Awesome. A bunch of people decided to make a Dutch test for the American presidential elections. It was made by Kieskompas and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, which are both highly respected organizations, so it's dependable. It presents to you a bunch of statements, and you pick whether you agree, strongly agree, don't agree, or strongly don't agree (or you can pick "neutral" or "no opinion"). I took the test just now and this is my result:
The pencil on the top left is my political alignment. I'm closest to Barack Obama, whose ideas are apparently 80% the same as mine (this probably accounts for the fact I almost exclusively used "strongly agree" and "strongly disagree"). I'm 22% more economically leftist and 13% more progressive. The only things we disagree on are his apparent wish to build a big fence around the Mexican border (not sure if that's just a figure of speech, actually), and his idea that America should
not lower their defense budget (I think it should). He also believes that Iran is a direct threat to peace, but I think this is rhetorical.
Fred Thompson is the worst candidate for me. Which makes sense, just look at that photo. He looks like a grinch.
EDIT: interestingly, I almost completely agree with Ron Paul on the war on terrorism. I too believe that it was stupid to go to Iraq in the first place, and that it isn't any kind of war that can be won. I disagree with his wish to just grab a jet and head home, because now that the troops are there, the least you could do is keep things stable till an international peacekeeping force is able to fully take over in cooperation with the Iraqi army.