WiiWare launched yesterday in North America. I planned on getting two games, Lost Winds and Defend Your Castle, though I've only got Lost Winds at the moment.
It's a simple game, but they really created a project that seems like it could only be as it is by being on Wii. Controlling two characters independently of one another through both sets of the wiimote/nunchuck combo and the interaction you have with the game world from merely affecting foreground and background objects with slight breezes simply from moving Enril (the wind spirit) with the IR, or using abilities earned later in the game to manipulate fire and water to solve increasingly more elaborate puzzles. I'm only 45 minutes in but I'm really enjoying the game.
Why in the world it took WiiWare to really see something like this (although there are indeed quite a few Wii games that do justice by the new controller) is beyond me, but if this is the kind of stuff we can expect see more of on WiiWare, then I can't wait to see how things shape up beyond the projects we already know. Interestingly enough, apparently a sequel to LW is already in the works which is indeed quite jawesome. Anyway, supposedly throughout May, new WiiWare releases will come weekly (originally, a Nintendo rep stated that releases would be limited to biweekly or monthly or something since the Virtual Console is still updating alongside this after the WiiWare launch week) so I'll probably hold off on Defend Your Castle just to see if Gyrostarr (another game I'm looking forward to, seems like a mix between F-Zero and a shmup) or Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People shows up.