Hi. It is summer for me now, and I still want to do this. I have recorded an intro what will be the first episode, to help give people a sense of it and make it more tangible. This will probably be used in the final episode, and from here I will add things on to the podcast piecemeal as I am able to get people to help. I'll do as much of it alone as I can, but I want it to primarily consist of live conversations because those are always more interesting to listen to than one person.
Anyway, here is the link. I'm going to make a doodle for scheduling over the next say, two weeks, and you can fill in any time slot when you know you'd be available for an 'interview' style thing about a specific story relating to the theme, or if there are multiple people available at a given time we can do a group chat thing. If you have a good mic and internet connection, that'd be a big plus, but don't feel that because you don't it isn't possible to do. It's best to have as much material as possible and we'll see what is what.
Here is the intro: