I won't be able to come here for a bit as I've become far to busy lately with school. I just got hired so that means school + work schedule again. If you want to contact me just pm me here, I prefer emails though (check my profile).
I won't lie, I'm actually getting quite bored of gamingw as well. It isn't anyone's fault in particular, it's just that this site just isn't as fun as it used to be for me. There really isn't nothing left for me to enjoy here. I know I'll come back eventually so I won't give the classical "I'll be gone forever" speech.
I've also gotten really sick of rpg making too. It's to the point where I can't find myself interested enough to work on something for more then a half hour. That, and my team mates aren't really responsive. It makes it harder to get anything done.
I also noticed there are a lot more fucking shit talkers who basically do nothing but a lot of trolling. I'm sure half those people are fucking losers in real life though so I won't comment any further about them (seeing them in the picture thread just makes even clearer how pointless it would be to argue). I was never really involved in gamingw aside from a few discussions and a bit game making. Although I never really talk to people on MSN and all, I can still safely say there are quite a few chilling people I've met that seem pretty cool.
Anyways, just holla at my email or something if you really need me. I'll update you guys sometime soon with some updates when I can.
Peace out