Eww battle systems.
See my problem with gameplay in RPG Maker is that it's so hard to get any (the default battle system is a catastrophe, and most people can't be bothered to come up with custom systems or minigames/puzzles in 2/3 weeks). Frankly, I hoped CG3 would have no battles at all (which is why my part has none!), but that's just my personal preference.
Also guys, we had this argument before CG2 and CG3. Everyone had those ideas and everyone wanted the next game to be the best thing ever. We tried new ideas, set new rules, and all that. Thing is, most of these ideas don't work. Also, CG2 had an equally bad reception if I recall correctly. The idea just died after CG1 or something, so don't be too harsh on 3!
To force a coherent game on people is against the spirit of the chain game. While it might be interested for a group of people to try to work on some solid game with a clear idea and all, it's just not fun and too demanding. So is to expect all parts to follow one vision (such as: all gameplay, all story, etc.). While it is expected that chapters somehow makes sense in relation to previous chapters, that's more of a hint than a requirement (at least in CG1 and 3). We should never worry about the game becoming 'too weird' as it is the player's fault for assuming too much from a game made by different people and with loose guidelines. I actually like that aspect of chain games.
It's important to realize that no matter what rules we set, someone will break them, and the game ALWAYS fall apart somewhere around the middle, there is simply no way around it aside from actually setting criteria for what parts are accepted and not, and that's just elitist if anything.
My point: CG4 should NOT break away from the Chain Game concept, even if the last game didn't fare well (G&D people are pretty dumb anyway, and we all know it).
BTW, CG3 took far less time than CG2 and is WAY better, in my opinion. The 'rules' set early on for CG2 (it was supposed to be a series coherent game or something) resulted in some of the worst plot twists and inconsistity starting from MDN's chapter (where the _ban_ on the use of 'cheese' was broken).
DP's more gameplay-oriented idea of the dungeon might work, but as I said earlier it'd only work if people put effort in their chapters, and aside from a few people, they WON'T (remember that the initial enthusiasm to create the best game ever wears off during the year or so the game takes to be done). It'd be just like other Chain Games because you were always allowed to just add dungeons or maps that didn't add or take from the story in earlier games, and some people did (like that cool item in CG2). I think we should allow people to add story if they like, it's not like there's any other attraction to most RPG games, if every participant in the Chain Game was DP then sure, you'd have a good game with lots of puzzles and gameplay and no plot, but that's asking for too much of your average RPG Maker user.
I agree with any attempts to ban default battles or decrease them, they are just not very fun. I could endure the turn based battles of RM2K, but not the horrible ATB of 2k3.
Any attempts to break the game progress into phases or groups doesn't feel very Chain Game to me.
Comedy is cool, no rules are cool, ALEX is cool. Schools and sim games aren't, though. You can't fight cliches just by changing the setting. CG2 starts in a modern settings but somehow ends up in medieval ones, it seems like I keep repeating myself but YOU CAN'T ASSUME THAT PEOPLE WILL FOLLOW THE LEAD OF THE FIRST CHAPTER. When we came up with a nice system to overcome the lameness of leveling in CG3, most people simply didn't use it. Same would happen if we come up with a new battle system or anything. Random titles would be a nice addition, but not really a big one (people can get away with small references to the title, if any).
Well, I guess my position is that whatever ideas you guys are coming up with will probably not work so we might as well have no rules and just make CG3 all over again, maybe with a different development process to get over the problem of 'taking too long'. Unless you could somehow convince me people will put effort in their chapters this time (right).
This is just my opinion, if enough people like a certain idea then sure, we could try it. Oh, and I'm not going to be in charge of CG4, sorry but I don't really have the time. I don't mind creating the sign up topic , making a chapter, and helping with testing, but I'll probably be out of GW before this game ever sees the light so... Ask DP, Impeal, Erave, UPRC, I do a better job of complaining about the game taking too long when I'm in a spectator position than when I'm in charge of it!