Hey! Me again. (not sure if this is the right forum...*Sigh* this is rather about the development.)
Anyway, I was wondering what method is most popular for recording video games (especially rm2k3 ones) to be put on youtube or whatever and shown to gamingw.
Programs I've tried
:Game cam lite
:SD Soft
Out of all, Fraps is the best. HOWEVER the trial only lets you record for 30 seconds, let alone a 2 minute video.
I've tried recording again when it ends, but it just isn't smooth enough that way. ALSO, I can't seem to get it to capture Audio 24/7. I followed the tutorial, and then it worked for about one 10 second vid and then stopped working. When I checked again to find the problem, nothing had been changed. Finally, I don't feel like spending $37 to make a 3 minute movie of my game's intro. AND, I have problems with the audio anyway.
So I ask you, what is the best way to record for a lengthy period of time (about 5 minutes) for free with a trial program that works with rm2k3?