Topic: How do you stop yourself social networking? (Read 1324 times)

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You guys all realize forums are a form of social networking correct?
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just remind yourself that you have an alarmingly finite amount of moments on this planet and begin becoming deathly afraid of the inevitability of the final moments of your life, lying in your deathbed, reflecting on your prime, unable to remember doing anything but posting/reading fucking garbage on twitter
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You guys all realize forums are a form of social networking correct?

Yeah, but one usually has some external purpose for a forum other than just posting shit like "I ate a sandwich" or "I watched Star Wars".

Hopefully, at least. I'm guilty of posting 1 liner posts though. As are many people.
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100% of my posts are one liners do not worry.

(PS I had pizza hut for lunch)
Hey hey hey
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I actually don't have any friends yet I still find excuses to go on facebook more than I have any reason to (the occasional update on some society/uni related thing that actually guides my behaviour in any way). Maybe I should get rid of it.

nah instead add me
ASE is on there, too. You can follow ASE's life from afar.
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is the expos hat and nick swisher like ironic or genuine? actually iirc you're a twins fan so at least the swish like is probably not

I generally dislike online chatting with people I know. it's cool to be able to catch up with people you like, but just going on about nothing through text over the internet is pretty boring. my facebook mostly just sits there and I get an email if someone sends me a message or something, otherwise I only occasionally check it when I'm bored. so I guess my advice is stop seeing it as a social outlet, because it's really not.
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I'm addicted to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr but honestly it's where I get 99% of my news from so meh.
Dok Choy
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Easy solution: delete your facebook account?

Hard way: Destroy all humans being. (just kidding ^^)
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half a month late but neither are ironic, earl, I just love baseball. I own a few hats from other teams while Nick Swisher is a decent player with a rare bit of personality (by MLB standards). I don't really 'like' anything on facebook though (it's a really stupid system and probably designed to sell you shit) so it probably stands out for that reason.

I did sort of a drive by post before but I think stuff like facebook/twitter are great for staying in touch; they are just progressions from email, blogs and forums. Don't get caught up in other bullshit like games and I don't see how you can be wasting time, unless you consider the conversations with people a waste of time. That's a whole different issue, though. What else are you doing on there? If it's a distraction at work then that again is a separate issue and I have ideas for addressing that if you wanna hear them. How is it coming Ed?

And I missed Biggles post before soliciting your friendship Jamie, if your post was in response to his then I can see those concerns and certainly understand them. However, facebook doesn't need to be a serious thing, just like Twitter. I'd rather use it infrequently and have a way of following one of my favorite GW artists after this site's death than worry about if some boss is going to use it against me. Plus there are privacy setting but by in large I avoid putting anything on there of substance that couldn't be found elsewhere.
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cool, glad you came back at least to reply to this thread

baseball is great, everyone here at SW is an orioles fan
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even I am an orioles fan and I am from new zealand and have never seen a baseball game in my life. I had an orioles shirt when I was 9-10 and wore it nearly every day therefore they are my default baseball team.
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ahhahaha definitely. i've been in their baseball match, their player was retiring, didn't get the freebie player shirt... really, the strongest most powerful memory of america...
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I deleted my Facebook for a year. Reactivated it once Summer came around and haven't really thought about it since. I didn't feel relieved that I had deleted it, and it didn't add to my quality of life or anything. I think we're all addicted, but as long as it doesn't actually interfere with your life (ie facebook creeping so hard you don't actually go outside) then you're okay. There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay up to date with your friends' lives.

Also regarding the creativity thing... I am friends and/or "like" lots of creative people's pages. You can really turn the website into whatever kind of hub you want it to be. Maybe make your news feed strictly comprise of Comp Sci, Art, Music pages and you can actually make it a productive website?
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