RPG Fury (Now F2P) (Read 909 times)

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I am a bit surprised that nobody has ever posted about this game (as far as I know). I actually just found out about it this morning before work, and after reading I became slightly interested in the game. It plans on doing some pretty interesting things, and gameplay sounds very innovative.. so here we go..

What is Fury?
Half RPG, half FPS. You create a character (as far as I know) and then get to just.. PvP. Against other people. That is it.

That sounds boring.. Is that REALLY it?
Well, alright, there is a little more depth.. this is where the RPG element comes in. When you hop into the PvP arenas (GameSpot describes them as feeling a lot like Quake in design and style), you get to beat and bash everyone around you with... no, not guns. Swords, magic, ranged attacks.. This is set in a fantasy world so there are typical fantasy classes and features. By performing well in the matches (which from I understand are team based and free for all) you will get experience and other rewards.

Experience? So you level up?
Yes, you do. Fury is also looking to make the game very interesting to play through because there are talent trees for the classes which, from what I have read, are extremely customizable. This means you will be able to create your character and develop them however you want as you progress through the matches.

That's all fine and dandy, but I feel like you're not explaining this game well enough for me to feel very interested.
Yes, I suck at that. Check out what GameSpot recently said.

How does the game look?
Pretty good, actually! It isn't a technical marvel, but it looks good enough.

Warning: These images are fairly large.

What are your thoughts?
Shaping up pretty darn well, I think! In my opinion, Fury is trying to do some VERY interesting things which are either going to be very awesome or pretty lame and boring. We'll see.. I'm not overly happy with the idea of just deathmatch. I'd like to see some capture the flag/objective sort of matches, but if there aren't then that is fine too. Overall, I think this is a game to watch and I am intrigued at how it is a sort of Guild Wars/Quake hybrid. If the average press review is anywhere above 7/10 then I'll likely pick it up and give it a go.

Fury is being released October 16, which isn't very far away. Let's see if we can keep this topic alive until then.
Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 09:01:07 pm by UPRC
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looks awesome. too bad i cant run it on anything
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you don't personally level up but your skills do they kind of changed the system around.
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Its like a more actiony version of Guild Wars pvp wise.
Yay! Random words!

"Hey don't hotlink images for your avatar. Upload it in GW Uploader or imageshack or something"
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It LOOKS good, but it looks like it would get boring after a while.
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So yeah it's another Guild Wars or what?
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this is nothing like guild wars at all

Guild Wars requires more team work with splits, interrupts, and more teambuild play, this is more about yeah your a team work together to accomplish objectives sure but you dont need to focus as much on your teambuild just your own build.

also its PvP only and all the skills are pretty much instant cast so you can move while using shit, and they recharge super super super fast too whereas Guild Wars is like all your skills require you to stop, hey wait 3 seconds, wait 30 seconds to use again.

its very twitch based, whereas Guild Wars is only twitch based with interrupts and more tactical and strategic.
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So this is like a Gunz/ Faction type pvp server? Yeah... those get boring really quick. Balance issues that are slow to be fixed... arenas/ match types getting stale... exploits start kicking in... the works. If you want a fast paced pvp game... play an FPS. This whole tps/ rpg combo never works out in the long run.
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this is nothing like guild wars at all

Guild Wars requires more team work with splits, interrupts, and more teambuild play, this is more about yeah your a team work together to accomplish objectives sure but you dont need to focus as much on your teambuild just your own build.

also its PvP only and all the skills are pretty much instant cast so you can move while using shit, and they recharge super super super fast too whereas Guild Wars is like all your skills require you to stop, hey wait 3 seconds, wait 30 seconds to use again.

its very twitch based, whereas Guild Wars is only twitch based with interrupts and more tactical and strategic.
i meant genre



hint: an easier answer is "yeah kinda but this is more fast and idiot gameplay"
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i think it's like guild wars in that it's pvp-centric (this is how gw was a lot of the time, hiret told me), and it's very easy to hit the level cap and get decent gear in a timely manner, so that once there you can compete in endgame pvp without having to grind levels for months, and then spend MORE months grinding out gear.  so yeah it is sort of similar, but it controls very differently, from what little time i spent fucking around with guild wars.  control-wise, it's pretty much identical to wow, and the +/- charge system and every attack being instant makes the entire game sort of feel like you are playing a rogue, somewhat.

so i would say yeah it's like another gw maybe with a bit of wow's control scheme thrown in.
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that's pretty cool. i might pick this up as i never tried gw.

well, depending on how many people here get and like it, ofc. part of me not gettin gw was this place's gw crowd was mainly.. um.. people i do not socialize with.
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whats the matter dont you like linkmaster__sab
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you know i didn't even remember his name until i started typing it
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its not a corpg (which is what GW is) if thats what you're asking.

its pretty good though and its a lot better since they listened to the people who had legit complaints and changed stuff up so everyone has tons of points to customize their guy at the start equipment wise, start with all 8 of the incarnations with all their starter skills at all ranks so you dont have to train with each class to earn them, but you still have to get the rest of the skills, purchase all the skills maxed out optionally online, made the Deathmatch mode last longer, etc, and made it all 1 realm which is a lot better since before if one of your friends accidentally joined another realm OH WELL CANT PLAY WITH HIM
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how is it with the level balancing, will i get totally stomped if i enter as lvl 1 and everyones a lvl 10+?
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You used to, but now you can play with bots to level up quicker and its less styled that way so you will prolly get stomped cause they have more skills than you do, but you will have a chance.
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Another MMOFPSRPG? More and more of these coming out these days, but looks alright. It'll be competing with games like Huxley though so its going to be tough if it lives up to the hype. Hopefully they'll play better than Guns, though maybe with less lag it would have been more enjoyable...
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Its not a MMOFPSRPG at all dude.

Its not even first person, nor a shooter, by FPS it just meant twitch play wise.
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Hopefully they'll play better than Guns, though maybe with less lag it would have been more enjoyable...

I would imagine it would. Gunz was free to play (meaning no cost to purchase or anything) Korean garbage. This is quite different, and it is evident that there is much more effort put into it. I don't even think Gunz is on the same playing field as this game.

Not saying the game is good.. I'm hoping it will be, but I guess we'll have to wait until Tuesday to find out. When the reviews start to get published, I'll be reading closely to see if the reviewers think the game will have any true lasting appeal, because that it what concerns me the most at the moment.
Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 12:44:29 pm by Error2
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Ah right Gunz not Guns, my bad. I think it was just a beta when it was free though, no idea what its like now as I lost interest in it ages ago. Yeah definitely worth a look at, I usually get bored of dethmatches quite quickly, infact the only fps game to ever keep me playing over the years without losing interest was NS, but as this offers some growth in both levels and skill It might actually work out for me, if it wont suffer from crippling lag and I can run it at a decent framerate that is.