Topic: Hi it's me !! (Read 372 times)

  • Avatar of GoldFishBoy
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Hey everybody !
I'm no good at introducing myself, but I've been lurking on here for a while, mostly keeping my eyes on the big ol' dump topic you guys have going on here since that seems to be where the only action happens on here these days. I had no idea of any of the kind of stuff you guys post about on here, all the old weird sorta forgotten about videogame/tv/whatever relics you guys share I mean. But since discovering this little corner of the internet I've learned that sort of stuff is actually super cool. I spent about a year or so slowly working my way through the entire dump topic and everything inside when I had time and felt like it.
What I think is even more cool than all that stuff though is how you people are all super genuine about it all, and how intensely y'all think and write about all these weird little topics. This "saltworld" is just like a happy little haven atop a tall rock resisting the bashing and crashing tides of the ironic and detached modern internet culture. I tend to mostly stick to pretty basic social media like facebook, twitter, etc, and this site is pretty much 100% different from any of those.
Anyways I probably wont post incredibly often, but it recently occurred to me that just sitting on the sidelines reading you guys discussing all this stuff, without even having a registered account is kinda weird and a little voyeuristic, and that thought made continuing to lurk feel uncomfortable for me, so I decided to register to remove any secrecy of me reading everything on here.
I think that's about it, I'm GoldFishBoy, I just picked that name because I have a bag of goldfish crackers on my desk. 
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Also I guess I'd better talk about myself a little instead of just ranting about the website you've all been using for years.
I like to create things, I like to draw things and to imagine things. I spend a lot of time crafting stories and characters in my head and then proceed to never actually do anything with them. I used to write big ol text documents outlining imaginary video games that I wanted to be real. I don't think I ever completed a single one of those write-ups. I still have fun going back and reading them though. Some of my ideas have stuck around for longer though and if I can actually ever make myself learn how to start and finish a project I'll at least have a deep well of old ideas to dig from. 
I listen to music pretty much all the time, and have a desire to create music but I have no idea how to even consider starting to learn how to do that.
Uhh, I don't know what else about me would be relevant to saltworld. Oh well!
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welcome. welcome. it's good to know people are still lurking and see the value in taking a salt plunge
i like the sound of your big outline documents, what kind of games did you envision?
  • Avatar of GoldFishBoy
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Oh they're mostly just things similar to whatever I happened to be playing at the time. I'll see if I can dig up a good one to attach.
Like if I happened to be playing combat heavy action games, I'd write ones focused on combat mechanics for example.
This one here is perhaps the most thought-out in terms of actual gameplay design. Looking back most of them are just general ideas for story and themes and a very basic outline of what the game would be like.
Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 01:25:00 am by GoldFishBoy
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good morning! how many lungs does a goldfishboy have again? 4?
your game writing is very lucid. we have a topic somewhere in game design & demos for that stuff if you're interested. welcome!
  • Avatar of GoldFishBoy
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Unfortuantely I only have two lungs at the moment, I lost the others in a tragic, filthy accident. I expect theyll grow back eventually though.
That one I shared is pretty much the only one to reach that level of detail and well-thought-outness.
Anyways, on your recommendation I went poking around that subforum and look what I found:
I never have concrete concepts for games like this. I mean I don't release games and I shouldn't be talking about this at all, but I have txt and bmp files full of half-formed descriptions, impressions, style notes, game titles, bits of dialogue etc, having absolutely no thought put into audience or playability or the essential mechanics that determine how the user interfaces with the game by large.
A post by you, written months ago, that describes exactly the extent of the contents of most of my docs!! At the time of writing my original post I really did think that most of these were more in-depth than they were. Most of them are just a paragraph at most. Looking at these now I'm a little disappointed at how small most of them are, usually just a single paragraph at most.
A lot of them aren't even game ideas? Just little tableaus describing images and feelings. here I'll post a few of the more interesting ones.
⦁ Explore a glass palace in a rainforest. All the furnishings are made of glass, including the butlers and maids.
⦁ There is a wizard who lives inside your brain who collects and stores information that you don't need at the moment
⦁ Turn based action game with damage numbers. Final boss attacks your teammate, the infinitey symbol pops up over their head as your teammate disintegrates.
⦁ Walk boldly into the Sunshine Palace to challenge the Sunshine Lord to a duel
⦁ Inspiration song: : You're exploring an old abandonded monastery that has since been overrun with vines and other flora. It has multiple chapels, some boring rooms where the monks would sleep. It's a bright and sunny day outside so the sun shines through the stained glass and around the vines creating shadowy patterns on the ground. Yet it's also raining and you can hear the pitter-patter of rain on the stone ceiling as you explore.
⦁ You fight a towering clay knight, resembling the roman statues of old in form and proportion. As you damage it, the powdery exterior breaks away to reveal a rolling and tumbling black mass within. Its tentacles reach out to taste the air but is burned by the light of the sun, and it pulls back in. As you damage it, the exterior shell breaks away piece by piece, eventually crumbling apart completely nd leaves the writhing tangle to burn and tumble as it desperately attempts to make itself small to hide from the bright rays, however it finds a crevice in the ground and frantically snakes its way down into the earth to feed on the weak and join with its brothers.
⦁ Using sharpened bones to duel with the Queen of Bone and Flesh
You are a boy whose dog has been kidnapped by Aliens. You have to go rescue your dog, you use a baseball bat as a weapon and can buy & purchase upgrades at ice-cream trucks.
⦁ Instead of Goblins, there's Groblins. The smaller ones are called Grublins. The big ones are called Groblions. There's also Grimps, Grogres, and Grorcs. These all spawned from the ancient Griants.
A first person dungeon crawler that takes place within a Matrix-like virtual environment. You hunt down and eliminate viruses and hackers and other rogue agents. Graphical style would be surreal and allow for a range of wildly different environments. Maybe the dungeons themselves are procedeurally generated? 
villain is a sorcerer who summons wizards
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Unfortuantely I only have two lungs at the moment, I lost the others in a tragic, filthy accident. I expect theyll grow back eventually though.
That one I shared is pretty much the only one to reach that level of detail and well-thought-outness.
Anyways, on your recommendation I went poking around that subforum and look what I found:
I never have concrete concepts for games like this. I mean I don't release games and I shouldn't be talking about this at all, but I have txt and bmp files full of half-formed descriptions, impressions, style notes, game titles, bits of dialogue etc, having absolutely no thought put into audience or playability or the essential mechanics that determine how the user interfaces with the game by large.
A post by you, written months ago, that describes exactly the extent of the contents of most of my docs!! At the time of writing my original post I really did think that most of these were more in-depth than they were. Most of them are just a paragraph at most. Looking at these now I'm a little disappointed at how small most of them are, usually just a single paragraph at most.
A lot of them aren't even game ideas? Just little tableaus describing images and feelings. here I'll post a few of the more interesting ones.
⦁ Explore a glass palace in a rainforest. All the furnishings are made of glass, including the butlers and maids.
⦁ There is a wizard who lives inside your brain who collects and stores information that you don't need at the moment
⦁ Turn based action game with damage numbers. Final boss attacks your teammate, the infinitey symbol pops up over their head as your teammate disintegrates.
⦁ Walk boldly into the Sunshine Palace to challenge the Sunshine Lord to a duel
⦁ Inspiration song: : You're exploring an old abandonded monastery that has since been overrun with vines and other flora. It has multiple chapels, some boring rooms where the monks would sleep. It's a bright and sunny day outside so the sun shines through the stained glass and around the vines creating shadowy patterns on the ground. Yet it's also raining and you can hear the pitter-patter of rain on the stone ceiling as you explore.
⦁ You fight a towering clay knight, resembling the roman statues of old in form and proportion. As you damage it, the powdery exterior breaks away to reveal a rolling and tumbling black mass within. Its tentacles reach out to taste the air but is burned by the light of the sun, and it pulls back in. As you damage it, the exterior shell breaks away piece by piece, eventually crumbling apart completely nd leaves the writhing tangle to burn and tumble as it desperately attempts to make itself small to hide from the bright rays, however it finds a crevice in the ground and frantically snakes its way down into the earth to feed on the weak and join with its brothers.
⦁ Using sharpened bones to duel with the Queen of Bone and Flesh
You are a boy whose dog has been kidnapped by Aliens. You have to go rescue your dog, you use a baseball bat as a weapon and can buy & purchase upgrades at ice-cream trucks.
⦁ Instead of Goblins, there's Groblins. The smaller ones are called Grublins. The big ones are called Groblions. There's also Grimps, Grogres, and Grorcs. These all spawned from the ancient Griants.
A first person dungeon crawler that takes place within a Matrix-like virtual environment. You hunt down and eliminate viruses and hackers and other rogue agents. Graphical style would be surreal and allow for a range of wildly different environments. Maybe the dungeons themselves are procedeurally generated? 
villain is a sorcerer who summons wizards
I love these!! this might be the best form of a game. like we all should already know the tropes and extents of the medium well enough to imagine the concepts, yet I still can't always understand what it was that made some of them seem appealing at the time or how they could be represented in a game, but that only makes the split second it takes to play thru them in your head more arcanely interesting
Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 04:37:28 am by Elder Chips
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It really is fascinating how your mind can just sort of spin entire concepts and ideas into existence like it's no big deal. And how certain keywords can totally alter that whole idea, like just including the word wizard into something automatically implies certain ideas and rules to help shape the concept. Whether not those rules are followed up on or broken in interesting ways is another issue entirely.
Take the last one for example, "villain is a sorcerer who summons wizards", there are so many implications on the story and content just from that alone. There is a sorcerer who opposes the player. The sorcerer can summon wizards. Wizards are object's that must/can be summoned. The wizards are far enough away that it is necessary for them to be summoned rather than just already being there. There is a significant difference between a sorcerer and a wizard. There will likely be a sort of hierarchy between the sorcerer and the wizards. The sorcerer is unable to accomplish their goal without the aid of the wizards. 
One sentence and half the work of crafting some kind of story or adventure is already done for you. Then there is also the reader's preconceived ideas about sorcerers and wizards that can further the thought. i.e. sorcerers are orange, while wizards are blue. etc etc
  • Avatar of A1A1inE8
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It really is fascinating how your mind can just sort of spin entire concepts and ideas into existence like it's no big deal. And how certain keywords can totally alter that whole idea, like just including the word wizard into something automatically implies certain ideas and rules to help shape the concept. Whether not those rules are followed up on or broken in interesting ways is another issue entirely.
Take the last one for example, "villain is a sorcerer who summons wizards", there are so many implications on the story and content just from that alone. There is a sorcerer who opposes the player. The sorcerer can summon wizards. Wizards are object's that must/can be summoned. The wizards are far enough away that it is necessary for them to be summoned rather than just already being there. There is a significant difference between a sorcerer and a wizard. There will likely be a sort of hierarchy between the sorcerer and the wizards. The sorcerer is unable to accomplish their goal without the aid of the wizards. 
One sentence and half the work of crafting some kind of story or adventure is already done for you. Then there is also the reader's preconceived ideas about sorcerers and wizards that can further the thought. i.e. sorcerers are orange, while wizards are blue. etc etc
It's great when creators know how to use the imagination of the audience as a powerful tool, instead of underestimating it. Some of my favourite moments in various movies are these small moments which become bigger than themselves with your imagination. Sort of like "show, don't tell" I guess.. with most stuff like these (game concepts, fake screenshots on nonexistent games at tumblr or something) no realization can live up to whatever mysterious imaginary thing or feeling you have built around it.

I like those snippets you gave, for example "Explore a glass palace in a rainforest. All the furnishings are made of glass, including the butlers and maids."; here just "glass palace in a rainforest" is enough to evoke a whole world in my head. Glass palace in itself is not so interesting, but for some reason placing it in a rainforest makes various images and moods spin in my imagination.
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