Movies Vantage Point (Read 1110 times)

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Wow. I just got back from the movie Vantage Point, and despite the low scores it got, I LOVED it.

They pulled off the different viewpoints perfectly, starting at the same time with each one, and then using the last viewpoint to blend all of them together.
I especially loved William Hurt's and Dennis Quaid's perfomance, and Forest Whitaker did amazing too. By the end of the movie I was genuinely attached to the characters, and nervous to whether they survive or not. I don't want to spoil the movie in case anyone here actually plans on seeing it, but Dennis' Quaid's character is set up to be an emotionally rattled secret service agent, and while most characters in the movie think he is a handicap to the situation , he does some borderline unrealistic things to prove himself. Forest Whitaker is only a tourist, there to see some kind of treaty signing; the movie is set in Spain; and just by having a camera, he is sucked into the action.
I went in a big fan of Mathew Fox, thinking he would carry the movie, but he is actually only a side note, though vital to the story.

Any thoughts on the movie? I'm hoping that just because movie sites like Rotten Tomatoes has a bad score for this movie, people won't be turned away.
I'm part of a movie club that goes to a movie every sunday night, and most of us are pretty divided on whether the movies are good or not, but everyone was at least surprised by how good Vantage Point was.

Go see it!
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DarkNecrid told me it's the best movie of the year...  I don't know how trustworthy he is, but I might go see it anyway. I like Whitaker and it says it has a "Rashomon" type storytelling style, so we'll see.
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I hate to get ahead of myself, being that I saw the movie an hour ago and I still have it buzzing in my head, but I would definitely saw Vantage Point is movie of the year. They have 10 months to come up with something amazing, otherwise this movie gets my vote.

ps DarkNecrid is handsome lamb yes?
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I hate to get ahead of myself, being that I saw the movie an hour ago and I still have it buzzing in my head, but I would definitely saw Vantage Point is movie of the year. They have 10 months to come up with something amazing, otherwise this movie gets my vote.

ps DarkNecrid is handsome lamb yes?

yes that is me

and yes, I loved this movie. Fuck the bad reviews.
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man i have seen the trailer for this film at every show i went to see for about six months and every time i see it i still laugh when dennis quaid bursts into that security room flashin his badge and yells:


the whole trailer is pretty funny really.

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If you see the movie, those clips are taken out of context by a fair margin, especially the president's bit.

ps. sigourney*? weaver is in this movie for like 20 minutes of crows-feeted bliss.
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The third time the view point repeated was when it got damn annoying, but it was still... Survivable. After it stopped repeating I had zero complaints, pretty damn good movie and has what is now my favorite car chase scene (I loved the POV they took for parts of it).

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If you see the movie, those clips are taken out of context by a fair margin, especially the president's bit.

no man i think i get it from the trailer. the president had a body double and now he has to go into hiding cos his double got killed. the line is hilarious, and awful.

and the i need to see your tapes was hilarious cos of the sheer urgency that quaid expressed in his desire for dem tapes.

no way am i seeing this.
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watching the commercials something did look cool about this movie, not sure what exactly though. I might have to go see it (to be honest the concept sounds a little corny and I bet some of the reviewers didn't even go and see it :/ )
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no man i think i get it from the trailer. the president had a body double and now he has to go into hiding cos his double got killed. the line is hilarious, and awful.

Well obviously you already know all about the film, since you've seen the trailer.
Sure wish I wouldn't have spent 7$ on a movie ticket when the trailer was right there on youtube.

I did think that the rewinding was a little slow. After just watching a scene, it wasn't really necessary to backtrack the whole way through and tell us the time.
I would've been satisfied with a blank screen.
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did i interpret it totally wrong? if i did then boy is my face red
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I saw it Saturday, and I thought it was quite good.

Quaid does a good job, as per usual.  Fox...I was kinda disappointed with his small amount of screentime (being a big LOST fan), but he had a cool role that was pretty different from Jack Shepard.  Whitaker is always good.

The first couple of times it rewound was kinda annoying, but I got over it.  By the time it stopped rewinding, I was really anxious to see how it all tied together.

Car chase was most definitely one of the best I've seen in a long time.  The "confrontation" aspect that usually accompanies action movies at the end (i.e. main character vs. main antagonist in a gun/knife/sword/verbal fight) was kind of absent.  It was just like...BAM, it's over.

Still, top notch action/suspense film.

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Car chase was most definitely one of the best I've seen in a long time.  The "confrontation" aspect that usually accompanies action movies at the end (i.e. main character vs. main antagonist in a gun/knife/sword/verbal fight) was kind of absent.  It was just like...BAM, it's over.

I loved that! Almost the end of the movie, you're thinking, holy shit, the badguys actually got away... Then lone behold, a couple of total badasses walk in and ruin everything.
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I just saw it today and wrote a review for my high school's newspaper.  I don't really understand the poor reviews this film is getting--I quite enjoyed it.  The story could crumble at the turn of a dime, but it doesn't hinge on the story.  They do try to make a social commentary on and fail, but the film definitely entertains.  If you're looking for fantastic narrative and compelling questions on international relations you should keep looking, but if you're looking for a high quality action flick, go see Vantage Point.
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I went and saw this last night.  I felt that it was a pretty good movie overall.  Not the greatest movie, but a lot better than the last movie that I went to see in theatres (Jumper).  I liked how even though it was about the president and poltiics and stuff, it managed to keep most of the political commentary out of the main storyline.