Topic: To Vista, or Not to Vista (Read 1900 times)

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There's no doubt in my mind that if XP was given DX10 it would also run it faster in most instances (but why would they give up one of the only few selling points of Vista).

Vanilla DX10 wouldn't.  DX10 takes advantage of Vista's new driver system to allow it to do things that cannot be done on XP due to limitations in XP's display driver system.  This is not to say that a working replica of DX10 could not run on XP, because this has already been done.  The problem is that some of the things DX10 does to be fast cannot be replicated on XP at all.  However, if the OpenGL ARB would get their act together, OpenGL 3.0 would more than rival DX10.
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*main topic*

The only reason anyone would want to downgrade/upgrade to vista is for Dx10, or if you´re an ATi fanboy and you only want vista because your 3000 series sucks in XP. NOONE upgrades to vista for MS Office or... security (MS LOL). Also, I´ve heard that 64bit hardware has notoriously bad support, so I´d stick to 32 bit since you really don´t get anything so great from 64. (not that I know of, at least) In my opinion, it´s just another thing to slow your computer down and ruin your experience.

Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 09:37:48 pm by zithe
You just lost the game.
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NOONE upgrades to vista for... security (MS LOL).
Vista undeniably has better security. Undeniably. UAC and Windows Defender are worlds better than what XP came with (hint: nothing!).

From my personal experience, Vista is practically as immune as a Mac when it comes to spyware and shit. I've been using Vista for probably around 7 months now, and I haven't gotten a single byte of malware on my computer. I was one of those people who - on XP - ended up getting lots of really bad shit. There were times where I wanted to throw my computer out the window in frustration when trying to deal with difficult spyware (you know, the shit that keeps reinstalling itself even if you delete it with 6 other spyware programs?). After several reformats, I kind of learned that you couldn't just go wherever you wanted on the internet through XP or you were asking for trouble. Sub-sequentially my final few months in XP after a reformat were problem-free so I do believe someone careful enough in the XP environment will not run into spyware (I know of at least one person who insists he never had spyware in XP).

I don't know if it's just that I haven't been visiting the right websites on Vista or what, but the fact that I haven't had any personal run-ins with spyware yet is a great sigh of relief for me. It might also help that I'm using the Opera browser as opposed to something less secure and more mainstream like Firefox and IE.
Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 09:56:33 pm by Mr Epic Hero
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Technically I don't know much about WHY THS WHY THAT but when Vista was released I saw no reason not to upgrade so I got myself a copy of Vista Ultimate and I've had no problems with it so far. It was a gigantic step up from XP in every way for me, it looked smooth and had a lot more great features and I've actually had BETTER compatability with older games, even ones that have said they have compatability issues. I've been running a lot of DOS games that I couldn't get working XP and every game that has popped up with the "This game has known compatability errors" dialogue has still run perfectly after you click "Okay." Vista has been faster than XP for me (I had a terrible version of XP apparently.) so I've been really happy with it.

The BIG PROBLEM I have been having is that for some reason I don't have permission to do anything on my computer anymore. Every time something happens it beeps, puts everything on standby and says "HEH YOU NEED PERMISSION TO DO THIS CLICK OKAY." so you do at which point it says PERMISSION DENIED and you have to go to the folder options and edit all the security settings which is seriously tedious every time you want to save something.

I think this is a problem with me though. Anyway I don't want to recommend Vista to you because a lot of people have had problems with it, but for me it's really been a drastic improvement.

You can, with a simple registry edit, change your access to Administrator and get past all the UAC bullshit.

That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.

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You can disable UAC in user account settings in Vista's control panel.
Last Edit: April 27, 2008, 06:25:20 am by goat
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Ah well XP runs everything smoother on my rig + I can do more shit at once.  I'll prolly upgrade again sometime but not anytime soon.
Yay! Random words!

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Back when I was playing around with Operating Systems more often, I literally enjoyed Windows Server 2003 over Windows XP. If you don't like the user friendly crap of Windows Vista, maybe Server 2008 IF it does well. I have not heard much news of Server 2008, though it seems to be like Vista minus alot of the User Friendly crap. Kind of like Server 2003 and XP.

Though you will find that it's set up as a server first (duh). If you use it as a personal operating system for gaming, you'll need to install quite a bit because alot is disabled at first, but literally I was in more control of what crap I wanted and didn't.

...But apparently there was a problem with Windows Server 2008, I'm not 100% sure, but apparently Windows Server 2008 reactivates itself(?) every 180 days, and that system was glitched, making it lock you out. You'll have to look into that if you want to choose that yourself.

Personally I pick Server 2003 first, XP next.
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You can disable UAC in user account settings in Vista's control panel.

Seriously not recommended since it fucks with all of your program settings - if you installed a program with UAC on and turn it off it is likely to need reinstallation and vice versa.

That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.

We are a community without borders and without colours, the spirit and diversity of the gaming community is one that should be looked up to, a spirit and diversity other groups should strive toward.
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Personally I pick Server 2003 first, XP next.
Windows Server 2003 was so good. It really did function better than XP, and didn't use nearly as many resources. The only reason I switched from Server 2003 to XP was because some games and software wouldn't install on Server 2003. There were sometimes workarounds, but usually they took too much time.
Yeah, I also had to reinstall it every 180 days, which sucked sometimes because I'm unorganized and don't ever keep the disc in the same location.
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Seriously not recommended since it fucks with all of your program settings - if you installed a program with UAC on and turn it off it is likely to need reinstallation and vice versa.

I haven't experienced anything of this sort. I think UAC is a pretty pointless thing to have active especially on a single user PC.

Speaking of which that fucking Mac ad pisses me off that makes fun of it, I'm all for Macs but those ads are such pretentious bullshit.
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I haven't experienced anything of this sort. I think UAC is a pretty pointless thing to have active especially on a single user PC.
yes security is so useless

Quote from: Fish
Speaking of which that fucking Mac ad pisses me off that makes fun of it, I'm all for Macs but those ads are such pretentious bullshit.
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I wouldn't recommend Windows Vista, not even to my worse enemy.

My experiencie with Vista: I bought a Dell XPS M1710, worth around $3,000 USD. 2GB of RAM, 100HDD, GeForce 7500 GTX, Centrino Duo @ 2.16. Yeah, a top notch laptop.
First thing I notice when I open my PC and transffer my old stuff: Windows Media Player LAGS. I'm like "wtf..". By the end of each song, the song lags. I googled it ASAP and it seems I'm not the only one with this problem. Ok, I get Winamp. Winamp closes every now and then.

Oh yes, another thing that I found extremly funny. My laptop arrived with Roxio Easy CD Creator. And although I've never used it, it marks an error everytime I log on my laptop.

By October or November, the first upgrades arrive, and since then... around 70% of these upgrades just won't install. And the PC unconvientenly reboots everytime I use it. Again, I have searched all over for solutions and it seems there are none. Just format.

About formating, my HDD ican hold 100GB, well... when I first got my laptop, around 20GB were used for installation and recovery. I remember XP only used 4GB.
Also, wtf with all the gadgets? Who uses them anyway.
I need to get an additional Hard Drive so I can get my stuff there, then format.

Although I may be being unfair with Vista and blame Dell, but yeah... half of the hardware isn't fully compatible. When I downloaded Crysis I couldn't play it... because of incompatibility issues with the graphics card. That just sucked. BIG TIME.

So yeah, an OS that can't updrade itself just sucks. End of story:

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Your laptop could hit 1920x1200? That IS pretty nice.
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Vista is nice.
It's not the horrible spaghetti coded piece of shit that slashdotters and digg users always say it is.
That being said, I still use XP, but I've used Vista.
The only problems I had with it was that I couldn't find drivers for my Chinese counterfiet PSX -> PC controller adapter.
Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 01:07:08 pm by Is
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I wouldn't recommend Windows Vista, not even to my worse enemy.

My experiencie with Vista: I bought a Dell XPS M1710, worth around $3,000 USD. 2GB of RAM, 100HDD, GeForce 7500 GTX, Centrino Duo @ 2.16. Yeah, a top notch laptop.] notch? And you paid $3,000 USD? I hope this was 3 years ago.
Yeah Crysis wasn't going to run well on that. Most of the stuff you mentioned didn't have much to do with the operating system at all.
I still use XP, but I wouldn't call vista a bad operating system. It's not worth the upgrade to me yet, but it's still a solid OS. I can see XP sticking around for a very long time, though.
Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 05:36:20 am by Neophyte
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holy fuck why would you pay 3000 USD for that. that's not even CLOSE to 3000 USD worth of parts...the PC I'm getting soon outdoes that and its like 1,000...and thats with a monitor and keyboard, the actual price of the tower is like, 800. *____*
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So when are you getting this mystery PC handsome lamb, in time to run duke nukem forever?
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So when are you getting this mystery PC handsome lamb, in time to run duke nukem forever?


It's not my fault, stuff comes up. I will have it ~ the 15th of next month, and I can't wait.  :)