Jagged Alliance 2 is the coolest fucking game from that era. If you haven't tried it, you owe it to yourself to do so. Every aspect of it is sweeta$$, from its story, to its characters, to its gameplay and maps.
If you can't tell, I love it. Long before the thought of combining RPG WITH RTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was considered revolutionary, JA2 combined RPG, RTS, and turn based strategy into one game that felt completely polished.
Basically you hire mercenaries (which is your RPG-style party), equip them with guns and shit, and attempt to liberate a third world country under oppressive tyranny by clearing various towns and military bases of the national army. Once cleared, the towns can be turned around your side, workers can be hired to help you raise more cash, and your own militia can be trained to defend it from the national forces. Your cash can be further invested into more teams of mercenaries and better equipment.
All the mercenaries are loaded with character and personality, some of them fan favourites like Ivan, the stereotypical Russian demolitions expert. They are all skilled in different areas of combat, like being medics or sharpshooters, heavy weapons, demolitions etc. Combat is turn based and strategic. You've got 'action points' or whatever JA2 called them which can be expended for moving your character, crouching or going prone (which makes you harder to hit and lets you shoot better but also makes moving slower). Stuff like cover, line of sight, flanking, it all comes into play. If wounded, your characters will even bleed, leaving blood trails and requiring medical attention (bandaging) to stop the steady health loss. When there are not any enemies in the immediate area, the game switches to a real time mode to let you explore and scavenge the map for supplies. It all feels intuitive and cohesive. Even hiring mercenaries and buying equipment is cool because you do it all via a ingame computer with a web browser and shit, visiting different websites to buy stuff which is then shipped to your nearest airfield (assuming you've conquered one, mercenaries are paradropped in) Like someone said before me, the game is full of dark humour and the writing is generally top notch stuff.
So yeah play JA2.