this is disgusting. i thought the whole pipe-eating thing was hilarious when i was a kid
people wonder why children are becoming more and more shallow and detached from reality as the years pass. shit like this is really the reason why. people are so hopelessly afraid to speak to kids honestly and so many people really go far out of their way to protect children from anything that's even vaguely controversial. at some point you have to acknowledge that, yeah, the world isn't fucking perfect. better to begin showing children this in genuinely harmless television programming, than to keep it some enormous secret until the BIG BIG SURPRISE when it hits them all at once and they're left to deal with it completely on their own, totally unprepared.
This is a good thing because those shows like sesame street or barney the dinosore are scary. If I ever have a child I'll never let him/her watch them.
if you honestly think sesame street is too scary for children, i really think you should read into this super-useful technique called
Vasectomy. it's the sure-fire way to prevent all your future children from having to endure the horrors of sesame street