Sony Mirrors Edge (Read 1863 times)

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Quote from: Wikipedia
The story revolves around a runner named Faith and her struggle to free her sister from a corrupt government. Her parents were killed and she was forced to grow up on the street, later becoming a runner. Faith was taught not to rely on modern forms of communication, partially because the ruthless police state prefers eavesdropping every chance they get. As Faith attempts to rescue her sister, while running messages for the criminal underworld, she gets caught up in a series of events which lead to her being pursued by the totalitarian government. Acting as Faith's guide is a mysterious character named Mercury, who will help Faith in her attempt to outwit and overcome the many government agents that are out to eliminate her

Teaser Trailer.
Ripped music of the end of the Trailer.

I really like the music in the trailer, it seems so.. tranquil and gives you that sense of freedom I guess, and the game it self seems really nice, like a mixture of parkor(That free running shit) and Prince of Persia. After seeing that trailer I'm actually quite pumped to see what this game is like. Oh and does anyone know the artist of the song, I'd really like to find out basically to download it haha.

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pretty damn sweet Tau. Funny they had to post 'the following is all in game footage'. I guess we're still stuck in the 'expecting FMV phase of PS2/Xbox'?

Anyway, yeah, nice ass video. I'll play that for sure. The armoured attack squad guys caught me off guard, though I suppose enemies are a must in video games.
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I've been following this game since I heard about it like two years ago and Edge magazine posted concept art. I am SO FUCKING STOKED for this because it really is a big deal in the FPS genre that movement is generally restrictive, so for a game to have such freedom (and not in the scripted way like assassin's creed, but full total control) is just staggering.

I hope more FPS games learn from this example and actually make running/movement more advanced than MOVE FOWARD FASTER.

It's a really neat way how they've colour coded stuff so you can work out what to do/where to go without having to stop and slowdown, like Faith's instincts allow her to see opportunities. (Orange is climbable, red you can run along etc etc) It creates a really interesting visual (unlike SHADES OF GREY that FPS ga,mes have been obsessed with since 1998)
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So what's the deal with this game? Is it a large, open-ended game with a "go where you choose" environment?

It'd suck if there were levels or only small areas you can explore at a time.
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yeah this game looks interesting and i'll probably end up getting it if it shapes up to be good.
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Wow, I've never heard of this, but it looks pretty sweet. Like Kaworu said, the colour coding thing is awesome!

I am not too fond of first person games though, I like them way more in third person. I dunno, I've always found it better to be able to see behind my character and stuff instead of BEING THE CHARACTER or w/e they are trying to get at with a first person view.
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I am not too fond of first person games though, I like them way more in third person. I dunno, I've always found it better to be able to see behind my character and stuff instead of BEING THE CHARACTER or w/e they are trying to get at with a first person view.

The developers basically said that this game was paying homage to Breakdown which was the first game to completely capitalize on being inside someone's body from the first person (as in everything from action to cinemas were completely first person and you were actually in someone's body, not a floating hand like Half-Life/Doom).  It really is an interesting and unique experience and personally I think first person is the only way to experience video games because it's that much more immersive.  Whenever you got punched or shook around the entire screen would shake and the world would spin around; it made a lot of people "sick" but I fucking loved it.

And I'll love this game too.  I really hate the concept of the floating hand in FPS games and wish more developers would experiment with these kinds of things.  It's pretty unacceptable that we STILL can't see Gordon's feet or other appendages in a 2007 game.

I guess we're still stuck in the 'expecting FMV phase of PS2/Xbox'?

where were you for the killzone 2 preview?
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why can't you see gordan's body, i'm pretty sure they have a full body model for him in-game for cutscenes and shit don't they?
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why can't you see gordan's body, i'm pretty sure they have a full body model for him in-game for cutscenes and shit don't they?

I think Valve made a partial model.. I think. I remember fanmade Gordon models popping up for HL2, so I don't think there is a full one for that game, at least.

Pretty sure HL1 had a multiplayer Gordon model though.
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Yeah, the games have models for him (you could even play in 3rd person mode with a code) but when you look down you see nothing.  Gordon doesn't even generate a freakin' shadow.  He's literally just a floating hand which really, really killed the atmosphere of the game for me.  I'm not 100% sure but I don't think Farcry, Doom 3, or any of the Call of Duty games let you see your appendages either.

Half-Life 2 doesn't even have reflective surfaces.  There's absolutely no mirrors (which was ridiculous) and you can't see yourself in the water.  I understand they want Freeman to be you the player but we already know Freeman looks like a pasty nerd so what's the point?
Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 01:10:44 pm by angry black man
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I'm pretty sure when Half life 2 first came out they didn't make a model for Gordon Freeman just some hands and a head? The only other FPS games I know that have done the whole seeing your arms and legs are like Killzone, Halo, and one other.. oh well haha.

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The developers basically said that this game was paying homage to Breakdown which was the first game to completely capitalize on being inside someone's body from the first person (as in everything from action to cinemas were completely first person and you were actually in someone's body, not a floating hand like Half-Life/Doom).  It really is an interesting and unique experience and personally I think first person is the only way to experience video games because it's that much more immersive.  Whenever you got punched or shook around the entire screen would shake and the world would spin around; it made a lot of people "sick" but I fucking loved it.

Waitaminute, it's like Breakdown? OK that is one exception to the rule, I loved Breakdown (even if it got a little ridiculous toward the end).

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Yeah, the games have models for him (you could even play in 3rd person mode with a code) but when you look down you see nothing. Gordon doesn't even generate a freakin' shadow. He's literally just a floating hand which really, really killed the atmosphere of the game for me. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think Farcry, Doom 3, or any of the Call of Duty games let you see your appendages either.

Half-Life 2 doesn't even have reflective surfaces. There's absolutely no mirrors (which was ridiculous) and you can't see yourself in the water. I understand they want Freeman to be you the player but we already know Freeman looks like a pasty nerd so what's the point?
In Turok (the recent one not the N64 original) you can see your character's legs and feet.
There was one old FPS game where you played a girl in a jungle or something where you could see your whole body (even down your own cleavage) but i can't remember what it was called.

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Crysis really hit home with having a player model and shit, you could see your legs, arms, body etc which was cool when doing stunts like speedrunning into a power-jump into punching through a roof, because you could see that you were jumping as a character in the game and not just as a floating camera. I think that's THE BEST to this point a game's managed to do that.

I don't think gordon has a model in HL2. If he does, it's fan made, because scouring through the files in the sdk... there isn't one. There are models for his arms, and that's it. Even in the map editor Gordon is represented by a blank model with comical goatee and glasses.

Also I think this is missionbased get from a-b but I'm really hoping you can use the whole city inorder to do so, but it looks like the city is has various linear paths that can diverge and shit (like in Sonic 2).

Leric, female in an fps?
There's Turok 3 (lol), Perfect darks and noone lives forevers
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This basically looks like PARKOUR: THE GAME to me, which translates to awesome.

The trailer didn't show as much PULSE POUNDING CHASE SCENE as I hoped there would be, but hopefully there will be more of that in the actual game.
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I think first person is the only way to experience video games because it's that much more immersive. 

I disagree.  I think that that first-person viewpoints make games feel MORE artificial.  In an FPS game, your vision is limited to a narrow tunnel directly at eye level and you have no tangible awareness of the environment around you outside of what's directly ahead.  When the camera is in third person, my ability to see to the sides and behind my character represents peripheral vision as well as the spacial and environmental awareness that I would have if I were actually in that situation.

Parkour: The Game sounds like a novel idea but I've seen a few games promise to capture the spirit of free running and while some of them were great games I really didn't get the feeling of uninterrupted momentum that I was promised.  So I guess I'm reserved or something?  Graphics are nice though and I really do like the color-coded theme.  I recall that in Ninja Gaiden, ledges that you could grasp and doors that you could open etc were all painted blue.  It was really helpful because it helped me figure out which set pieces the game would let me interact with.  It's really frustrating in games like GTA IV when there is only one door that I can open but since they all look the same I have to waste my time bumping up against every door in the apartment complex until I get it right.
Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 09:12:47 pm by maladroithim
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I disagree.  I think that that first-person viewpoints make games feel MORE artificial.  In an FPS game, your vision is limited to a narrow tunnel directly at eye level and you have no tangible awareness of the environment around you outside of what's directly ahead.  When the camera is in third person, my ability to see to the sides and behind my character represents peripheral vision as well as the spacial and environmental awareness that I would have if I were actually in that situation.

Some games have experimented with a peripheral vision like Operation Flashpoint and Call of Cthulhu which I ALWAYS RECOMMEND PEOPLE TO PLAY FOR AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE GODDAMMIT (essentially, objects to your side are blurry and distorted until you turn to focus on them) but that lack of vision is what makes it so immersive.  In games like Gears of War and GTAIV or any other 3rd person game you can tilt and rotate the camera to see around corners and view things you normally couldn't.  To me, this completely ruins the element of surprise in the game.  It's a lot more fun to constantly be on your toes than taking cover behind a barrel yet still have awareness of the entire battle field.  Games like STALKER specifically focused on knowing your battlefield because you could duck behind cover then pop up and realize that every enemy changed position and are flanking you.  Badguys can't do the same in 3rd person games because you already know where they're going to move even though your character technically doesn't.
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FPS games made post 1996 are so much more immersive to me than 3rd person shit, because funnily enough when walking around I cannot see my back! I also have difficulty making my eyes look around corners 10ft infront of me, and likewise my vision is focused fowards (due to my eyes being at the front of my head, and not where my ears are for example).
Also ducking, leaning to one side, lying prone etc are prettymuch the standard in fps games these days.
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I really liked the trailer. A game that incorporates parkour just plain rocks!
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In Turok (the recent one not the N64 original) you can see your character's legs and feet.
There was one old FPS game where you played a girl in a jungle or something where you could see your whole body (even down your own cleavage) but i can't remember what it was called.

That was a Jurassic Park game. The game sucked, but it had some cool ideas where you had complete control over both your hands to do things.

This game looks really awesome, I can't wait to see more of it. I hope it isn't completely linear.