Topic: (The Lost & the Damned!)Grand Theft Auto IV Thread! (Read 16415 times)

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So, which conosole did you get it for, Mala?

Oh yeah, my pre-order is late so I won't be playing until tomorrow or something. Oh well, at least I get a 12 month live along with it.
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So, which conosole did you get it for, Mala?

PS3 because whenever I play my 360 I can't but think that I'm playing on borrowed time.  It's so noisy and freezes sometimes and I just really don't want to bother with that!  The reviews said the PS3 version has faster loading but in a game that never loads it's not really a great feature.  I also have problems with the 360 controller being a little too heavy and I prefer the freakishly weightless Sixaxis.

However the PS3 triggers absolutely suck and I hate them (they are convex instead of concave and they feel spongy and take a lot of pressure to hold down all the way).
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I got used to the controls in no time since Burnout Paradise also used the R2 trigger.

Also man, the city is so well done that it's still hard to believe. I also love how each person seems to be pretty unique. Of course this can't be true as there are hundreds or thousands of people in the city but Rockstar has really managed to to make it seem like a real city. At one point, I just stood next to some dude who was talking to a phone and then he started talking to me. I was eating and didn't do anything and he tried talking to me twice more and when I just kept standing there, he got angry at me and attacked me. And I tried that with a few others and they all react in different ways. The level of detail is just amazing and the size of Liberty City is insane considering the details and how well designed it is. It's so much better than anything in the previous Grand Theft Autos and seriously, I just keep getting impressed by everything. The gameplay has been improved, the physics are fantastic, voice acting is great and the story seems interesting too, though it's nothing new, just like the missions. It definitely doesn't reinvent GTA and if you didn't like the earlier ones, I doubt you'd like this one either.


By the way, has anyone discovered any tall places to climb to? I mean in the first part of the city.
Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 03:49:01 pm by DragonSlayer
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The more I read, the more I want an Xbox360 just for this game.

I lack the ability to think for myself so tell me:

Why is this so cheap?
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The arcade console is just the Xbox 360 with a controller and some arcade games nothing else. Holy Shit DS with the guy trying to talk to you thats pretty amazing to me and when you ignored him he hit you haha I cant wait for my Playstation to come back.. if they delay bringing it back I'll be fucken pissed.

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I have the afternoon off so I decided to play this again a little. Getting drunk was hilarious because I got into a car and repeatedly slammed into a poll, causing the police to come after me, causing me to attempt to run away and in turn fall down on my face... several times.

Has anyone found any packages? Are there any collectibles in this game?
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The more I read, the more I want an Xbox360 just for this game.

I lack the ability to think for myself so tell me:

Why is this so cheap?

The reason the Arcade version is cheaper is because it lacks the 20gb or 120gb Hard Drives the other two versions have. The Arcade version only has a memory card with 256mb of space. Basically, what you get when you buy the Premium or Elite is a much better HD.
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They said they're doing away with Hidden Packages because it didn't fit the feel of the living, breathing city thing.  So, they've added different "collectible" system.  Not sure what it is though.

Looking forward to picking up my 360 and the game today.  First thing I'm doing?  Finding the highest place I can and jumping off it/throwing someone off it.

And yeah, the systems are split up as Arcade, Pro and Elite.  Obviously getting better as you go.  The big difference is the hard drive.  Arcade doesn't have one, Pro has a 20GB and Elite has a 120GB (and it's black).  I believe getting a Pro console and then picking up the HD would end up running you the same price as an Elite, so you can either just splurge and get the Elite or pick up a Pro and wait until you have more cash for the 120 HD.  That's what I'm doing.
Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 05:26:50 pm by oc_gunslinger
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Well I saw photographs in the stats screen but if that's all there is then that's balls. I loved running around tagging or picking up packages or whatever. Being on a mission and being like DAMN THERE'S ONE GOT TO STOP
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Climbing high places is so much fun. Anyone notice that this time around there is a MUCH heavier focus on cars as opposed to motorbikes? In my four hours with the game, I've found two different types of motorbikes. Still, it's a freakin' great game. Feels so much more SOLID and TIGHT than the last ones, but I wish I could find a weapons store/easier way of getting weapons than beating up cops/random civilians with guns for some reason. The civilians are awesome, as is the city.

FUN TIP for those who have it; near Roman's garage there's a good fun place to jump off with a car. Basically, go driving toward Roman's Garage, keep going, take the first left you get, and keep going until you see the lowered wall. Try to land on the roof below!

Man, I can't wait to see what later parts of the game offer if it's this good early on.

EDIT: Yeah, the civilians are FANTASTIC fun. I was walking on the beach when I bumped into this guy in a suit (odd choice of clothing for a beach, chump!) and he pulled out a knife and started attacking me. I pushed him down a sand dune, and just as he reached the bottom, shot him with the pistol. It was satisfying to see him roll and tumble down the sand dune. xD

Oh and pushing people into trains as they're approaching.

I once had Niko hit a car, come flying out of my own car's windscreen, go flying, and go straight through another car's windscreen (or at least shattered it).

God damn it I'm a sadistic bastard.
Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 05:33:34 pm by Christophomicus
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Oh yeah, getting drunk and driving is pretty hilarious.

The stunts are fun, but I still can't find any really high places. :(

It's also awesome to get some really fast car and then just drive through the city in full speed, the game looks really awesome and you can cause some nice damage when you collide with other cars.
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Oh yeah, getting drunk and driving is pretty hilarious.

The stunts are fun, but I still can't find any really high places. :(

It's also awesome to get some really fast car and then just drive through the city in full speed, the game looks really awesome and you can cause some nice damage when you collide with other cars.

I did have a link to an Empire State Building base jump on youtube but it was up for all of 60 minutes because Take 2 is doing some crazy fucking aggressive sweep of the game on youtube.
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I did have a link to an Empire State Building base jump on youtube but it was up for all of 60 minutes because Take 2 is doing some crazy fucking aggressive sweep of the game on youtube.
Empire State Building is in the second part of the city and I don't think I can get there yet.
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I stayed up til 4am at work (I work at a LAN gaming center) to play this game on LIVE. And my god it is AMAZING online. We had a 6v6 cops versus robbers game. It felt like an episode of cops, as I was hopping over fences trying to catch the Boss. Only when I finally caught him I emptied a magazine of 9mm into his head.

Turf war and TDM was just as sweet.

Excellent game, try it online, tis sweetness.

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Can you watch broadway plays in this?

Also, has this ever happened to anyone? I stabbed a man to death on the boardwalk, then once he died(he even left his money), he sort of sat up and looked around then fell back down to the ground.
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i've played this for a couple of hours today, done a bunch of missions and then done the online stuff. i haven't seen that much of the city, or done anything outside the main game.

it's fun, yeah it is. the city looks really nice. the radio can be pretty funny. but hundley said something like this could end up being gta 3.75, and so far that's pretty much what it is. everything about it is better than the last one, san andreas, and all the others before that, too. but really it's the same stuff, and i guess i was expecting to be blown away a little more. i dunno why, it's just a game, but i was expecting the city to be really uhhhh ALIVE like, people talking to each other all the time, coming in and out of shops/restaraunts with bags and food and unique responses from people if you are acting strangely - maybe not unique, but varied. mostly the extent you can interact with the pedestrians is bumping into them and listening to them be angry, or mowing them down. maybe i'm too quick to judge on that and there is some cool stuff in here but basically driving around the city is the same as it ever was, it's just shinier now.

i could say a bunch of stuff about it, but i don't really care enough, it just feels like a fresh coat of paint over a wall that smells like cabbage. it's not even that i've grown out of games cos man i had so much fun with everything on the orange box, i just feel a little silly playing this. 

oh and the online is certainly fun, but it feels a bit sloppy and unstructured to me and after playing team fortress 2 for so long i guess it just feels a little bit dumb. i'll be playing the online for a while though i expect.
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people talking to each other all the time, coming in and out of shops/restaraunts with bags and food and unique responses from people if you are acting strangely - maybe not unique, but varied.

I've seen pretty much all of these happen in this game so far.
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I've seen pretty much all of these happen in this game so far.

i didn't mean that stuff doesn't happen - maybe those were bad examples of the kind of thing i was hoping for. i meant i haven't seen much of this stuff at all. and i definitely haven't gotten any other response to anything i've done than "hey fuck you i'm gonna fight ya". for example i walked up to a bunch of different people to see if they would maybe react and start talking to me or something, but it's just been aggression so far. couldn't someone be like "man check out this weather psssh..." i don't even know why i want this but i do.

i have seen people talking to each other but it's in that way that it just sounds like a couple of soundclips being played close together, not two characters interacting. yeah maybe streamlined conversation for the thousands of pedestrians was a bit too much to expect! it's just too disjointed, like when i was doing this mission earlier niko kept repeating the same one liners over and over cos i was taking a bit longer than the game apparently expected. i mean, these are not big complaints, for what it is the game does a lot of cool things so far, but it's the little things like this which make it all feel simulated and gamey. i know it is a game but heck i was expecting something pretty amazing from all the crap i read, but it's just an improved version of grand theft auto.

if i'm just totally wrong and i've managed to avoid all the responsive AI (or something), then just say so cos i'm gonna play it anyway and i'll probably find out.
Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 09:00:03 pm by real_jamicus
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I watched a few hours of TV, fucked my gf, and splattered my motorcycling head across the highway a few times. While not that far into the game, I'll probably be heading online. (PS3)
Look out Liberty City PSN's Dudesoft is going poppin'.
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I actually locked myself out of the safety deposit box collector's edition when I dropped the keys down the vent.  I managed to fish the keys out but that was pretty embarassing.