Topic: 1920's Gangster GURPS RP (Read 1673 times)

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Decided I'd try and start a GURPS game on IRC, which later developed into using Roll20, and then I decided I'd rather use MapTool. Anyway, here is a direct link to Havern IRC:

And having a topic on Salt seemed like a good idea as well so maybe players can post their character sheet (EDIT: if you are OK with the other players seeing it.  Otherwise E-mail your character sheet to me: warpped655 @ gmail . com)
 and such and we can discuss things in between games without worrying if the person in question is on IRC. (though Sarevok, Toothache, and Dorothy hardly ever post on SW/GW anymore, Faust and Dead Phoenix do and perhaps the others will return if only to post here)

I'm using Google Docs to provide important information for people who want to join:

The gist is that we are using Maptools to play once I get going on a session and I'd like you to use GURPS Character Sheet to set up your character. But there are a lot of imporant details you need to see in the Google Docs page.

Faust, Sarevok, Dorothy, Dead Phoenix (possibly)

I'm open for 1 more person assuming Dead Phoenix doesn't join. I don't want it getting to crowded for now since I'm brand new to playing pen and paper games online let alone running them online. (I've done both offline though, and ran 2 with GURPS, the system we are using for this game)

I also have not heard from Toothache but I'm pretty sure he said he was going to play, but if he doesn't I'll have another spot open. If, later I grow a bit in confidence in running online games I might let in more people in this game or future games that I run.

Yep, NVM Toothache's not playing. So I'm open for an extra player.

Scratch that. I got enough players.

I'll also probably use this space to set up game times once I have everything figured out.
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I could probably join in depending on the schedule you guys plan(shouldn't be too much of a problem, my schedule is really open), but I've got couple online pnp games I'm playing(and one I'm gming) that it probably wouldn't hurt to skip this one if someone else is interested. Also, I've yet to even start reading the GURPS book... probably try to get started today or tomorrow whether or not I'm joining.
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Welp, I hope you stick by because I was wrong about Toothache. He isn't playing.

EDIT: also, send me your character sheet ASAP if you are going to play. I've largely finished the first part of the game but I want your character sheets so I can make macros for your individual tokens.
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Yo I will send mine over later today dude!
Hey hey hey
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How do you play this americans?
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Okay, here is an extremely messy character sheet I am sure I did several things wrong with, and really isn't quite done. Doing this at 2 in the morning was probably not the best idea.
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Okay, here is an extremely messy character sheet I am sure I did several things wrong with, and really isn't quite done. Doing this at 2 in the morning was probably not the best idea.
Only one thing wrong but that's alright. We aren't using a generic "Guns" skill. How gurps works normally is that you pick one the the specific gun skill types.  (don't worry you'll be able to use the other gun types semi-effectively, they 'default' to skill just under whatever gun skill you choose. if you want defaults to show up just ad them to your skills and set the amount of points to 0. Remember that upgrading skills costs double for ever point after the second up to 16, 1 for +1, 2 for +2, 4 for +3, 8 for +4, 16 for +5, 32 for +6, 48 for +7, etc. )

Search in the skill list for 'gun' and you should get a list, I'd recommend Sub-machineguns since you are going to use a Tommy gun (Dorothy and Sarevok decided against getting a Tommy Gun) But I'd also recommend you buy a pistol or revolver so you can hide your weapon more effectively when you aren't out for blood and just want to have something to defend yourself with. (Unless you want to buy a violin case and stash your Tommy Gun in there and carry it around, though it'd take you time to assemble.)

Also, I was writing some generic macros and ran into some trouble so we might run without some macros for the first session if I can't figure out what is wrong. And I also get the rare error screen but it doesn't crash or disconnect or anything like that so I think we should be ok.

As for when we start, I was thinking weekly, on Friday night. 6pm CDT (Central Daylight Time, which is Indiana time) And probably have sessions go for a 2-5 hours depending on how things go. Does that sound OK to you guys?

And make sure you have port 51234 forwarded. There is still a small risk of connection issues but I doubt it.
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I actually knew about the selecting a specific gun type, I just forgot to actually add it to the sheet apparently.(which, I just updated: )
The time seems pretty good for me btw.
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Well, 6pm CDT Friday doesn't work for sarevok, unfortunately.

I just asked Dorothy and he said 1pm CDT on Saturday would work. Is that alright with you Dead Phoenix? (and anyone else who is reading)
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Faust is gone from fri-mon this week so we'll be starting next week assuming everyone is OK with Saturday 1pm CDT.
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Ohhh... Saturday isn't so good for me, while getting up early isn't a big deal, I actually have another game planned for later in the day(should start at roughly 6 pm pst, maybe 7.), if the game ends before that, I guess that would be fine, but if at all possible I'd like to avoid 2 games in one day(if not... well see who it things go I guess).
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ok. since I'll be getting extra time anyway, what about friday or sunday (either I don't care) at 1pm CDT?
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either of those should work fine for me.
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Since no one has voiced a preference for either day, I'm going with Friday, at 1PM CDT. Our first game session will be on August 31st. We'll meet up in Havern and I'll send you all the password to join my server as a player on MapTool.

Glad to have that sorted out.
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Our first game session has been moved to September, 1st, at 1pm CDT. Since Friday conflicts with Dorothy's Schedule.
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Game is cancelled I guess, no one showed up at Havern at the time and date. :/

Just as well I guess, I haven't gotten everyone's char sheets and I still have some work to do on macros and stuff (Gah, my OCD to include the complexity of GURPS in every macro). And I can write up some more content since the first 'mission' is done.

I guess we'll just try next week. Also I realized CDT isn't Indiana time currently. CDT is 1 hour ahead. :P IDK why I though they were the same time. Indiana time is actually EDT right now.

So our ACTUAL first session will be on the 8th of September, 1PM EDT.

EDIT: OR if you guys all show up tomorrow (Sunday), for a belated game this week at the same time, 1PM EDT.

Argh, set backs.
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YO I am still in. Just got my net and phone services reconnected so HOORAY!
Hey hey hey
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OK, so you guys haven't shown up yet. Which is OK, this was an optional session and I didn't expect it to pan out since it was such short notice. We'll just stick to the 8th of September, 1PM EDT date for our first session.

Faust, send me your character sheet.
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haha wow, its never ending. My dad needs me to help him Saturday. So I'm moving the date to Sunday, 1pm EDT instead.

Let the others know if you see them! I'll also be posting this on the docs page.
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Hey warped I've never played A Gurps game before but I think I'd like to play in this.