Weird Debating a 61-year-old... (Read 4172 times)

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that site is fairly ridiculous

read the bible, quickly. just skim over the new testament or something, or better yet download an audio bible (they're great!) and speed it up so you can listen quickly.

then when you've got a good handle on what the bible says christianity is all about, see if what she's saying lines up with scripture, and if it doesn't: point it out.

this is perhaps the only way to battle with a christian, though it assumes what they're saying won't line up
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Even Moses isn’t safe for the wrath of God. In Exodus 4:24, we read how “the LORD met Moses and was about to kill him”, for no apparent reason. Zipporah manages to appease God by circumcising her son and touching Moses’ ‘feet’ with it (scholars point out that ‘feet’ are a eufemism for ‘genitals’).

this site is really ridiculous. why was God apeased by a circumcision? god was going to kill moses because he hadn't circumcised his sons. he's kinda a stickler for obedience. also there's a fair few spelling mistakes and a lot of the science is outdated

ahahaha, did you know Jesus wasn't born on the 25th of December??

that website would work well for face to face stuff but when you have a little time to think about it, or even to look it up yourself you can find it's pretty far-out. i would not recommend it for a myspace debate!

then again a 61 year old might not know about google? (how old is larry king?)
Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 09:28:08 am by climbtree
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Uh yeah, don't just link to that site in the debate. Don't link to ANY site actually, that would be lame.

I mean seriously, when YOU are in a debate, do you like it when someone just goes LOL READ THIS instead of actually responding to what you're saying?

Also, naturally you cant even hope to "win" this debate. I mean, they don't just believe strongly in god, they also WANT to believe (lol pascal's wager). It is impossible to convince someone who doesn't honestly want to be convinced in the first place.

Well its probably possible, but like, you'd need to be a MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGY AND OF CONVINCING, have a charisma score of at least 18 and be at least talking to them face-to-face so that they cant just look away and leave ,and so that you can use your tone of voice, gestures etc to make your discourse more convincing, rather than its content alone.

Content alone is enough to convince someone who is already contemplating the possibility that you might be right in the first place, but not someone who is arguing against you with zeal and a possibly condescending feeling of moral and spiritual superiority.
Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 10:08:09 am by Psychoskull
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Ask why Jesus supported slavery.

(yea, it was written by an atheist.  so what?)

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Just send her a picture of a huge penis and don't say anything.  You're fooling yourself if you think this debate would do anything at all.  The fact is, these people never, ever change their minds, no matter what argument you give, so it's pretty damn useless.
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Goddamn those Christians trying to convert people to Christianity, they're interrupting me converting people to atheism! Graaaaaaaaah!!!!!!
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yeah, seriously. she's 61 years old dude why are you trying to ARGUE with her. just let it go!
brian chemicals
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Well it's not like The Mike wants to SHOW HER UP SO BAD, he just thought that it would be a good (and amusing) exercise at civil e-debate, since the opposition is - after all - 61 years old and serious enough about it to issue him an e-challenge. It's a pretty unique chance and it looks like he just thought he'd try it!

But uhh as regards to debate topics I can't really say anything since I prefer ad lib. Perhaps you should try it too?
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certainly not as cool as when i went to the myspace of the woman who was defending her husband after he tried to microwave their baby and asked for ADVICE ON HOW TO PROPERLY MICROWAVE BABY

she's 61 years old dude why are you trying to ARGUE with her. just let it go!
hahahhaha how dare you say this you fucking guy!! you would argue with a tree stump if it could kinda put together sentences
Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 03:19:58 pm by Hundley
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no man i cut it off at people that might have heart attacks.

unless they are morbidly obese.
brian chemicals
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yeah, seriously. she's 61 years old dude why are you trying to ARGUE with her. just let it go!
Um, she's asking me to.  I had no idea who she was until she messaged me and was all like "hay let's do internets debate"
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step 1: kill yourself
step 2: find out truth
step 3: come back as ghost and epic jone old woman

great success.
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wait, I forgot what I was going to write here... awkward...
wait, I forgot what I was going to write here... awkward...
wait, I forgot what I was going to write here... awkward
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Haha, I really hope this turns into something awesome. Just keep us posted through your blog or whatever the hell it is and make sure to include your remarks!
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Ayolark, I messaged her back with some of your topics and some of my own.  I'll drop in and let everyone know which topic we've decided upon when she gets back to me.

As a sidenote, I published Cruelty and Violence:  Jesus Christ today.  It's quite possibly the most offensive CaV yet, so I'll let you guys know if I get any more ridiculous emails from pissed-off Christian folk.
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Um, she's asking me to.  I had no idea who she was until she messaged me and was all like "hay let's do internets debate"

oh what, I misread. I thought it was just some comments on a blog.

in which case good luck she's going to roll out all the standard arguments so just prep for those?
brian chemicals
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you better start studying the bible
haha awesome i made that one
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Just be glad you are dealing with modern pussy jesus and not bad ass medieval Jesus. I've been taking a course on early English literature and I gotta tell you, their Jesus kicks so much fucking ass that they've just about won me over. I think I may enter the priesthood.
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For millions of years people have been worshiping Jesus Christ as the son of god. But is this really the case???
Here are my finding and I hope to be emprical about this. Jesus christ once spat in the eye of some dude with eye problem. Does that sound very perfect to you??? I don't know about you, but if someone was called perfect and he spat in my face i would think twice about leaping without looking when that person told me to!!

Was jesus god?
here is a fact about god (according the the myth: the holy bible): god doesn't die. but hang on a moment if jesus and god are one in the same how did jesus die?? also the ressurection never happened because that's impossible so i don;t need to consider this aspect of the legend of jesus.

jesus is a saviour
saviour of what exactly? ? how can he say we have sin (doing something people don't like/being bad) when jesus SPITS IN EYES. God kills a bunch of people in the old testament and in the new testament as well. he once killed a guy because he sold his farm and DIDn'T GIVE EVERY CENT OF IT TO THE DISCIPLES!!!! (this is why he was killed it was for money and not for lying to the holy spirit (phhhf what is that meant to be, casper??))
how can jesus save us from being bad when he himself does really bad things?!? he once went into a church and turned tables over and stuff that is pretty darn bad.

on top of some of this stuff he was also really intolerant. he went into a church and turned tables over JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE money CHANGERS?? he had a problem with money changers etc. also huge racist: always refers to the Jews and the Gentiles rather than "people" how intolerant is this? in the old testament he destorys soddom and gommorah for being GAY. JUST FOR BEING GAY.

this is one of the many contradictions of the bible it says that god is good but he doesn't support homosexuals, is anti-semetic probably, and other stuff that is pretty bad.

please feel free to leave commens.

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Extremism in following the will of god is no vice! But seriously, I would have beat the money changer's asses too. Gonna charge me 10 times the worth of a drachma (IIRC) bullshit, I will sacrifice YOUR FACE to the god of WHUPASS thank you very much. Jesus is the prince of peace and you can't have peace unless you have everyone of your enemies shook.
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Goddamn those Christians trying to convert people to Christianity, they're interrupting me converting people to atheism! Graaaaaaaaah!!!!!!
This is the best post I've seen so far. :mellow: