Sweet. Tell me if you find any bugs. I'm still making lots of changes. Also tell me if you have any ideas.
Let me give you the run down of how it works!
This site is essentially for hosting competitions like ludum dare really easily.
You have to create an account to do anything, so do that first. After that you can create competitions if you want. But you can also enter competitions.
All competitions have start and end date. You can join the comp any time before or during it. After joining you have the option to submit an entry. Submit early, you can edit and change things as time goes on! You can upload files, add screenshots, and do title and description on your entry. Each entry gets its own page that you can share, and people can comment on it. The description uses markdown for formatting, here's a quick guide:
http://www.darkcoding.net/software/markdown-quick-reference/After the end date you can't edit your entry anymore. So make sure you have it ready by then.
The rating period is between the end date and the "winner chosen at" date. The way it works now is all entries can be rated on criteria set by the competition host. Right now I think anyone with an account can rate, but in the future we will make it so only people who are in the competition can rate. I don't think anyone here cares about rating, and there's no way to turn it off yet, but it's there in case you are interested.
If you want to run a competition of your own with it tell me! I'll help you set one up and code any features you want!
(BTW I'm working on this with my friend so if I say we that's who I am talking about!)