Garou: Mark of the Wolves

Garou: Mark of the Wolves is the final chapter in the Fatal Fury series. It would go on to be endlessly compared to Street Fighter 3: Third Strike. The game is amazing, its really fun and solid, and until recently infinites were not found. But no not freak out, the infinites in this game are INSANELY hard and there are only 2 of them.MAME InfoWe currently play on MAME32k 0.64 which you can download here: also use a new kailleraclient.dll which enables near flawless Peer 2 Peer netplay connections which you can download here: (coming soon. We use an older one so that we can still use Kaillera. You can ask someone in #capcom to send it to you for now.)
Game Info
All info on this game can be found on #capcom's very own website. Link to the info is here: DATA
FRAME DATA:Due to the first post getting pretty massive and close to the cut off point for a post here at GamingW, here is all the frame data condensed into one post. I would like to thank
Kouga, Toodles, Howard Arena, and the japanese Garou Mook for providing these frame stats. I am merely providing them here for your ease.
yo how does frame data work??? (Click to reveal)A game runs at 60 frames per second, and a frame is one redraw of the entire screen! So if a move would have a -30 recovery frame then it means it would take half a second to recover. Thats easy.
There are 3 types of frames!
Impact (i) Frames: This is how long it takes for the move to be executed and actually do something!
Active Frames: Not really used in Garou, but this is how long the move is active.
Recovery Frames: How many frames it takes your character to recover!
Rock's Frame Data (Click to reveal)Close A- 7 / +6
Close B- 9 / +2
Close C- 9 / -8
Close D- 14 / -6
Far A- 7 / +4
Far B- 11 / -3
Far C- 14 / -6
Far D- 15 / -9
Crouching A- 8 / +3
Crouching B- 8 / +5
Crouching C- 9 / -3
Crouching D- 12 / -12
Close D, f+D- 26 / -8
AB- 25 / +4
d+AB- 13 / -5
CD (T.O.P)- 33 / -16
qcf+A- 16 / -3
qcf+C- 17 / 0
qcb+B- 28 / -3
qcb+A- 15 / -5
qcb+C- 21 / -12
d, u+A- 8 / -25
d, u+C- 8 / -31
qcfx2+A- 16 / -23
qcfx2+C- 21 / -51
qcfx2+B- 9 / -13
qcfx2+D- VACCUUM / -15
hcb, f+A- VACCUUM / -2
B. Jenet's Frame Data (Click to reveal)Standing Close:
A i8 +7
B i8 +6
C i8 -2
D i8 -3
Standing Far:
A i9 +2
B i9 +5
C i11 -8
D i14 -9
A i8 +6
B i8 +6
C i11 +6
D i14 KD\-6
AB i29 Hit:-1 Block:+5
d+AB i12 Hit:-9 Block:-3
CD(TOP) i13 KD/-32
qcf+A i23 -2 (Point Blank)
qcf+C i29 -2 (Point Blank)
qcb+A i15 KD -6
qcb+C i25 KD -10
qcf+B i13 KD -19
qcf+D i24 KD -29
qcf+B(BR) i13 -3
qcf+D(BR) i24 +11
qcb+B i24 -4
qcb+D i36 -4
qcfx2+A -18
qcfx2+C -23
qcfx2+B Vacuum -49
qcfx2+D Vacuum -81
(JD)A,B,C (Vacuum, Haven't found a way to block or JD it yet) NOTE: can be blocked/jd'd if jenet uses it from a projectile!)
Terry Bogard's Frame Data (Click to reveal)Close A- 7 / +7
Close B- 8 / +3
Close C- 9 / -5
Close C, f+C- 4 / +4
Close D- 11 / -2
Far A- 8 / +4
Far B- 9 / +1
Far C- 15 / -2
Far D- 13 / -5
Crouching A- 8 / +6
Crouching B- 9 / +6
Crouching C- 11 / +6
Crouching D- 12 / -15
Jumping A - 8 / -
Jumping B - 9 / -
Jumping C- 11 / -
Jumping D- 13 / -
Evasion Attack- 30 / +5
Low Evasion Attack- 12 / -7
T.O.P. Attack- 18 / -11
A Power Wave- 15 / -6
C Power Wave- 15 / -11
A Burn Knuckle- 18 / -12
C Burn Knuckle- 27 / -10
B Power Dunk- 7 / -4
B Power Dunk (braked)- 7 / 0
D Power Dunk- 7 / -11
D Power Dunk (braked)- 7 / -2
B Crack Shoot- 26 / -2
D Crack Shoot- 29 / -13
A Power Charge- 16 / (1st) -7, (2nd) -16, (3rd) -18
C Power Charge- 25 / (1st) +7, (2nd) +2, (3rd) -13
Power Geyser- 19 / -38
Triple Geyser*- 14 / -28
B Buster Wolf- 12 / -17
D Buster Wolf- 11 / -34
Kevin's amazing Frame Data (Click to reveal)KEVIN
Standing Close
A i8 +2
B i8 +2
C i10 -9
D i15 -9
Standing Far
A i7 +2
B i13 -6
C i15 -11
D i15 -9
A i8 +2
B i9 +2
C i10 -7
D i11 -12
Command Attacks:
f+B i11/27 -2 (11 frames for the first low part to hit, 27 for the second to connect if the first whiffs. -2 frame advantage if the second swing kick is blocked. Even if the first kick hits or is blocked, you can block or backdash through the second hit. Only about two frames leeway between hits, so some reversal supers can interupt;helps if they have a little invincibility. Proven with Kevin's D super.)
AB i26 Hit: +0 Block: +6
d+AB i12 Hit: -6 Block: +0
CD(TOP) i14 KD/-5
hcf+P i13 KD
Creeper-A i13 KD/-11
Creeper-B i21 KD/-10
qcb+A i18~i71 KD/-1~-14(Affects depend on charge time. earliest release hits in 18 frames, -1 advantage on hit or block. Longest release is 71 frames, knocks down on hit or -14 advantage on block.)
qcb+C(1)i24~85 KD/-8~-10(Affects depend on charge time, same idea as above, except all hit KD)
dp+A i21 -3
dp+C i24 KD (hits air-to-air only)
qcf+B i14 -10~-23 (-10 advantage if both hits blocked. If first is blocked, and you remain ducking so the second whiffs, you get about 23 frames or so)
qcf+D i18 -11~-26(Same idea as qcf+B)
qcf+B(BR) i14 KD\+11
qcf+D(BR) i18 KD\+9
qcfx2+A -11
qcfx2+C -25
qcfx2+B +1
qcfx2+D Vacuum +3
Grant's frames (Click to reveal)GRANT
Standing Close
A i7 +6
B i10 +5
C i12 -12
D i13 +5
Standing Far
A i10 +4
B i10 +5
C i13 -6
D i18 KD/-4
A i8 +5
B i9 +2
C i14,16 -20 (First hit on i14, second hit i16. Frame advantage same whether one or both hits)
D i13KD/-14
A i7
B i7
C i11
D i10
d+K i22
Command Normals
df+C i16 KD/-9
AB i25 Hit:-3 Block:+3
d+AB i12 Hit:-8 Block:-2
CD(TOP) i20 KD/-15
qcb+A i17 KD/-11
qcb+C i24 KD/-3
dp+A i11 KD/-25(-25 if they block the second hit, -29 if they duck the second hit)
xxx (air)d+B +6
xxx (air)d+D -2
dp+C i9 KD/-13 (The -13 is if the opponent blocks the ground punch at the very end. If they block the first two upward hits, they have plenty of time to do anything before the ground punch. Another Grant can jump, land, jump again just before the ground punch, and connect with a deep j.D, land, and combo into a D super. Lots of time.)
xxx (air)d+B +5
xxx (air)d+D -3
(Times and frame dis/advantage for the d+K will vary depending on height when the move is done. These stats should be soonest possible. If the first part does hit, the air kick will almost alway juggle for a 3rd hit. All four variation of dp+P xxx d+K CAN combo in the dive kick, whether or not the second hit is ducked, but don't have to; its very easy just by delaying a couple of frames for the kick to not combo, giving the opponent only a frame or two before being hit. This gives them time to get out of blockstun just to get hit again, and barely any time to interrupt Grant. The tradeoff is less frame advantage if blocked. If the second hit is ducked, the kick can still be comboed in, but will lose a few frames (3 give or take) advantage. Really nasty tricks include delaying the kick so it crosses up. I've had it hit so the opponent has to block the same way as the original DP, but have Grant cross sides. I haven't yet made it so the opponent has to block the kick opposite direction from the DP, but Im still looking. )
dp+A(BR) +7
dp+C(BR) +5
f,b,f+A i23 KD/-16
f,b,f+C i29 KD/-16
qcf+B i15 -5
qcf+D i25 -1
qcfx2+A -11
qcfx2+C -11
qcfx2+B Vacuum -2
qcfx2+D Vacuum -2
Kain's frames (Click to reveal)A- 8 / +6
B- 9 / 0
Close C- 12 / -6
Far C- 16 / -3
D- 13 / -12
Crouching A- 7 / +4
Crouching B- 8 / +4
Crouching C- 11 / -1
Crouching D- 15 / -5
Jumping A - 9 / -
Jumping B - 10 / -
Jumping C- 13 / -
Jumping D- 12 / -
AB- 27 / +5, Hit: -1
d+AB- 12 / -6, Hit: -12
d+AB, C- 8 / -16
CD- 22 / -13
Charge b,f+A- 17 / -5
Charge b,f+C- 17 / -14
Charge d,u+B- 11 / -4
Charge d,u+B (braked)- 11 / +11
Charge d,u+D- 11 / -6
Charge d,u+D (braked)- 11 / +9
charge b, f +B- 18 / -8
charge b,f+D- 27 / -7
charge b,f+D (braked)- 27 / -2
qcfx2+A- +8
qcfx2+C- +34
qcfx2+B- +34
qcfx2+D- +46
Freeman's frames (Click to reveal)Standing Close
A i8 +6
B i7 +6
C i11 -7
D i8 -2~-5 (-2 if both hits blocked, -5 if second hit is ducked)
Standing Far
A i8 -1
B i9 -5
C i13 +1
D i12 -2
A i9 +5
B i8 +5
C i10 +4
D i14 KD/-10
A i8
B i9
C i14
D i14
Command Attacks
AB i25 Hit:-1 Block:+5
d+AB i12 Hit:-4 Block:+2
CD(TOP) i20 KD/-11
qcf+A i22 KD/-6
qcf+C i32 KD/-6
dp+A i19 -9
dp+C i24 -1
hcf+B i29 KD
hcf+D i31 KD
hcf+B(BR) i29 +13
hcf+D(BR) i31 +13
qcb+B i33 +1
qcb+D i45 +1
qcb+P Series:
1A i13 +1
1C i18 -5
2A +0 (low)
2C -12
3A KD/-24
3C KD/-1
(It only makes sense to give the time to connect for the first hit, and the final frame advantage for all six options. So, doing qcb+A xx qcb+C would hit in 13 frames with a -12 frame advantage. This should be obvious, but I can't really think of a good way to explain it. Sorry. Hits can be delayed quite a while, more than enough the have the target end blockstun before the next hits or mess with someone JDing it. All attacks can be blocked high or low, except for 2A which must be blocked low.)
qcfx2+A -7
qcfx2+C -6
qcfx2+B 9/32/38
qcfx2+D 6/32/38
(Frames for Kick super are the initial start up time from button press,the number of 'walking' frames that should catch moves and activate the super, and the recovering frames after the walk if the bait didn't work.)
Hoku's frames (Click to reveal)A- 8 / +6
Close B- 8 / +3
Close C- 9 / +2
Close D- 7 / -1
Far B- 10 / +1
Far C- 15 / -10
Far D- 15 / -3
Crouching A- 8 / +6
Crouching B- 9 / +4
Crouching C- 10 / +1
Crouching D- 14 / -3
Jumping A - 10 / -
Jumping B - 7 / -
Jumping C- 10 / -
Jumping D- 11 / -
df+B- 11 / -13
df+D- 12 / -13
AB- 22 / +5 hit: -1
d+AB- 14 / +7 hit: +1
CD- 18 / -31
qcf+A- 16 / -2
qcf+C- 22 / -2
Air qcf+A- 22 / -
Air qcf+C- 22 / -
qcb+A- 23 / -10
qcb+C- 34 / -18
qcf+B- 15 / -12
qcf+B (braked)- 15 / +5
qcf+D- 20 / -9
qcf+D (braked)- 20 / +5
qcb+D- 32* / -22*
qcfx2+A- ? / -34**
qcfx2+C- ? / -34**
qcfx2+B- ? / -60***
qcfx2+D- Vaccuum / -63***
*Against Grounded Opponent
**Same whether braked or not
***At mid-screen point-blank. In corner it hits more times and has less disadvantage. The further away you are from the target the more disadvantage.
Dong's frames (Click to reveal)Standing Close
A i7 +6
B i8 +4
C i9 -5 (i9 to first hit, second hit can't be crouched)
D i8 -6 (i8 to first hit, second hit can't be crouched)
A i7 +6
B i8 +0
C i16 -10
D i17 -1
A i9 +2
B i8 +6
C i9 +4
D i11 -8
A i9
B i10
C i10
D i12
b+C i8 (Got a best of +9 advantage in testing a crossover against another Dong Hwan)
d+B i12
d+D i13 (Has to have the down pressed a frame before the button, similar to feints. d+B doesnt have this problem)
Command Moves
AB i29 Hit: -1 Block: +5
d+AB i14 Hit:-2 Block: +4
CD(TOP) i12 KD/-9
dp+A i8 KD/-24 (Impact and dis/advantage will vary based on number of hits blocked, and which hits were blocked. These values represent best case scenario for Dong Hwan)
dp+C i8 KD/-29
dp+A(BR) -6
dp+C(BR) -6
qcf+B i26 KD/+13
qcf+D i29 KD/+9
qcb+B i23~25 -1 (First hit at i23 can be crouched. Second hit at i25 if first hit is crouched under. Second hit must be blocked standing; it is possible to block the first hit and crouch so the second hit connects, so remain standing.)
qcb+D i29~32 -2
hcb+C i11 KD/-9
(air) qcfx2+A Vacuum -39
(air) qcfx2+C Vacuum -69
qcfx2+B -5
qcfx2+D +5
qcfx3+C Vacuum -10
Hoon's frames (Click to reveal)Close A- 7 / +6
Close B- 8 / +4
Close C- 9 / -5
Close D- 8 / -12 (hit1), -6 (hit2)
Far A- 7 / +6
Far B- 8 / 0
Far C- 16 / -10
Far D- 17 / -3
Crouching A- 9 / +3
Crouching B- 8 / +6
Crouching C- 9 / +1
Crouching D- 11 / -8
Jumping A - 10 / -
Jumping B- 11 / -
Jumping C- 10 / -
Jumping D- 12 / -
AB- 29 / +5 hit: -1
d+AB- 15 / +3 hit: -3
CD- 34 / -1
d+B- 15 / -8
d+D- 15 / -6
d+B/D, qcb+B/D- 29** / -
d+B/D sweep follow up- - / -16
Backdash, B- 45 / -9
qcf+A- 23* / -16
qcf+C- 23* / -16
qcf+B- 18 / -6****
qcf+D- 20 / -6****
qcb+B- 18 / -8
qcb+D- 26 / -8
Charge d,u+B- 9 / -17
Charge d,u+B (braked)- 9 / -3
Charge d,u+D- 9 / -37
Charge d,u+D (braked)- 9 / 0
Charge d,u+D, d+D- 20*** / -24
qcfx2+A- ? / -52
qcfx2+C- ? / -28
qcfx2+B- Vacuum / -18
qcfx2+D- Vacuum / -25
*Or twelve frames to pose, eleven frames after button is released while posing it hits
**Unsure of these
***How many frames after the third hit it executes
****If second hit is crouched it’s -5
Butt frames (Click to reveal)Close A- 8 / +6
Close B- 8 / +4
Close C- 11 / -4
Close D- 9 / -9
Far A- 7 / +4
Far B- 9 / -4
Far C- 15 / -5
Far D- 15 / -7
Crouching A- 8 / +6
Crouching B- 8 / +5
Crouching C- 9 / -5
Crouching D- 12 / -5
Jumping A - 9 / -
Jumping B- 13 / -
Jumping C- 16 / -
Jumping D- 13 / -
AB- 28 / +6 (hit: 0)
d+AB- 13 / 0 (hit: -6)
CD- 14 / -24
f+A- 19 / +6
qcf+A- 13 / -5
qcf+C- 13 / -5
dp+A- 8 / -19
dp+A (braked)- 8 / +2
dp+C- 8 / -27
dp+C (braked)- 8 / 0
qcf+B- 14 / -7
qcf+D- 11 / -9*
qcb+A- 7 counters thru 14 / -
qcb+B- 7 counters thru 14 / -
Charge C, release (lvl1)- 16 / -9
Charge C, release (lvl2)- 16 / -9
Charge C, release (lvl3)- 18 / -9
Charge C, release (max)- 15 / -11
Charge D, release (lvl1)- 18 / -8
Charge D, release (lvl2)- 18 / -8
Charge D, release (lvl3)- 18 / -8
Charge D, release (max)- 18 / -6
qcfx2+A- ? / -16
qcfx2+C- ? / -26
qcfx2+B- Vacuum / -43
qcfx2+D- Vacuum / -55
qcfx3+C (lvl1)- Vacuum / -42
qcfx3+C (lvl2)- Vacuum / -48
qcfx3+C (lvl3)- Vacuum / -49
*If both hits connect only.
**Not 100% sure about Ranbu. I’m PRETTY SURE it’s those values for frame disadvantage, but I got some discrepancies when I did it sometimes
Tizoc's shitty frames (Click to reveal)Close A- 8 / +3
Close B- 11 / 0
C- 18 / +1
Close D- 10 / +4
Far A- 8 / +1
Far B- 11 / 0
Far D- 16 / -9
Crouching A- 8 / 0
Crouching B- 11 / +2
Crouching C- 15 / -5
Crouching D- 16 / -10
Jumping A - 11 / -
Jumping B - 13 / -
Jumping C- 15 / -
Jumping D- 12 / -
AB- 26 / +7 (hit: +1)
d+AB- 17 / +1 (hit: +1)
CD- 24 / -18
dp+A- 32 grabs thru 35 / -
dp+C- 43 grabs thru 48 / -
rdp+A- 22 / -8
rdp+C- 41 / -8
qcb+B- 33 / -11*
qcb+D- 60 / -9*
Air qcf+A- 9 / -
hcf+B- 17 / -
360+A- 7 / -
360+C- 7 / -
qcfx2+B- ? / -27
qcfx2+D- ? / -27
720+A- ? / -
720+C- ? / -
*On grounded opponent
Hotaru's frames ^^ (Click to reveal)Standing Close: (point blank-soonest possible connect)
A i7 +5
B i8 +1
C i11 -1
D i10 -8
Standing Far:
A i9 +2
B i10 +2
C i13 +1
D i15 -2
Crouching: (Point blank range)
A i8 +2
B i8 +2
C i9 -5
D i11 KD/-14
A+B i27 Hit:-1 Block:+5
d+A+B i12 Hit:-3 Block:+3
C+D(TOP) i13 KD/-24
Throw (f+C & b+C)
Instant. 2 frame delay like any other move, then throw animation begins. Throw breaks leave both at even frame advantage.
dp+B i6 KD/-12
dp+D i6 KD/-31
(Wierd. If you do f,d,df+K, it takes 7 frames to connect from the button press. If you do f,d,df,K, it takes 6 frames to connect from the button press.Tested, and all specials are this way. All numbers adjust to smallest possible from button press.)
hcf+D i13
qcf+P i15 -5 (point blank)
qcb+A i14 KD/-11
qcb+C i22 KD/-1 (Not a typo)
qcb+K i17 KD/-19 (+12 if Brake'd)
qcf,qcf+A KD/-51 (Yes, you can actually jump, land, and jump again before she can do anything)
qcf,qcf+C KD/-14 (This is assuming you stay and block the final dive. You can actually move before then, but run a good risk of getting hit with the dive if you jump. You can backdash so the dive misses, and have all the time in the world the smack her)
qcf,qcf+B Vacuum KD/-33 (Blocking the dive)
qcf,qcf+D Vacuum KD/-32 (Blocking the dive)
Gato's frames NOTE: Missing all of his QCB+B/D aerial move frames!!! (Click to reveal)Close A- 3/+6
Close B- 5/+6
Close C- 5/+3
Close D- 3/+5
Far A- 3/+1
Far B- 6/-3
Far C- 10/-4
Far D- 13/-1
Crouching A- 4/+6
Crouching B- 4/+4
Crouching C- 7/-1
Crouching D- 8/-10
Jumping A- 8
Jumping B- 10
Jumping C- 11
Jumping D- 14
A+B- 12
d+AB- 12
f+A- 23
qcf+A- 11
qcf+C- 20
dp+B- 7
dp+D- 7
qcb+B- 10
qcb+D- 11
QCFx2+A: 0/-8
QCFx2+C: 0/-8
QCFx2+B: 4/-55
QCFx2+D: 4/-79
HIDDEN Super QCFx3 A+B Hit #1: 11/-9
Hit #2: -/-14
Hit #3: -/-21
Awesome Vids
These 4 vids are the best I have ever seen and show masterful play: - Terry vs Gato - Rock vs Kevin - Dong vs Jenet - Gato vs Rock EPIC FINISH!!!
Howard Arena Videos:Howard Arena 2v2 Tournament: Arena 1v1 Tournament #2 (no sound) : Arena 2v2 Tournament #2 Arena 1v1 Casuals: Word
So yeah this is the topic for one of SNK's BEST games imho. Post combos I may of misseeed, infinites if any more get discovered, tips, BNB's, etc.
Make sure your info comes from Set 1 of Garou and not the prototype edition (you know you have prototype if Hoku has a yellow cape in the character select screen instead of red.)