Come on man, stop pretending to care about HOW THE TAX INCREASES ARE GOING TO EFFECT THE POOR UNDER UHC.
Because you know as well as I do that they WON'T. Taxes are based on income! And those who need the help the most (IE the people we're trying to institute UHC for, the 40 million+ americans who cannot afford healthcare) will not see an increase really AT ALL in their taxes.
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MIDDLE CLASS TRUTH I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR SOME SOCIALIST FAGGOT'S BROKEN ARM. You guys realize that you will probably end up paying LESS under true UHC (once we destroy the health care companies), in your tax dollars (MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH LESS) than you pay on your premiums and your monthly fees and your copays etc etc with your health insurance company now right? Even big corporations need to realize that yes, they may be taxed a LOT more, they won't have to gouge their eyes out to big HC companies like Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross Blue Shield (NOT THAT THEY CARE SINCE MOST ARE PHASING HEALTH COVERAGE OUT, OR MAKING THE EMPLOYEE FOOT 90%+ OF THEIR PREMIUMS).
Anyone who argues against uhc sorry to say is just wrong. There's no room for argument, anyone who says WE DON'T NEED THIS SOCIALISED MEDICINE is pretty much a monster (lol) or really fucking stupid and can't get past even a small level of AMERICAN BRAND ANTI SOCIALIST cognitive dissonance.
but hey who am i to make this argument i mean it never works anywhere in the world it cripples their economy right?
oh wait what's that? The UK is one of the strongest countries economically in the world and were one of the first to institute true UHC? Their people live much longer lives than americans, are psychologically more happy, and still manage to have a higher quality of life?
fukn socialists this is our country...
--- Back when we were young and loved the internet....