Idea mega thread for any dum,b shit idea (Read 467 times) game ideas game gam agme gem eel

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Ghost Wizards of Soccer. Your a trashy wizard who dukes it out with some other beer swilling loser sorcerer through manipulation of the physical world for fun. Basically it would be a combination of three games, an "athlete farm" sim where you keep your team, marketers, hangers-on etc. on a desolate medieval property and try and keep everything running smoothly (despite the players having constant stupid bickering fights and clownish problems (I hate the cow. Im out of ice. I have to shit.)), a tiny roguelike where you send one of your players down into the Hole Cave outside of your hamlet to find secrets gold and gems and trophies/incapacitate monsters and kidnap them back to your team's compound to possess/brainwash/train, and, finally, the meaty football portion, where you rapidly summon - and possess to control more finely - your goblins and gelatinous cubes and shit to dink around the grassy field and get into fights and maybe poke the ball towards a goal. Every monster is unique in mostly superficial ways, with slight stat variations and temperaments, plus likes and dislikes. Players die CONSTANTLY so you need hundreds of them to make it through a game. There is no time to train them. The game implies that all your monsters have only a tiny fraction of their potential strength but it is impossible to make them achieve this. You will always need to be going into Hole Cave, grabbing shitloads of weak ass monkeys, and dumping them on the field of snakes and pigs. There is even a messily-explode-style self-destruct right on the GUI next to all the other big blocky toggles for various behaviors you want the currently selected player to perform. You can only game over if all of your probes die, it's really easy to avoid, as you can always run and grab a handful of kobolds or an eel or bum. You would collect flowers from the Hole Cave and from other wizard's properties, which you gain access to when you beat them, and you would put the flowers all over your townlet to design it. Dead monsters would remain on the battlefield and bleed into the ground, but after every fight the corpses and gibs are collected by like a bowling ball pin collector and fed to the winner's army.
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I forgot to mention that if your players are unhappy, like if you didn't get them their ice or let them shit all over themselves, they won't give a fuck about what you want even when you're possessing them and they'll flip out and fuck your team up. With some players this will be unavoidable.
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David Wonn's treasure troves of game glitches constituted most of my childhood mythology. It has hundreds of user-submitted glitches of varying lengths, arranged in my favorite website design style - the fuck-off enormous page of gamelore with classical coloring (black background, white and green text, full-color screenshots baby!!!)
The idea is Make a game that is congruent with as many of these entries as you can possibly fit in.
It doesn't have to match exactly. Examples.
Flying glitch
sent in by chrono44
First go to colors. Then get in the gun turret and aim down and left or right. Shoot then jump out and hold back and you should be flying for about 10 seconds.
Stay alive
sent in by T.R.M.
If you run out of energy but continulously jump you can still move and it won't count you as dead until you hit the ground for a short while. Great for moving further in rooms if you lost your life.
Skip Some Swimming!
sent in by Cl0vis15
After you've replaced all the cogs and pulled the Dog Fish's leash in you have to lead the blue blooded cat fish over to the safe, but now on the way back there will be those oh so annoying green guys in the spikey armor doing their best to piss you off. However, you can take the cat fish straight to the safe without swimming there at all. After talking to the cat fist immediately select the quit option. Now reload your save file. Your save point will be at the underwater door near the dogfish where you can get to the cog room from, but the flag for the cat fishes to follow you will be set as well. So now when you load up your save file the game will place you and the cat fish right next to the safe, all you have to do iss wim a few feet right over to the safe without having to worry about any of those annoying green spikey guys.
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I play those games tho. they're great.
I never have concrete concepts for games like this. I mean I don't release games and I shouldn't be talking about this at all, but I have txt and bmp files full of half-formed descriptions, impressions, style notes, game titles, bits of dialogue etc, having absolutely no thought put into audience or playability or the essential mechanics that determine how the user interfaces with the game by large.
like here's one that's just a title, circa 2013-2014: LOVE OF PEPSI, DREAM OF THE CITY. that's not even a concept. that's not even good. I don't know why I thought that was worth writing down. it's like a not very good vaporwave track. sorry if you're still reading. I forgot to mention I write most of these down after I wake up in the middle of the night with the lights still on and can't remember humility. these are all really old:
so it's doctor zhivago set in an unintelligible sci-fi mess. it's destructive sci-fi waste set in the ketchup and mustard  galaxy of the dumpster mythos. like a dumpster full of large brown and black plastic trash bags filled with ketchup, mustard, mayo, shredded lettuce and waste paper and some bags splitting open and oozing out and you're in there slopping around in squalor and you're soaked in waste
zones: comfort fire loading (no mention of ZONE in game or at least discreet)
DEMO: gameplay things with spinny X wipes inbetween like wmp visualization/other more musical visualizations
whoa that pun is not good.
adventure game with a massive wiki-like pokedex of characters, players, beasts, and space mythology
detail pale blue skeleton with sunset beach background like qoo, hip bone for shoulder blades discreetly
[alien text transforms into normal]
frizzled hair
blue muted dark no lights, title lantern, streetlights etc
conversation: buzz, noiz, screen flashes different level, tv noise, tv face, enter level brown: smooth dub song: beeeeeeoooow high to low 
afternoon/sundown on a cloudy day with 80s beat eg The Morning Fog autumn brick wall. perspective, at angles
eartbound PACk followed by BARK
fixating on schwartzschild. just not good
you come upon a pile of slimy bones.
search - you search the bones and find a pair of matching femur and tipyla.
open - you break through bone and marrow and find a RUBY <---rube is useless and remains in inventory for rest of game
*****useless rewards for stuff**** like a blue candy
like a blue candy.
Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 04:48:27 am by Elder Chips
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Get back up the shaft in Facility 
method sent in by Dan Gardner
In the facility,in the bathroom, go into the stall right under the vent. Get on the toilet. Look all the way down using the aim button. Then, while doing all the previous, press and hold the left c button (left strafe). If you do it right, you'll get into the airshaft.
jumps directly into the airvent
99% of the goldeneye glitches are just set off mine/shoot people during ending cutscenes
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so it's doctor zhivago set in an unintelligible sci-fi mess. it's destructive sci-fi waste set in the ketchup and mustard  galaxy of the dumpster mythos. like a dumpster full of large brown and black plastic trash bags filled with ketchup, mustard, mayo, shredded lettuce and waste paper and some bags splitting open and oozing out and you're in there slopping around in squalor and you're soaked in waste
i think i read the original post you made with this idea and it's been circulating in the things i wanted to make for years... when i was learning unity the first quick trashy jam game i wanted to spit out was gonna be Mustard King In Fast Food Zone
perennially disappointed by lack of glitches revolving around the goldeneye vent which always felt like the most mysterious interstitial zone. climb around through the narrow pathways all day and throw mines at the toilet guy without ever dropping down. live in a vent.
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curious u picked that one, because i read the first time some other day and i was pr hot about that idea!!!!! i was like helll yeahhh its like my childhood, now THIS is QUALITY wine...
also ahhah, i didn't post this huge ass reply to one convo in dumb topic recently, but a sizeable chunk of it was about that facility vent!! long live the dumbtopic revolution...
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"dog blog"
you are a dog with a blog and you have to write blog posts with as many important tags as possible, as well as balancing your double life as both a dogger and a blogger.
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so it's doctor zhivago set in an unintelligible sci-fi mess. it's destructive sci-fi waste set in the ketchup and mustard  galaxy of the dumpster mythos. like a dumpster full of large brown and black plastic trash bags filled with ketchup, mustard, mayo, shredded lettuce and waste paper and some bags splitting open and oozing out and you're in there slopping around in squalor and you're soaked in waste
i think i read the original post you made with this idea and it's been circulating in the things i wanted to make for years... when i was learning unity the first quick trashy jam game i wanted to spit out was gonna be Mustard King In Fast Food Zone
yoooooooooo catmitt!! so glad to see you.
I did remember posting that one before. I think I was prolly trying to dupe some pipsqueak rube into doing all the trudging gamemaking/coding legwork for me while I sit back on my CEO-genius baby's highchair and occasionally toss down barely-formed concepts and the choice animated sprite
I think there is something to be said tho about early 2d and early 3d game graphics, the colors/textures/animations as well as the enclosed branded universe, and the overall experience of fast food. but that hinges upon if we can actually definitively establish that the purest distillation of the fast food experience is getting inside that enigmatic chain link fence with opaque green or brown vinyl inserts, using the multi-color plastic crates to get right in there in the dumpster-universe with the so slick trash bags and their bright oozing condiments, slapping the brilliant seepage up on your chest and maybe waggishly on top of your head, look at the buoyant ass, now a strand of lettuce is hanging down...
Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 03:32:11 am by Elder Chips
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Ghost Wizards of Soccer. Your a trashy wizard who dukes it out with some other beer swilling loser sorcerer through manipulation of the physical world for fun. Basically it would be a combination of three games, an "athlete farm" sim where you keep your team, marketers, hangers-on etc. on a desolate medieval property and try and keep everything running smoothly (despite the players having constant stupid bickering fights and clownish problems (I hate the cow. Im out of ice. I have to shit.)), a tiny roguelike where you send one of your players down into the Hole Cave outside of your hamlet to find secrets gold and gems and trophies/incapacitate monsters and kidnap them back to your team's compound to possess/brainwash/train, and, finally, the meaty football portion, where you rapidly summon - and possess to control more finely - your goblins and gelatinous cubes and shit to dink around the grassy field and get into fights and maybe poke the ball towards a goal. Every monster is unique in mostly superficial ways, with slight stat variations and temperaments, plus likes and dislikes. Players die CONSTANTLY so you need hundreds of them to make it through a game. There is no time to train them. The game implies that all your monsters have only a tiny fraction of their potential strength but it is impossible to make them achieve this. You will always need to be going into Hole Cave, grabbing shitloads of weak ass monkeys, and dumping them on the field of snakes and pigs. There is even a messily-explode-style self-destruct right on the GUI next to all the other big blocky toggles for various behaviors you want the currently selected player to perform. You can only game over if all of your probes die, it's really easy to avoid, as you can always run and grab a handful of kobolds or an eel or bum. You would collect flowers from the Hole Cave and from other wizard's properties, which you gain access to when you beat them, and you would put the flowers all over your townlet to design it. Dead monsters would remain on the battlefield and bleed into the ground, but after every fight the corpses and gibs are collected by like a bowling ball pin collector and fed to the winner's army.
I kind of like this. You could probably sell DLC that changes the game you're hunting the monsters for. Switch it to baseball, US football, hockey, basketball, things like that.
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Modding Simulator:

The default game would just be a series of rooms connected by nonexistent rooms that need to be modded in. You can't even leave the main character's apartment until you mod in their bedroom and get the key from their bedroom closet. The game would track a mod's popularity and special easter eggs would decorate the room the mod leads to if the mod was a popular one.
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Ghost Wizards of Soccer. Your a trashy wizard who dukes it out with some other beer swilling loser sorcerer through manipulation of the physical world for fun. Basically it would be a combination of three games, an "athlete farm" sim where you keep your team, marketers, hangers-on etc. on a desolate medieval property and try and keep everything running smoothly (despite the players having constant stupid bickering fights and clownish problems (I hate the cow. Im out of ice. I have to shit.)), a tiny roguelike where you send one of your players down into the Hole Cave outside of your hamlet to find secrets gold and gems and trophies/incapacitate monsters and kidnap them back to your team's compound to possess/brainwash/train, and, finally, the meaty football portion, where you rapidly summon - and possess to control more finely - your goblins and gelatinous cubes and shit to dink around the grassy field and get into fights and maybe poke the ball towards a goal. Every monster is unique in mostly superficial ways, with slight stat variations and temperaments, plus likes and dislikes. Players die CONSTANTLY so you need hundreds of them to make it through a game. There is no time to train them. The game implies that all your monsters have only a tiny fraction of their potential strength but it is impossible to make them achieve this. You will always need to be going into Hole Cave, grabbing shitloads of weak ass monkeys, and dumping them on the field of snakes and pigs. There is even a messily-explode-style self-destruct right on the GUI next to all the other big blocky toggles for various behaviors you want the currently selected player to perform. You can only game over if all of your probes die, it's really easy to avoid, as you can always run and grab a handful of kobolds or an eel or bum. You would collect flowers from the Hole Cave and from other wizard's properties, which you gain access to when you beat them, and you would put the flowers all over your townlet to design it. Dead monsters would remain on the battlefield and bleed into the ground, but after every fight the corpses and gibs are collected by like a bowling ball pin collector and fed to the winner's army.
I kind of like this. You could probably sell DLC that changes the game you're hunting the monsters for. Switch it to baseball, US football, hockey, basketball, things like that.
This is kinda like if lemmings and tomogacthi had a baby but its a baby who loves to fight. It's great. I love it  I'm imagining like a line of baseball dudes strolling up to a space station or something on the moon and just wrecking the place.

Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 04:38:45 am by GoldFishBoy
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I was talking with vellfire about clicker games and I think it would be nice if you'd generate random bones by clicking, then you would assemble skeletons from the bones and also you'd be able to use the bones to construct houses and tools and basically run a society
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I was talking with vellfire about clicker games and I think it would be nice if you'd generate random bones by clicking, then you would assemble skeletons from the bones and also you'd be able to use the bones to construct houses and tools and basically run a society
I sense POWER nearby....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!