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hi Seph are you still listening to weird rock?

i remember people telling me how I'll grow out of metal and prog... heh...

anyway if someone wants to make another Troubadour album I'll be up for that
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oh and here is another thing which still exists from my GW-related past:

ahahaha semper games

EDIT: i remember that when i put up that video, some of my IRL friends saw it and thought i was really weird and messed up. sacrificed my reputation 4 GW no Big Deal......
semper games.
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Who was that kind of angry asian kid? He studies film now I think. I remember him being quite young mentally. He had a shaved head.
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he's no longer on sw but he's still around, I talk to him on facebook occasionally.
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oh and here is another thing which still exists from my GW-related past:

ahahaha semper games

EDIT: i remember that when i put up that video, some of my IRL friends saw it and thought i was really weird and messed up. sacrificed my reputation 4 GW no Big Deal......
oh no those comments aaaaaaaaaaaa
gamers are the worst people in the world!!
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pansexual, not lesbian. FYI :P i am indeed super queer these days! a lot of my childhood homophobia came from a source of self-hatred and repression. thankfully, i eventually learned to accept myself and others. :> i'm still a Christian though, btw (Quaker, specifically).

also, hi Shep, good to see you around :D

if your a quaker that means you must eat a lot of oatmeal good you are getting your fiber
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hi Seph are you still listening to weird rock?

i remember people telling me how I'll grow out of metal and prog... heh...

anyway if someone wants to make another Troubadour album I'll be up for that

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Lately, I've been listening mostly to:

LCD Soundsystem
The Walkmen
Chillwave (Washed out, Small Black, Memory Cassette/Memory Tapes/Weird Tapes, VEGA, etc)
The Beta Band
Jim O'Rourke
Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control
Simon & Garfunkel
but I also listen to loads of other things (not metal, not rap, not cringe pop...)
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Ah Psyburn that's the one.
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I still remember samueltehG33K who couldnt' get that the whole thing was a set up, now that's trolling. Ahhhh good times.
I remember psyburn, what happend to him?
RIP DoktorMartini

My brute!
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i showed my now-girlfriend some cool-clips on youtube and later she searched my username and found gamingw and my joning etc.

i don't know what i was doing with some of my old posts but a lot are just offensive/unfunny and it's just generally painful to re-read.
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faux pas man... faux pas

you don't show GW to your girlfriend,
you don't show GW to your mother that gave you birth,
you don't show GW to anyone
except maybe your dog
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you don't register with the same username everywhere you go unless its something super generic.
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are every topic archived since the very start? i think there were deleted ones>
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i showed my now-girlfriend some cool-clips on youtube and later she searched my username and found gamingw and my joning etc.

i don't know what i was doing with some of my old posts but a lot are just offensive/unfunny and it's just generally painful to re-read.

well she is your girlfriend now so i guess everything worked out! must've not been toooooo shameful.

also, i actually tried explaining targ to my girlfriend tonight! haha. and i'm totes gonna get her to play Barkley, Space Funeral, 78641, etc
semper games.
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you don't register with the same username everywhere you go unless its something super generic.
i think i got the right idea
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anyway if someone wants to make another Troubadour album I'll be up for that
hey yeah lets do this i'm in support of this
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loving the old faces coing back!

used to be wyrm back in he era
Wyrm  | Madolah | ær 
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its cool to see all the old peoples coming back.