As long as McCain does not pick a highly conservative VP, I will be fine with it. I would hope that he picks a moderate or a centrist to run with him, preferably someone with a good grasp of economics, since that does not appear to be where McCain has his chips placed. I don't particularly have a DREAM TICKET or whatever for McCain, I just hope he chooses himself rather than let the Republican party assign him one. I know I would NOT want to see an Obama-Clinton ticket. As of now I might still vote Obama, but I definitely will not if Clinton is VP.
Yeah, I think it'd be best for the Republican party if he had a moderate VP, because maybe it could help those folks get back on track and away from RELIGIOUS RIGHT WOOP WOOP
why do people keep talking about ASSASSINATIONS and shit.
"Today, I stand before you with heavy heart, for this morning, at 3:00 am, President Barack Hussein Obama was assassinated by an enemy of the state. I bid you not to cry, but to look forward to the future, for it is my solemn duty as the Vice President of the United States to take office as President of the United States. It is a burden I, Hillary Clinton, am prepared to take."