this is weird to say about an internet person i really barely knew, but steel had a huge impact on me... huge. i was younger then, and so i was easily influenced i guess, but looking back today, i honestly feel he was a huge influence on who i am today.... he tought me to think critically, to look at things differently... he introduced me to my absolute FAVORITE BOOK infinite jest. fuck he single handedly ignited my love of reading in general. i am truly a much better person for knowing him. BECAUSE i knew him. if i hadnt.... i really, really believe i am so different today... for the worse... i wish i had told him these things.... i didnt post much after his death, for loss of words i guess, and these are the things i wish i said then. i suppose its better to say them late then never. if there is a heaven i cant wait to dap that nigga......
im sorry god i am drunk.