These things aren't really for everyone. Items like the N52 Nostromo are used and adored by some, while others think of them as unnecessary; and stick with the keyboard.
I myself have grown quite accustomed to my N52 ( ), but there's on thing that really irritates me. The shoddy quality.
These things never last more than 5 months, and the warranty was voided on my first one when I opened it up and stupidly attempted to fix it myself. (It used to work with my own SNES controllers!)
Now, I'm on my second n52, and I've encountered some more wear a tear, 5 months later; almost as if it was on queue. The psuedo mouse wheel thing on it gets stuck frequently, causing me to rabbit hop like a retard in many of the games I play.
Frustrated with the sub standard quality product belkin has put out; I look to get a new pad. I find out the n52te is coming out, so I ask for it for Christmas.
Little did I know - this product has been delayed roughly SIX times at this point; with it recently being re delayed to Febuary 15th. But will this even matter? It has new backlighting and a new pad / look - but will the product be so poorly made, like many other belkin products?
I'm unsure if I want to spend the 70$ US for something that will break in a half a year; so I look for alternatives.
So here I am, throwing myself at the mercy of the video games forum. What, if any peripherals do you use? Can you recommend a viable alternative?
The ideazon fang looks like a good product. Praised for its durability and even winning rewards from reputable magazines. Please?