I'm kind of amazed this hasn't gotten locked yet.
I don't really see a reason to. Batistaberg accepted this discussion by partaking in it. Locking or splitting and moving this topic might be a good idea if we had a ton of traffic and a need for strong moderation in this subforum, but right now it might as well stay this way.
You know it's for discussions like this one that Steel was my favorite member. He was relentless in matters of equality and discrimination and would have made Batistaberg regret ever registering here pages ago. He would have laid down the law. Especially on the issue of gender discrimination (he was a self-described feminist). The idea of women being worse at something than men
due to the specific fact that they are women is no different than believing in, say, the notion that whites are the smartest race and should be giving out orders to the other, dumber races. Which is a pretty terrible thing to believe in and disputed by modern research.
The real reason why there aren't as many women in game development (although there have been quite a few extremely successful ones) is mostly because the industry and its related cultures are extremely masculine and juvenile in nature. As are most industries, actually, including the generic blue and white collar jobs.