Question Does anyone know some movies like 1408? (Read 159 times)

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Now just to be clear, I'm not a fan of horror movies. Not because they scare me, but because usually, the definition of a horror movie is blood, gore, zombies, ghosts, monsters.
One day I for some reason came across a Wikipedia page about movies with timeloops. 1408 caught my eye. I read the synopsis and decided to give it a go. 
Man oh man. Holy shit. What a brilliant movie. I mean, everything about it. A sarcastic ego-centric writer who doesn't believe in shit goes into a hotel room where all this crazy shit happens.
But, what scared me about it wasn't the dead zombie chasing him through the air ducts, or a masked dude trying to kill him. What scared me is when the window slams down on his hand and pulverizes it for no reason. Or when he sees a guy behind the window on the opposite of the street, who is clearly not a reflection, and a few seconds later it turns out to be a doppelganger. Or when tries to escape to the window of the next room, only to find out all windows had disappeared.
So I guess what scares me (or excites me) is that batshit insane shit that can't be explained. Mindfucks. The receptionist randomly calling about a sandwich he never ordered.
Anyway, this is kinda turning into a long post, but I just wanted to ask if anyone here has seen 1408 and knows some movies similar to it. No monster movies, no zombies, no vampires, no ghosts, just complete mindfucks and completely illogical thrills.
By the way, I've also seen the movie Triangle, and it comes pretty close to 1408 in terms of insanity. I thought that one was scarier though, and I still don't understand how the time loop worked. But anyway, that kinda thing.
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The Game?
re: comments section don't look up gang stalking they're sad people
Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 10:37:03 pm by Ragnar
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literally everything david lynch has ever done, particularly stuff like lost highway and mulholland dr
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I figured The Game more because it's basically the whole plot is WEIRD SHIT HAPPENS TO GUY people fuck with this dude's life and he has no idea what's going on. Like he catches a taxi and the taxi driver just JUMPS OUT the car and he drives off a dock or something. It's basically watch this guy get into weird unfortunate situations and be entertained or something
Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 01:18:19 am by Ragnar
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Well, I just watched The Game.
I have to say it was a pretty good movie. Although, not as good as 1408. I mean, sure a lot of crazy shit happens to this guy for no reason, but he already knows that it's a game. And even when he starts to believe it's a conspiracy to rob him of his money, the fact remains that it's staged (although I did think for a few minutes that it actually was a conspiracy). All the shit that happens in 1408 is real, even if it's unbelievable and absolutely impossible. That's what makes it so good.
Also, the Hollywood ending kind of ruined it. In my opinion it would have been better if he actually did shoot his brother dead and killed himself jumping off a roof. It kinda reminds me of the movie Criminal, where this spanish guy joins up with a guy and is conspiring with all of his friends and family to get money from him. And then in the end you see him celebrating with all the family and friends on the success of the undertaking.
Anyway, if anyone knows any more movies like this, I'd love to hear it.