look at tyler perry for instance. everyone likes to laugh at how shitty the madea movies are, but that dude is filthy rich and created a media empire for himself that's completely outside the mainstream establishment. and the secret to his success is because he knew there was an enormous market that was being neglected and that there was a ton of money to be made. granted the madea movies are shit, but they're important in that they blazed that trail and proved there was a market. now the next young black filmmaker who's more talented that perry will have something to aim for, and the status of media created for and by blacks can begin to elevate itself.
the only thing more horrifying than this example is the fact that i can't think of a better one. like the idea of a counterculture breakthrough is kinda impossible now, and the best we can hope for is TYLER PERRY who manages to be just as repulsive as the mainstream but with slightly different coordinates. jesus christ THIS IS WHERE WE ARE, THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE BECOME. STAY TUNED FOR MY STARTLING ESSAY
back on topic though, i'm pretty much completely resigned to the fact that the greater thrust of the media is going to remain dull-minded and socially/ethnically/culturally/sexually counterproductive, to the point where i'd even be pretty skeptical of the far-reaching effect of some wonderful messianic media figure who actually wasn't a complete waste, or some mystical positive genre that actually has intrinsically worthwhile things to convey. it has to be a pretty deliberate effort if you want to actively revise the way the media depicts certain concepts, and it's really just not set up for that. the entertainment industry as a whole isn't as much creators as they are selfless parrots, clinging vaguely to the concepts of their predecessors without paying the slightest bit of attention to the ultimate effect of their work. the zombie genre is a decent example of this, i guess. as far as i can tell, george romero is pretty much the main reason why we have that right now, and while his films were a little too silly, maybe got caught up slightly too much in horror genre bullshit, i generally think his movies mean well and have some greater thematic intent. he's got some things to say, and while he has the worst possible way of saying it, the idea of zombies ultimately works as a reasonably effective metaphor, or at the worst an interesting setting to explore other themes. of course virtually everybody else that's come after him just latched brainlessly onto the idea without really paying any attention to the inner narrative of the work, which is what romero's works were really ultimately about. fuck, nobody is even asking WHY everyone is so hopelessly engaged with the zombie theme(imho a reasonably interesting question), they're just churning shit out because there's money there. i could sit all day and come up with examples like this, but this is really the core of the problem: not enough people really seriously give a shit about the meaning and ultimate impact of their work, what they're contributing to the collective fabric of our social consciousness. it wouldn't be enough to have some great, wonderful anti-tyler perry appear and literally bleed sincerity all over our television sets, or even several of these people running parallel, because invariably anyone inspired enough to try going down a similar path would choose to do so on only superficial terms, hit the basic concepts without for a moment considering the underlying themes. you get past all the guns and boobs, and this is really the core of the problem, a stunning lack of thought. unfortunately, you can't really teach that. people need to find that on their own, redefine their own definition of acceptable thought.
the greater problems with the media aren't something that could really meaningfully boil over into something that required immediate self-evaluation, so this is something that really needs to happen internally and on some larger scale. it wouldn't be enough for entertainment with a positive message to exist, people need to LEARN FROM IT. that's asking far too much.
basically: we're fucked. this is only going to get worse. i'd love to be completely wrong about this, but i just don't see it happening in my lifetime.