefer garbador

so want to be playing this :(
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oh ya i can't wait for my trubbish to evolve.  permanent spot on my team, this pokemon.

scraggy is my second favorite.  dude needs a belt.
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I picked up a garbador he was a pain in the ass to get I had to use a time ball since ultras where failing. not like I will use him because it's better to train it from the ground up so it will sit in my box.

Update: near the end of the game it's like moving around to place to place like on victory road is like a PP endurance match that I seem to lose every time and seem to be taking a lot trips back a forth center.

Update 2:Just saw how awesome a evolved form of timburr can be and yes I will get him because I have 2 DSes and black and white

Update 3:also found a doctor in VR witch will help abundantly

Update 4: knocking at elite 4's door right now.

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big update

I bought 99 revives and 99 Hyper potions

I walked thru the door to the finale challenge. In front of me I saw statue that said what and witch each elite trainer that lies behind each door.

I found out that too my right there was a door that harbored ghost Trainer Lucky me I had 2 Pokemon with dark attacks I switched in Liepard Lv59 and killed like 4 of her pokemon then I got careless and lost him so I thought I could push Embore Lv59 to deal a bit of damage so my weaker Stoutland Lv46 can take it down with a dark move and I pulled off a win and he got a level there now got to figure out which one next to go too. looks like another rinse  and repeat scenario

Used 2 revives and 2 hypers

I deiced to do fighting next I don't have any tump card to do more damage but I have a fighting type on my side and the best part is I fire witch is better then using fire.

Embore is released then the elite throws Throh. off the gate I use Heat Crash and it takes him down bit above 25% if I have to guess 35% Did it once more one hit more too kill Throh. Had to use another hyper and he used full heal :( did heat crash 3 more times for the kill. Next up Sawk lv48 this time I'll go with smog to conserve Heat crash only have 4/10 left. smog missed. So I tried it once more, a hit and poisoned.  now I need to use hyper potion. I'm taking a risk and using head smash miss let's do this once more hit and he's out for the count. my hp is 70 so I need a hyper. Also bad news he threw out conkeldurr I know I'm going to be fighting a up hill Battle with the pokemon. Carp his Attack took half my HP lets hope he has no buff. Also I heal if you didn't know. he just did the same move I might be able to hold out till he's out of PP on his Hammer Arm so I'll tell you when I stop rinsing and repeating. Breaking news he finally missed Time to drop him I use heat crash and he just critical hit me. So I use a hyper. Hyper are at 82. he hit me and I used heat crash. now I need to heal once more.

he just used grass knot so I hit him once more with Heat crash. and he just crit me so I need to heal and he used full restore on conkeldurr. I trying  smog missed, missed need to heal did Smog, missed,missed, heal, smog hit no poison smog missed, heal smog missed and then hit. all he has is grass knot I heal so I don't kill my self for head smash hit head smash once more and ding dong the witch is dead. Now for his last he throws out Mieshao lv50 I heal and it looks like another rinse and repeat scenario

Other thought when doing this healing and get hit thing:Ether I wished I did buy more heals and maybe grained and bit more.

Took a big risk and paid off I his him with Smog with poison now just need to wait it out got lucky because I had less then 35% Hp and kill him with heat crash.

A win is a win no matter by the biggest margins too the smallest.
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current team = Throh , Pidove, Dewott, Herdier, Simisear and blitzle

Throh is a total beast, I might get a decent bug one and replace Pidove, and a roggenrolla instead of Herdier, but I dunno.
What do you guyss think are coolest pokemon up to third gym?
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I'm going to throw in my Liepard as my starter for since I will be going against psychic .

Fight Begins

I trow out Liepard and She trows out Reuniclus . I attack with a Night Slash putting him inchs of his life just to be killed right after I throw in Embore I use Arm trust to do little bit of damage now I revive my  Liepard and I do another attack my last headsmash to kill me off and him he throws out Nusharna  I throw out  Liepard and use night slash I got hit and now going for the heal and she dose the same. I use nigh slash putting her in the red and now going for the kill. Stoutland Lv up
 and he threw out Sigilyph I attack with my last night claw and it killed it. She trows out Gothitelle I switch in a week Pokemon druddigon for a strategic Attack I revive Embore and my pokemon dies now throw in Stoutland and use Retaliate then crunch and dead.

I heal and revive everyone and used Elixir on Embore and  Liepard

Last Elite 4 Drak

Fight begins

I use  Liepard and he use Scrafty I use night slash the after that change out for Embore I use arm trust hits 3 times and once more arm trust missed and I do it again missed need to heal now.  and did a ram trust hits for 2 and he dead. He trows out Krookodile and Iuse arm trust hits for 2 hits and he hit for a kill so I throw in Stoutland and use Retaliate for the kill. he throws out Bisharp and now I use full revive  on Embore then switch back to EmboreI use heat crash and then arm trust and he used full heal and 3 hit for me for the kill Scoutland lv up. He trows out lie[ard I use Heat crash but he made me flinch so I use heat crash once more and for the kill Embore Lv up to 60

I heal everyone

now for the champion

Begin battle with champion lord N

He uses Zekron I use Reshiram  I use Fusion Flare doing 1/2 hp I do it once more doing less the 1/2 now I slash and heal and use F.F. once more and he heals and I do the same and he attack and I heal  I used Extrasensory got a crit need to heal also ues Extrasensory and heal and Extrasensory for the killing blow

He throws out Carracosta and I healed. carracosta almost did a killing blow too my Reshiram I used Extrasensory and Carracosta missed I use dragon breath  and my dragon was killed I trow in Stoutland and use Retaliate for the killing blow and switch out for Embore he uses Klinklang (Fake) I use  Arm Trust 2 hits dead and now he trows out the real one I use the same move hits 2 times for 1/2 of his hp now for the kill with 3 hits. He throws in Archeops I use heat crash dose silighly less then 1/2 damage and Emboar gets killed I thorw out Stoutland and use Retaliate then I use crunch for the kill and Stoutland got a level up he throws out Vanilluxe and I revive Reshiram and Stoutland kicked the buket now I switch back to Reshiram and use F.F for the kill.and I won.
There was one more boss but I will keep him out anywasy he was nothing compared to what you had to go thru so he's a push over with 6 pokemon.

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can you play this on the computer
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can you play this on the computer

Don't know there is only one way to find out.
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The ROM, if it's out (usually people dump the cartridge ASAP to be OMG THE FIRST TO DUMP),  will probably have some huge issue like save data being weird formats or black screens or issues with the ingame timer. It's really only Pokemon games that have this problem every time they're released.
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.
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i got a black screen when i tried to start a new game. people were having the same problem with the japanese releases, it'll be fixed eventually
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i got a black screen when i tried to start a new game. people were having the same problem with the japanese releases, it'll be fixed eventually
there is already a ap fix if you think it's ap

Also just got my conkeldurr and it's going to be bad ass I turned it at 25 so I can use it's stat boost and get the the best out of it
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yeah my emerald rom broke at the end of the elite 4 thing and I had no saves before that so the whole game was a waste. I kinda liked it while it lasted tho which is a lot more than I was expecting from a pokemon game! I had bad memories of red and blue.
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sometimes I feel like a retard, as I generally pick my Pokemon based on how cool they look, so there's literally no way I will not have an electric zebra on my team. I want my Whirlipede to evolve damnit :(
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that's probably better than picking them for reasons of strategy