Contest SW-JAM 2013 Welcome Page (Read 12375 times) Game Jam 14-22 September

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AGH I wrote up a big post and accidentally hit a back button shortcut and lost all of it. Have to rewrite it...
I played the games on the official page.
Cactus Road: Most "jump out of your seat" scary game of the bunch. Also the hardest. Was not able to beat it. Only got 4 of the 6 tanks. The way collisions in the game work frustrated me a bit but the game definitely spooked me.
Treat Fighter: Not my kind of game. I got a high score of 47500. And got it once I figured out running circles around the enemies and then hit and run style kicking was the most effective strategy. Good art work and sounds though.
Pumpkin Moonshine: Had the best gameplay of all of the games. I beat the game and got 27.47% score. Felt fairly challenging with out being frustrating. Great music and charming art.
The Witch King of Decadensia: Most creepily atmospheric game. I ended up being a dragonfriend. Very well written.
Puzzle Dream: Interesting idea. Reached level 7 and got a bit bored and mildly frustrated though. Text snippets made the game for me.
Kissin Wizard: To bad its unfinished. Very interesting and very crazy. The tiny bit of Gameplay reminded me a bit of Coffee Mafia game that Jmickle made which is a good thing. Artwork is cool.
Eclipse/Random Zombie Game by jamesthejam: I got a score of 152. Not much else to say.
A Ghost By Choice: Wouldn't run. Said DX8VB.dll was missing. I don't trust the dll sites and I'm not going to troubleshoot but I do want to play this game!
4-LUNG BOY: This is super charming and excellent art work and music and entertaining writing. I got stuck though. I need a walkthrough.
EDIT (forgot to talk about this one): Lime Xpress: I'm curious as to were this game was going. I hope you finish it later!
For me its a tie between Pumpkin Moonshine and Decadensia with 4-LUNG-BOY being a close second place to these games. I seriously don't know who to vote for between the 2. I also don't know where to go to vote.
Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 05:44:43 pm by Warped655
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forgot there was an official submissions page u___u''
i will be going thru these tonight!
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That's weird that it won't work. Does everyone receive the DX error
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Just played Mystery Channel it was pretty great thecatamites.
Keep up the good work and
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game reviews::
4-Lung Boy: really liked this, music + mix of art styles (photo, pixel, sketches) + idea of an adventure game story where you are kind of peripheral to the "main plot" and where this plot is used to bound + comment on what's going on with you + being able to solve circuitous adventuregame puzzles by just asking people for things. was surprised by how large + comprehensive world was too! 10/10
Random Zombie Game: I liked the goofy folkrock song that played. After a certain point I stopped trying to kill all the zombys and just tried to explore the abstract urban void in which they were contained, including a park with what looked like an ice section but which i guess was water. top score c110. 10/10
Lime Express: fave game feature was the little "ping" noise when you talk to someone changing pitch each time you do it. liked angular 3d hell dimension, crystal train, a couple of walls textured with random images and presented without comment, like a redecorating project that burned out midway thru. 10/10
Kissin' Wizard: "wow... is this the new zelda (nintendo) game??" loved scrolling glowing amiga-style title text also music. kept crashing but i enjoyed sifting thru game files to find hidden messages + levels and also trying to edit the text files to make my own incoherent levels. did it work? NO!!!!!!! 10/10
Pumpkin Moonshine: got 5 pumkin. really cool, atmospheric generated abstract hell caves, i couldn't beat it due to poor muscle coordination. 10/10
A Ghost By Choice: could not find dx8vb.mll. 10/10
Treat Fighter: cool frankenstein... i liked the blatantly fake pantomime horses but wasn't sure how the crown mechanic worked or why they kept thanking me. i liked lurching around and slapping the garishly coloured cartoon punks in the best tradition of videogames. 10/10
Witch King of Decadencia: really cool + atmospheric, good sounds! malevolent ritualistic fairyland was a good fit to CYOA format which is always about nervously pushing thru an ambiguously rational deathtrap dungeon anyway. i got to ending 7 since i didn't want to bug the witchking or be impolite. 10/10
Could not d/l Cactus City from for some reason!
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I posted reviews on the threads people made for their games, but I will put shorter reviews here for the rest
A Ghost By Choice: I downloaded the .mll through shady means but even after acquiring it the game tells me direct 8 isn't working or something.  don't know what that's about, I have direct11.  I think I saw a 3d pigman on the twitter of one of the makers of this game though, so I really hope its issues get cleared up some day.  y'all don't know how much I love pigmans
Eclipse/Zombie Game: a profound statement on urban alienation and the futility of violence in the face of prejudice.  killed 72 zombies before a screen told me to hit escape to restart because I died.  hitting escape did nothing.  perhaps a testament to the finality of death and mortality
Lime Express: this game has it all, trains, hell dimensions, friends with tentacles.  very salt in aesthetique and attitude.  love it, and hope to see it expanded upon some day
Cactus City Road: sometimes gas tanks spawned off to the far reaches of the screen that are inaccessible on foot.   momma always told me to never drive farther than half my tank of gas from the last fuel station, she musta known that white ghoasts are jerks and will spook me to death if I run dry on fuel
PUZZLE DREAM: some talking head in game design once said that puzzle games are the hardest to make right.  for that reason I admire your ambition in tackling that kind of a project for a game jam.  my spatial reasoning's pretty terrible though, and I got stuck on around level 9.  I'll probably keep at it, though, because it looks like there's a locked .rar archive called "mystery tome", and gatdamn I loves me those kinds of secrets, so I will definitely keep at it to find out what my mystery prize is
Awards and Commendations:
Most "Salt": tie between Lime Express and Kissin' Wizard
Spookiest in ShowCactus City Road
"Made By TheCatamites" Award : Mystery Channel
Most Polish:   4-Lung Boy
Best Story:  4-Lung Boy
Prettiest Pictures:  4-Lung Boy
Best Gameplay: Pumpkin Moonshine
Most in Spirit of Competition:  Pumpkin Moonshine
Who I think Should Get the Skull Award:  Pumpkin Moonshine
Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 07:57:57 am by Neuropath
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Shit, is there somekinda masterpost?? Where are all the downloads?? the seperate topics helped a lot but fuck this searchin' thru this swamp, i wanna mai downloada linksaaaa, me me ma mo v-o games !!! waaaahh!!! GRAAAGH!!!
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I am gonna have to go through and do it after work today. I have been ill this weekend and just sat on my arse and played GTA. I will sort it out, don't you worry.
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Get well soon Ed!. lot of people caught a bug. Did you?
Anyway glad to hear things will move forward soon.
Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 11:43:08 am by Warped655
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Just to let people know my game is optimised for controller you can restart with a controller and i forgot to add it in for keyboard also there are several levels.
First Level (Town) - kill 250 zombies to progress instant kill for both you and zombies bullet are destroyed when it hits a zombie
Second Level (Desert) - Get 500 health you start at 100 health bullets are destroyed when they hit a zombie zombies are insta kill each hit on you takes 10 helath when you get to 300 health zombies start spawning at 100 zombies a second as opposed to the normal 20 a second
Bonus - Get the coins to increase your damage for the boss level you have 60 seconds in this room
Boss - giant cirlce moving realy fast in random directions you hit 0.5 health per shot + 0.1 from every coin you collect 
Water Soak - on contact with water you are slowed to half speed for 10 seconds
Cacti - On contact lose 30 health
Controller  - Better fullscreen (press up on d pad to turn on down to turn off) Blurred vision ( Particle effects flood the screen dpad right to turn on left to turn off)
When i created the game i forgot about the naming rule so the game is stil called randomzombiegame i will be updating everything tonight 
keyboard controlls for fullscreen and particle effects 
optional readme doc (this is a maybe)
rename to Eclipse 
Replies - 
Eclipse/Zombie Game: a profound statement on urban alienation and the futility of violence in the face of prejudice.  killed 72 zombies before a screen told me to hit escape to restart because I died.  hitting escape did nothing.  perhaps a testament to the finality of death and mortality
I didn't intend to go that deep i just wanted to make a twin stick shooter but a good spin on it i think, thanks. 
Random Zombie Game: I liked the goofy folkrock song that played. After a certain point I stopped trying to kill all the zombys and just tried to explore the abstract urban void in which they were contained, including a park with what looked like an ice section but which i guess was water. top score c110. 10/10
I may consider changing the water texture to make it more watery. thank you for the complient on the music i have never done my own music for a game before so i am glad you like it, also thanks for the 10/10 
Question - 
Do you think it was better to have multiple levels or have a single level but much bigger?
Should i just abandone this game or continue making it?
Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 12:21:13 pm by jamesthejam
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i started playing some of these but then i got real s.p.o.o.k.e.d.
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Hey thanks to Neuropath and Warped655 for the reviews! I definitely wish I had more time to work on it.
To address the issues you mentioned:
Difficulty: I am well aware it is wayy too hard. That was actually partly due to a glitch I didn't manage to work out before submission time. The game only ever places one gas tank rather than all of them. That's why you only need 6 rather than the planned 12. Even only going for 6 tanks proved too hard though. 
      I am currently working on another project for the Copenhagen ChainJam but I plan on addressing these issues next week. The ghost is also far too difficult to evade. If he spawns on the side you need to go to escape you're just super boned. Nothing you can do.
Gas Tank Spawning: It is completely random right now rather than having smart spawning. This was another time constraint issue. Also on the agenda to be fixed.
Collisions: This game was the first time I ever used AS3 and so couldn't use my goto method of collision detection. I'm not exactly sure how yet, but it will also be changed. I am aware that it screws you pretty often.
Momma's Lesson: As for your momma never letting you run out of gas... well... idk... he's an orphan or something
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad everyone seems to like the scare it gives you. That's definitely what I focussed on!
I would also much like to do reviews but the games are almost all exclusively for Mac. Tomorrow I will play what I can and write about them.
Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 07:10:44 pm by wdelvi
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Ok so I just contacted the engine developer why there is that error of missing dvx8 or something and he suggested I package the game with installer (there is an option) instead of the plain files. And I hate installers so I won't do it. Anyway, you could mark off my game since it's incomplete as shit anyway.
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I think it would be truly wonderful of you lot to actually go and play and review some of the games, instead of just posting your own - as is the nature of a jam I guess!

Play the games and pick your three favourites (make sure to play as many as you can before doing so!) then post in the thread. The deadline is October 13th where there will be a small break and then the winners announced shortly after.

I have played and reviewed them all now except I have held back my opinions as I've been organising this thing. Please please PLEASE hop on over to that thread (the links are all there) and get playing!