Games opinions on the ouya (Read 2093 times) ouya gaming

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the ouya looks like it has a lot of functionally with unity and stuff like that so i was curious what people thought about it, because my opinions are kinda mixed by the fact that we might have a ton of shitty games on there but then again it makes for a player-based console.
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IDK. I'm honestly kind of disinterested. What the Ouya is trying to be the PC already is. That is, a good platform for indie games. So IDK. Its kind of neat I guess?
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it seems cool but i'm sad it's android based. price is decent for a tv-plugger-inner.
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You'd prefer something else in particular Biggles? Android does seem like an odd choice. I kind of like Android for phones but IDK how it'd work for a game console.
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android is kinda a bad OS, it's only redeeming feature is the fact it is better than iOS and windows phone.
it would probably have been much smarter to have a linux based OS imho because that is a lot less hassle to port for than android. (i think)
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Isn't Android Linux based?
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yeah android is basically a modified Linux Kernel with a runtime consisting of the Dalvik VM and core libraries. Seems to me that Android is a good platform to put on something like this because there's a lot of software already available, the hardware(Tegra 3) was pretty much designed with that OS in mind, and it has relatively mature developer tools. why is running android a bad thing?
Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 06:56:30 am by Barack Obama
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i might be interested in one as a device that can run emulators at 1080p with decent wireless controllers
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idk i don't like all the Javas and the platformyness. there seems to be a lot of digging for info on how to set up a project or port an existing one, and putting your project on it forever surrenders it to be part of The World of Android. maybe i'm misinformed, but i just don't trust them damn platform-havers. enough of my time is already wasted on just moping and being stupid, i don't really want to spend it on porting too. don't like needing to have a deployment/build process that differs from the one that works for windows/mac/linux. this is usually a fact of console development, sure, but i don't see why it needs to be this way. maybe it's the hardware? i don't know shit about hardware.
anyways it's more of a "hmm looks suspicious" than an "i will never use this" to android on my part. 
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It's pretty much just an overpriced android box that people are going to use to emulate SNES games on their TVs. Other than that, there's a ton of terrible shovelware titles like this thing.
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the requiring free-to-play bullshit is bullshit though. it's fucking stupid that they would do that and the only reasoning i can think of is so they dont have to deal with setting up payment processing on the ouya and leave it up to the devs instead.
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so there is literally no developer payment mechanism?
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It's pretty much just an overpriced android box that people are going to use to emulate SNES games on their TVs. Other than that, there's a ton of terrible shovelware titles like this thing.
"overpriced"? It's 99 USD, the higher end android-TV device I've seen runs about the same price or more and even they typically have lower device specifications and no controller. Tegra 3's still aren't cheap.

;) also I'm pretty sure that this can probably run Dreamcast emulation so it'll be a pretty nice multiplatform emulator box.
Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 09:56:03 pm by Barack Obama
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I think the free-to-play thing is pretty good. They're not giving them all away, generally you'll get a level or two for free demo/shareware style and then you can unlock the rest if you pay. Given that the console has its own interface/user profile thing going on I think buying games on it won't be much different than any of the others. According to the requirements for having a game on their store there's a Ouya payment API, so there is definitely a developer payment mechanism.
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I don't really know much about the Ouya, maybe someone can fill me in, but isn't it so that most of the Android games/apps are built for touch interfaces and don't necessarily translate very well to the controller paradigm?
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I don't really know much about the Ouya, maybe someone can fill me in, but isn't it so that most of the Android games/apps are built for touch interfaces and don't necessarily translate very well to the controller paradigm?

I mean, there's a lot of android/iOS games that don't really translate well to touch+accelerometer either, so i think the 'controller games' will likely find their way to this platform.
Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 11:00:18 pm by Barack Obama
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Yeah I guess, but iirc one of the sellings points was "there are already a lot of games for Android" which I thought was a bit weird at the time.
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yeah i agree on the fact there really aren't gonna be anything like the library of android store on there.
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I think they're pretty open about letting people root these things so people can make their own android distros for it and putting the Google Play Store on there would be pretty trivial... So it seems like this thing could(probably already does) have the library of the android store on there. 
idk android is basically like any other OS but heavily dependent on a big old Java VM runtime, plus it's compatible with a ton of peripherals & software, seems like this thing could be a neat low-power HTPC/game console replacement.   
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As a potential purchaser of the console, it's certainly something I plan to have. Particularly as it is the only console in my price-range and I like TV games. My scepticism / grumblyness is as a possible maker of games for the thing. Better than the costs and processes for existing consoles though.