Games Dufe's Dragonball Z Standard Development Kit! (Read 1640 times)

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Note: I'm Dufe, lol. It just turns out I registered here awhile back before I started using that nickname

Dufe's Dragonball Z Standard Development Kit

Game Maker Engine : Rpg Maker 2003


It's a Dragonball Z Standard Development kit which can be used to start off learning how to code an adventure battle system  or to create games faster with the already coded engine so newbies can have a easier time making something decent to begin with in Rpg Maker 2003 for

Playable Characters:
- Goku
- Piccolo
- Gohan
- Krillin
- Vegeta
- Tien
- Chaotzu
- Yamcha

8 Directional Walking System
Double Tap System
Attack Swap System
SSJ Transformation for goku (super saiyan 1 only though)
EXP and Level System
Critical Hit and Damage Number System

Youtube Videos:

Big Bang Attack:

Other Random Video.

Mirrors for the current Version Available:

Dufe's Dragonball Z SDK 0.025
Dufe's Dragonball Z SDK 0.02

Note: this is still in development.
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Uh this seems to be the totally wrong section, SDK stands for software development kit, not standard development kit.

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Actaully it can stand for both, and also Starter Development Kit, call it what you like lol. The only place I even abbreviated it was on the 1 video names and Download links lol.

This site section seemed like the most likely place for it too go, because it involves making games. If it isn't the right section, could a moderator please move it? thanks.

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Actaully it can stand for both, and also Starter Development Kit, call it what you like lol. The only place I even abbreviated it was on the 1 video names and Download links lol.

Not to split hairs but I have literally never seen it stand for either of those things (just Software Development Kit) and I can't find any uses of it online.
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If he calls it a standard development kit, then you tell me what three letters he's SUPPOSED to use to shorten it to?

I mean, just because someone already called a software development kit a SDK does that mean NOBODY can call ANYTHING a Slice of Delicious Kiwi? If I come across a slice of kiwi that was really delicious, am I at a total loss at what to call it because following an S word with a D word and a K word is forbidden due to the immutable law of "I call dibs on those three letters in that order"?

That would be madness! What if I happened across a sinister deadly killer? How can I call 911 if all the operator tells me is "Sorry, but SDK stands for 'Software Development Kit'. Please call back again when your emergency doesn't involve the letters S, D, and K in that order."
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If he calls it a standard development kit, then you tell me what three letters he's SUPPOSED to use to shorten it to?

I mean, just because someone already called a software development kit a SDK does that mean NOBODY can call ANYTHING a Slice of Delicious Kiwi? If I come across a slice of kiwi that was really delicious, am I at a total loss at what to call it because following an S word with a D word and a K word is forbidden due to the immutable law of "I call dibs on those three letters in that order"?

That would be madness! What if I happened across a sinister deadly killer? How can I call 911 if all the operator tells me is "Sorry, but SDK stands for 'Software Development Kit'. Please call back again when your emergency doesn't involve the letters S, D, and K in that order."

Why do you always argue this way?  You take some bizarre stance and start arguing it.  It's obvious by the context that he meant SDK the way everyone else means SDK and got the acronym wrong.  He even said himself "it can stand for both" which implies "both are common usages" when the one he's using is never used by anyone.  Why do you take it in this bizarre other direction?
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This topic really seems like it should go in Game Design, seeing as it's more of an engine for game design than an actual videogame in itself.

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Why do you always argue this way?  You take some bizarre stance and start arguing it.  It's obvious by the context that he meant SDK the way everyone else means SDK and got the acronym wrong.  He even said himself "it can stand for both" which implies "both are common usages" when the one he's using is never used by anyone.  Why do you take it in this bizarre other direction?

Actaully to say  "when the one he's using is never used by anyone" is false. if you look you will even see it on the list.

I'm pretty much making this because the last dbz Standard development kit wasn't that good at all. (No offense felix if you see this message)

But that is besides the point, I'm more interested in getting comments about what you all thought about the 0.025 version lol.

If any of you even played it,

do you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the Action Battle System that has been made so far?

@hobomasterxxx yeah, this probably would be more likely considered a game engine.

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I'm pretty much making this because the last dbz Standard development kit wasn't that good at all. (No offense felix if you see this message)
Lol judging by your feature list this is a big ol' pile of garbage too. The only way an action system can be any good in rm2k3 is if you're one of those brilliant psychos that used to make pixel movement and collision systems in the engine. No offense but there is absolutely no need for a dragonball z SDK in rm2k3. Hell there's no need for a dragonball z sdk period. 99% of dbz fangames are terrible (as opposed to I guess 80% of official ones), and if a good one exists it sure as hell wasn't made in rm2k3, and for god damn sure wasn't made using some useless middleware for your middleware like this.
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Also wikipedia makes no mention of a "standard development kit" in common usage, and google results show a link to said wikipedia page, the Java SDK Standard edition, one usage of it in reference to an electronics kit, a couple of non-english websites and a warez site. It's safe to say you're wrong and that "Standard Development Kit" is not in common usage. Just because it's been used before doesn't make it correct, and acronym websites often have acronyms that aren't in common usage, so using them as a source is useless.

Admit when you've made a mistake, don't try to justify.
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also you stink like a butt
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I cant help but wonder when I read through this topic, have we ran out off things to argue about?][/url]
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I cant help but wonder when I read through this topic, have we ran out off things to argue about?

There will never be a point where you can run out of things to argue about.

Just like there will never be a point where you can get an acronym wrong.

Quote from:  Wikipedia
Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations formed from the initial components in a phrase or name. These components may be individual letters (as in CEO) or parts of words (as in Benelux and Ameslan). There is no universal agreement on the precise definition of the various terms (see nomenclature), nor on written usage (see orthographic styling). While popular in recent English, such abbreviations have historical use in English as well as other languages. As a type of word formation process, acronyms and initialisms are viewed as a subtype of blending.
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lol nope. that means that there is no precise agreement on what distinguishes an acronym from an initialism, nor on whether to use .s or not
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EDC why does every discussion you enter involve you arguing purely on abstract ideas about the meanings of words?  It seems like everything you argue includes WORDS HAVE NO MEANING.  It's such a useless line of argument and you do this in every thread I see you post in and alskdjfldkjfdklfj why do I even care at this point saltw is dying my posts are shit the atmosphere here is all wrong
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EDC why does every discussion you enter involve you arguing purely on abstract ideas about the meanings of words?  It seems like everything you argue includes WORDS HAVE NO MEANING.  It's such a useless line of argument and you do this in every thread I see you post in and alskdjfldkjfdklfj why do I even care at this point saltw is dying my posts are shit the atmosphere here is all wrong

It wasn't my argument though.

I quoted that from Wikipedia. All I'm doing is the same thing you are doing.

Also, acronyms are not words. While I admit that I argue words being between 99 and 100% subjective way more often than I should (which is entirely different from claiming WORDS HAVE NO MEANING), in this particular case that argument does not apply.

I'd agree that words have only one meaning long before I'd ever agree that acronyms can only have one meaning.

And yeah, you do have a point with this place dieing off. If you are working this hard to argue such an insignificant point about acronyms, you must realize that you are in this in a bad way. (it's ok Vell, we both are. This place just does bad things to me psychologically I suppose.)
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shame you misinterpreted the thing you were quoting
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It's what I do best.

Quoting is a futile and pointless endeavor anyways. That was the only thing I was really trying to prove here today.

(Also, I admit that it is indeed possible to get an acronym wrong. If you say something like "DKP" is an acronym for the phrase"Software Development Kit", then that is a valid example of you getting an acronym genuinely wrong.)
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There exists such a concept of standards and common usage though.
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calling it a Software Development Kit is not any more correct, you guys, it's just wrong in a different way.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?