Just to let people know my game is optimised for controller you can restart with a controller and i forgot to add it in for keyboard also there are several levels.
First Level (Town) - kill 250 zombies to progress instant kill for both you and zombies bullet are destroyed when it hits a zombie
Second Level (Desert) - Get 500 health you start at 100 health bullets are destroyed when they hit a zombie zombies are insta kill each hit on you takes 10 helath when you get to 300 health zombies start spawning at 100 zombies a second as opposed to the normal 20 a second
Bonus - Get the coins to increase your damage for the boss level you have 60 seconds in this room
Boss - giant cirlce moving realy fast in random directions you hit 0.5 health per shot + 0.1 from every coin you collect
Extras:Water Soak - on contact with water you are slowed to half speed for 10 seconds
Cacti - On contact lose 30 health
Controller - Better fullscreen (press up on d pad to turn on down to turn off) Blurred vision ( Particle effects flood the screen dpad right to turn on left to turn off)
When i created the game i forgot about the naming rule so the game is stil called randomzombiegame i will be updating everything tonight
Updates keyboard controlls for fullscreen and particle effects
optional readme doc (this is a maybe)
rename to Eclipse
Replies - Eclipse/Zombie Game: a profound statement on urban alienation and the futility of violence in the face of prejudice. killed 72 zombies before a screen told me to hit escape to restart because I died. hitting escape did nothing. perhaps a testament to the finality of death and mortality
I didn't intend to go that deep i just wanted to make a twin stick shooter but a good spin on it i think, thanks.
Random Zombie Game: I liked the goofy folkrock song that played. After a certain point I stopped trying to kill all the zombys and just tried to explore the abstract urban void in which they were contained, including a park with what looked like an ice section but which i guess was water. top score c110. 10/10
I may consider changing the water texture to make it more watery. thank you for the complient on the music i have never done my own music for a game before so i am glad you like it, also thanks for the 10/10
Question - Do you think it was better to have multiple levels or have a single level but much bigger?
Should i just abandone this game or continue making it?