Contains spoilers:
This is pretty much the greatest game ever, for the first half. The gameplay is very good, that Devil Bringer is beyond unique. The boses are all interesting. I pretty much got addicted to it within the first hour. Each time a new enemy got introduced, I was like, "oh holy shit this is so great!" Its all going good until about the halfway point. After Mission 11, you switch over to Dante for the first time. And right now I'm pretty stoked because this is what I was waiting for the entire game. And the first mission or two with Dante was pretty great as well, when you have to escape from the castle that was pretty cool.
...But it all turned sour when the cutscene with Lady occurs. First of all, this is her one and only (useless) appearance in the game. And what it does is fuck up the story for the rest of the Dante led missions, except the last one. The next missions for some reason GO BACK to the castle you just escaped from even though in the cutscene you were already back home in the city. Well, that's okay I guess, I mean, its not OKAY okay, but its okay. At least they'll make the missions interesting? No, actually they retrace your steps through the forest, through the castle, and back through the icy wonderland. Its like they spend all their money and creative juices on the first half. Did I say that the boses were all really cool? Well they still are...unfortunately, I have to fight them all again. The first three boses you have to fight again, because for some reason Nero didn't finish them off. And then, when I finally get back into the city I fight Angus...for the third time. Dante's last mission, however, was really really AWESOME!
Then I gain back control of Nero, who has two missions left. The first of those, I have to fight the first three boses of the game....again. The second one, is pretty cool, but its really just a boss fight....actually, both missions are basically cutscene...boss fight....cutscene. With no level design at all. Its like they ran out of time so they decided to just wrap up the game by rehashing the same dice game as in an earlier mission (for the 2nd to last one), and a boss fight with the same design and set up as an earlier one....because in a sense its round 2 against the guy (for the last mission). What I LOVED about the first 11 missions were the cool puzzle-like level designs....and yet even when rehashing the same was just a simplified run through.
And then the story itself turns into some sort of sappy love story.
More stuff to complain about:
Dante's skills were cool and all...but I really felt as though the fact that you only have him for 7 missions, and you only get his final weapon in the last mission, makes getting used to his character kind of useless, because for the final mission, which I assume you learned all those moves for, you really only need the final weapon. All those cool skills and abilities are, but they end up being a waste because it ends up literally being, "well okay I did my thing, Nero your turn".
A word about the skills in general....I felt as though I was playing a demo version of the game; the skills were so limited. There were like 3 skill choices for everything that wasn't Nero's sword. Also, Nero's gun was a pretty useless fucking piece of shit.
A word about the story then I'm done. This was basically the deal breaker. I could almost live with all the dumb stuff they made me do with Dante, but not when I realized that after Mission 11, the story which was developing steadily and was ACTUALLY PRETTY GOOD, just stopped completely until I got back in control of Nero. At which point, there was really nothing left aside from me having to defeat the final boss and watch a motivational cutscene about how demons can't love.
PS Also, did anyone actually find a use for those purple stars that restore magic? I never used one, nor even understood what it refered to.