Sex Green Porno (Read 837 times)

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"Green Porno is a series of very short films conceived, written, co-directed by and featuring Isabella Rossellini about the sex life of bugs, insects and various creatures. The films are a comical but insightful study of the curious ways certain bugs “make love”. “Green” echoes the ecological movement of today and our interest in nature, and “Porno” alludes to the racy ways bugs, insects and other creatures have sex, if human, these acts would not be allowed to be screened or air on television, considered instead as most filthy and obscene.

Each film is executed in a very simple childlike manner. They are a playful mixture of real world and cartoon. Each episode begins with Isabella speaking to the camera “ If I were a…(firefly, spider, dragonfly etc.). She then transforms into the male of the species explaining in a simple yet direct dialogue the actual act of species-specific fornication. The costumes, colorful sets and backdrops as well as the female insects contribute to the playfulness of the films. The contrast of this “naïf” expression and filthy sex practices adds to the comicality of Green Porno.

Green Porno is an experiment specifically conceived with the third screen, namely cellular screens, computers and ipods."

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Thanks for including info and stuff on the movie BUT please don't just explain what it is and then say DISCUSS because that's pretty lazy and not a good way to start a discussion!  As the topic maker you are the one who is supposed to start the discussion, and saying HEY THIS IS A MOVIE TALK ABOUT IT doesn't really cut it!  Don't you have an opinion on this movie? 

ALSO I do believe Isabella Rossellini and David Lynch were married at some point, and if not married then at least going out. 

Now that I have gotten my obligatory David Lynch comment out of the way this movies looks so ridiculous I'm gonna check it out.
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Here are my opinions:

Quote from: Wikipedia
Green Porno is a series of 8 short films on animal sexual behaviour.

The flims were conceived, written, directed by and featuring Isabella Rossellini. In them, she re-enacts the mating rituals of the dragonfly, spider, bee, praying mantis, worm, snail and housefly with cardboard cut-outs and sculptures. The Male Bees are played by Roberto Rossellini, Dallas Giorgi, and Louis Giacobetti. The part of the Baby Bee Larva is played by Ona Grandey.

Actually this sounds pretty fantastic. As a UK resident I am not allowed to watch the movie on the sundance channel but I'm still going to look into it anyway. Apparently it's not released over here until July but I'm sure I can...find it.
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I watched the link, and got about 2 minutes into it before I deemed it unwatchable.

What's this going for? It's not funny to me, and I already know how beehives work, so unless this is for kids, in which case it's a little inappropriate, it doesn't really appeal to me personally.
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Here are my opinions:

Actually this sounds pretty fantastic. As a UK resident I am not allowed to watch the movie on the sundance channel but I'm still going to look into it anyway. Apparently it's not released over here until July but I'm sure I can...find it.

You can watch it online in the link he provided.
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You can watch it online in the link he provided.


It's a conspiracy.
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Wow that really sucks you can't watch it... ...I'm sure you can find it on YouTube or Google Video, or something (it's worth it).  Actually I looked on YouTube and couldn't find it so maybe not.  That sucks.

As for what I thought about it, I loved it.  I felt that it was very humorous and while I knew some of the things about bug sexuality it was occasionally informative.  The main point, in my mind, is how it's all presented.  The acting, costumes, music and generally atmosphere seems to do a lot of things at once and I like that.  It's cute, and child-like, but sometimes even shocking and jarring.  You have to take in consideration, the whole point was to make 1 minute long clips, so there's not going to be much in the way of development.

So yeah, it's really about how she presents the facts, not the facts themselves.