okay, so its been a good while since we've seriously discussed new music, or atleast I know it has been since I have. knowing the folks around here; you've all probably perused all round the web, radio. etc... and have found some pretty neat shit you have yet to share, heres your chance.
That is really what this topic is about. Music you've personally newly discovered or that is newly released or going to be released, gossip, whatever. I've found a couple I'm gonna start out with.
The Alabama Shakes:
Previously mentioned in another topic. The alabama shakes are a garage rock group from alabama, their frontwoman can out zepp robert plant and they are all generally very very talented. Their debut album is entitled: Boys & Girls and the entire thing is very good. Every song is tolerable and most of them are fucking incredible.
Here are some examples of their bluesy greatness:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svZNjhsk2ys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTLAEI9seMY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNxWyVAtBiUGary Clark Jr.:
This guy has been compared to jimmy hendrix and rightfully so, he is very talented and probably my fav right now. from straight blues, old-school delta style, hip hop, southern rock this guy can pretty much do anything with a guitar. Gary Clark Jr. has been higly anticipated for a couple years now, promoted by Jay Z and alecia keys. Before he released his debut album black and blu, I was listening to eps or live recordings, the same songs recorded on the album sound totally different and you can really see gary's skill, flexibility, and progression since then. That and the whole album's producing is really good too. The album Black and Blu is a masterpiece, each and every song is great and gary cannot fuck anything up.
such as:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_q5HCm2_WQ - gary rockin' obama's fuckin socks off
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ZeDn-hHGEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pOdHIkv-64 Citizen Cope:
Citizen Cope is an indie blues/soul rocker based in washington, he performs, mixes, and produces all of his own music which is real chill stuff. rymefest uses his song and he's worked with a bunch of other well known people. eric clapton, sheryl crow, dido and carlos santana. I like citizen cope and he reminds me of sublime alot for some reason.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fpKncoeF3g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUfh5mbjjrw I've got more music to share later but I'm just gonna let this topic stew right now