I wouldn't recommend Windows Vista, not even to my worse enemy.
My experiencie with Vista: I bought a Dell XPS M1710, worth around $3,000 USD. 2GB of RAM, 100HDD, GeForce 7500 GTX, Centrino Duo @ 2.16. Yeah, a top notch laptop.
First thing I notice when I open my PC and transffer my old stuff: Windows Media Player LAGS. I'm like "wtf..". By the end of each song, the song lags. I googled it ASAP and it seems I'm not the only one with this problem. Ok, I get Winamp. Winamp closes every now and then.
Oh yes, another thing that I found extremly funny. My laptop arrived with Roxio Easy CD Creator. And although I've never used it, it marks an error everytime I log on my laptop.
By October or November, the first upgrades arrive, and since then... around 70% of these upgrades just won't install. And the PC unconvientenly reboots everytime I use it. Again, I have searched all over for solutions and it seems there are none. Just format.
About formating, my HDD ican hold 100GB, well... when I first got my laptop, around 20GB were used for installation and recovery. I remember XP only used 4GB.
Also, wtf with all the gadgets? Who uses them anyway.
I need to get an additional Hard Drive so I can get my stuff there, then format.
Although I may be being unfair with Vista and blame Dell, but yeah... half of the hardware isn't fully compatible. When I downloaded Crysis I couldn't play it... because of incompatibility issues with the graphics card. That just sucked. BIG TIME.
So yeah, an OS that can't updrade itself just sucks. End of story: