idk i don't like all the Javas and the platformyness. there seems to be a lot of digging for info on how to set up a project or port an existing one, and putting your project on it forever surrenders it to be part of The World of Android. maybe i'm misinformed, but i just don't trust them damn platform-havers. enough of my time is already wasted on just moping and being stupid, i don't really want to spend it on porting too. don't like needing to have a deployment/build process that differs from the one that works for windows/mac/linux. this is usually a fact of console development, sure, but i don't see why it needs to be this way. maybe it's the hardware? i don't know shit about hardware.
anyways it's more of a "hmm looks suspicious" than an "i will never use this" to android on my part.