Don't count on Capcom to make exclusives in the near future. I think Umbrella Chronicles is their only current gen exclusive.
i don't have any game notes at the moment, but one thing worth mentioning is that PS3 has free online and is a blu-ray player. in fact, the PS3 is among the cheapest blu-ray players on the market and it's more than just a player. you may not care about blu-ray now, but it would be nice to have down the line since it's the next official media for movies and the like.
This. I bought a PS3 for MGS4 but quickly found myself collecting blu-ray movies just like how I ended up being a fan of DVDs when I got the PS2. IMO Sony's online service is much friendlier than XBL and I like the friends option a lot more. There's a couple of good games in the store like Fl0w and Pixel Junk Monsters as well as tons of demos and movies and stuff.
As far as games go, both systems are pretty neck and neck. Mass Effect just hit the PC, BioShock has been announced later this year for PS3 (I think), and pretty much every 3rd party game is multiconsole (and the PS3 is more powerful so, generally, the games look better and run faster).