Topic: (The Lost & the Damned!)Grand Theft Auto IV Thread! (Read 16415 times)

  • Super Saiyan Sam
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Cant wait till tomorrow!!!! Heard Circuit City is giving a 10 dollar rebate if you buy it this true or not?
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review talk is better than OH MY GOSH SOON HERE because no one has the game.

also yeah I'd say a 10/10 doesn't mean FLAWLESS IN MY EYES but that the flaws are wholely negligible to the reviewer. no one is going to ever say perfect.

Did I fucking start this shit?  I remember posting about reviews then coming back the next day and HOLY SHIT.

Admittedly I haven't read EGM since Metal Gear Solid came out but I used to subscribe to Gamepro, PSM, and Computer Gaming World or pcgamer or whatever it was called (all shitty mags 10 years ago) and a 10/10 was literally quoted as "flawless" or "perfect."  If they changed it now then more power to them but back in the days when gas was 1$ a gallon and one could buy a pound of candy for 25 cents, magazines considered a 10 to be the holy grail.
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*pats his copy of gta4*

decided to buy it for ps3 so if anyone else is going to get the ps3 version, tell me so we can play online sometime.
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I will be. You and me... we will have a duel...

edit: but we gotta do it before the end of this week.
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As I look at this thread, apparently GTAIV will be talked about so much it'll be a dead horse in a few months, where it was literally killed by it's fanboys, same goes for any game really!

But I guess I'm ruining the fun...
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*pats his copy of gta4*

decided to buy it for ps3 so if anyone else is going to get the ps3 version, tell me so we can play online sometime.
I will add me to you PS3 friends DDay22 I believe
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Like I said before, GT is Shanklin.
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I would gladly join in on the action if the wireless routers for the 360 didn't cost a fucking benjamin franklin.

  • Super Saiyan Sam
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Fuck man just buy a long ethernet cord. Thats what I did.
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I would gladly join in on the action if the wireless routers for the 360 didn't cost a fucking benjamin franklin.

Yeah man, you don't need a router or anything. Just hook it up with a normal cable via your modem. I guess you already thought about stuff like this but I felt I had to mention it anyway.
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Attention Xbox 360 owners!
Buckle up boys, we're going in for a hard ride in Liberty City...

Maybe we should make another thread like the Smash Bros. peeps did, I dunno. However, since there is no such thread yet we might as well make a post with our gamertag in here. Basically, make a post and state your gamertag and simply add anyone you wanna shoot in GTA 4.

My gamertag is: nliman

If you make a topic like this, add a list for both Xbox 360 and PS3 users so that we don't need two different topics for having list of names.

Also, only played this for a bit (it's over 2am here got work tomorrow :<) but it already seemed very promising. The loading times are really short because you download it on your HD first (like with DMC4) and the framerate is really good given how large the city seemed to be and how good the graphics are. I just fucked around for a little while and the new police system seems so much better and driving a few different kind of cars was neat too. The city really feels alive by the way, and it's so much better than before. I was seriously amazed by this. But anyway, that's all I can say for now since I only played it for a good 40 minutes but it was really promising.
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I would gladly join in on the action if the wireless routers for the 360 didn't cost a fucking benjamin franklin.

I sort feel your pain but lucky me I have PS3
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Yeah man, you don't need a router or anything. Just hook it up with a normal cable via your modem. I guess you already thought about stuff like this but I felt I had to mention it anyway.

My 360 is three walls of away from my modem.  Running a cord to it will look stupidly tacky and it would be a tripping hazard.

I also have to start subscribing to Xbox Live and aaaaaaaaaaargh i don't feel spending 10 bux a month or whatever.
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My 360 is three walls of away from my modem.  Running a cord to it will look stupidly tacky and it would be a tripping hazard.

I also have to start subscribing to Xbox Live and aaaaaaaaaaargh i don't feel spending 10 bux a month or whatever.
its only 4(maybe 5) bucks a month

also because i'm a dick, i looked in my 1995 egm too see if they say a 10 is a perfect game, but all it says is that they grade games on a scale of 1-10 compared to the other games available on the console it is for.
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I'm watching some youtube videos and it's pretty neat how pedestrians actually REACT in this game unlike in previous games were city folk were so fucking badass they would simply walk around someone you just knifed in the back.

One video showed Niko bike jumping the empire state building only to flatten himself like a pancake on the ground and you see a couple of people scream and a dude slams on his brakes.

An animated gif I saw on 4chan shows a car pileup because someone slowed down and rubber necked when you got into a fender bender on the other side of the street.

I'm also digging the new mission structure where you can take care of multiple missions at once instead of following a rigid "go here talk to dude" arc.
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Has a PC version been announced yet? =/
  • Super Saiyan Sam
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I thought all youtube vids were gone?
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We went out to get a bite to eat at around 8 pm and we saw a line forming at the gamestop we preordered it from. We ask what was going on (knowing full well what it was) and apparently there was a huge preorder list. Being the rabid GTA/Saints Row fanatic that he is... my brother took the keys and forced us to stay in line with all these ghetto mother fuckers. Here we are standing next to people holding glocks in their pants and shit.... mingling with the beardfaces that where also in line. It was a pretty stange scene. Especially in the last five minutes when 50 people showed up out of nowhere... walking/driving in from every other corner of the plaza.  But by 10:25 (they opened back up 10... but only allowed 2 people in the store at a time)... we got our number and we where out of there. 18 out of 20.

My brother is going back at 12am.


I never thought I would have been one of those guys to actually wait in line for a mother fucking game. I didn't plan on it.... and I wasn't alone though. We recognized a lot of people there, not to mention the five of us that came in the same suv. The funniest thing though was how ghetto some of the people waiting in line was... and how much shit they where talking. I had my camera phone ready just in case shit went down. The most awkward moment was when neckbeard was taking a poll to see who was getting the PS3 or 360 versions to see who he can play with online. Fat, pasty, white neckbeard walking up to a guy that looks and talks like baby joker with fucking tear drop tattoes under his eyes and asking him what his gamertag was.
Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 03:22:28 am by KBJGXLM
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oh man what a hilarious story.  i can't count the number of times a neckbeard with a sbarro stained t-shirt walks up to me in software etc. and starts talking about random vidya's as if i care.

And I still don't understand this numbering system thing.  About a mile away there's an EB, GS, and Software within 500 feet of each other but they never do midnight releases with the random numbers and shit.  If you preorder a game, they guarantee it when you walk into the store at 10:00AM release day even if a thousand copies are shipping in. 

I could've sworn the whole point behind preorders was to guarantee your copy on the release day.
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I have a per order so they better have it when my bro gets there tomorrow.
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