Topic: Progressive Rock (The Best Genre in the World): French Zeuhl (Read 3807 times)

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Progressive Rock:
French Zeuhl

The second in a series of highly successful articles on prog will focus on the movement known as Zeuhl, which sounded very similar to jazz fusion during its origins, and still does, but is also catagorized by extremely prominent bass, complex drumming, and chanting. The genre was developed by the French band Magma in the 70s, and later spread to Japan in the 90s. The Japanese vision of Zeuhl is much more hectic, chaotic, and avant-garde. This article will focus on the Progressive Fusion movement in France, which I will from now on refer to as French Zeuhl.

Hey, what does "Zeuhl" mean anyway?

It is a word in the Kobaian language that means "celestial". Its origins come from this band:


Zeuhl was developed by the band Magma, whose albums are all related in that they chronicle the mythology of the planet Kobaia. This is not important in understanding their music however, as the lyrics are sung in Kobaian, a language created by Christian Vander, drummer, leader, and only constant force behind the band during its existance.

While the statement sounds radical, Magma was French Zeuhl's ONLY real band during the 70s. Any others were offshoots in which one or more former members of Magma participated. The 80s brought unique bands with them, and I shall discuss some of them here as well.

Kobaia (1970)1001° Centigrades (1971)Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (1973)Köhntarkösz (1974)Wurdah Ïtah (1974)Üdü Wüdü (1976)K.A. (2004)

As this is the most important band in Zeuhl, the majority of their albums can be considered essential listening. Their most famous is Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (shortened to MDK for sanity). It should definately be on your playlist if you like Zeuhl. There is an alternate version on their "live" album Retrospektiw I-II released in 1981 (claimed to be live but actually recorded in studio and overdubbed with crowd noise) which I also recommend. MDK has very prominent brass and choir sections, making for a majestic experience, though these additions sometimes interfere with the dynamics and subtleties. The version on Retrospektiw I-II does not have a brass section. Also, this is technically all one song.

The albums I would recommend first however are Udu Wudu and Kobaia (their two disc debut). Udu Wudu I consider their most accessible along with Attahk (1978), the latter unfortunately having a good to weak track ratio of about 1:1. Their debut is good for fusion fans who would prefer a more subtle and jazzy introduction to Magma. From Udu Wudu and Kobaia proceed to MDK and then Kontarkosz. From here, if you are a big jazz or fusion fan, try 1001 degrees Centigrades. If you are the type of Zeuhl fan who wants to stay away from jazz for the most part, go get K.A. (full name Kontarkosz Anteria), their first studio album in 20 years, which is a much welcome return to form after three weaker albums. Finally, once you become fully indoctrinated in the ways of Zeuhl, listen to Wurdah Itah, originally released as a Christian Vander solo album but now part of the Magma catalogue.

By the way, their weaker albums are not "weaker" per se, they just contain more simple compositions and sound almost poppy/disco-ish.

During the 80s Christian Vander continued in a more jazz orientated direction with Offering. He recently brought Magma back together to record new material.

You mentioned something about a mythology?

Nothing gets by you! Correct, this mythology is the unifying force behind much, if not all, of Magma. Because of the lack of information given to fans by the band, much of the story is up for debate and speculation. In fact, in their debut album, the language was not much more than gibberish. It was not fully developed until later albums with the help of Klaus Blasquiz.

Anyway, here is the known plot as written by Peter Thelen:

The short version:

Kobaia: Some people leave a dying Earth and found a new society on Kobaia.

1001 Degrees Centigrades: The Kobaians visit Earth to teach their philosophies, but are treated badly and vow never to return.

Theusz Hamtaahk & Wurdah Itah: The first and second movements of the Theusz Hamtaahk (translated as Time of Hatred) trilogy (third movement being MDK). Not much informtion, but assume that time passes and things on Earth get more and more desparate.

MDK: A man who believes in the Kobaian teachings tries to lead everything to adopt those ways. In the end they do.

Kohntarkosz: A man discovers the tomb of Ementeht-Re, who discovered the secret of eternal life but died before using it.

Okay enough with the Magma already!


The earliest offshoot band from Magma, Zao was founded by two former Magma members who left after recording Kobaia and 1001 Degrees Centigrades. They left because they did not want to participate in the direction Magma was taking with MDK. Instead, Zao continued in the vein of Magma's first two albums. However they progressed away from Zeuhl with each release and more towards normal fusion. Their later albums have been compared to Weather Report.

Z=7L (1973)Osiris (1975)Shekina(1975)Kawana (1976)Typhareth (1977)

This is their entire discography (other than a 1994 reunion album not worth mentioning). As you go from left to right you gradually get less and less Zeuhl influence until finally you are left with Typhareth which has almost no connection to Zeuhl, as the made up language (not Kobaian though) chanting present in their first three albums is gone. Zao has gone through line up changes in between each album and each sounds slightly different as a result.


Eskaton formed in 1970 under the name Eskaton Kommandkestra, but did not record anything until almost 10 years later, releasing three albums.

4 Visions (1979)

If I said that Eskaton took all that was good and beautiful about Zeuhl and put it all on one very acessible album sung in French, would you do all you could to get this little gem into your possession? I rest my case. The bassist has catchy licks that rival any pop/disco group and the overall sound is more rock based than jazz based (as Magma's was). I almost think this would be a better introduction to Zeuhl than Magma, but that would be heresy wouldn't it? Regardless, get this album! Their other two follow along the same lines, but aren't quite a match.


About the same quality of amazing as Eskaton, while keeping more faithful to Magma. All this means is that they sound more like Magma than Eskaton did, due in part or in whole to the two ex-Magma members (bassist Bernard Paganotti and keyboardist Patrick Gauthier) involved. Their name is taken from a track off Magma's Udu Wudu album.

Weidorje (1978)

Only one recorded studio album, with two live bonus tracks. I would compare the sound to Udu Wudu era Magma, though Weidorje is more funky.


An oddity, mainly because it sounds closer to Japanese Zeuhl (like Happy Family) than French. The sound is much more chaotic than traditional French Zeuhl, whose sound has always been much more cohesive.

Eros (1981)

The sheer randomness of this lone release is enough to put off potential listeners. Eros, based on the Dune series by Frank Herbert, is probably what Zeuhl would sound like if Fantomas had a go at the genre. As a whole each track is impossible to understand. Dissected however, each individual section (skip to any part of any song and listen to it for a minute and see if you aren't impressed) is like a gold mine of unusual melody and unique sounds.

Eider Stellaire

Founded in 1980 by the drummer of Offering (is Vander like the leader of some musical cult?), Eider Stellaire is like a mixture of Magma and Eskaton, but not as oppressive as the first or as loud as the second. Yet darker sounding than either. They put out three albums, plus one unofficial one which I'd only try if you really like the others. In general, the drumming is more simple and straightforward than that of the other bands.

I (1981)II (1986)III (1987)

Their first is their best so go with that first. Their second is less accessible but pretty good, so get it next. Their third is a bit different and somewhat not as good, so use your judgement. The first two are worthy acquisitions for hardcore Zeuhl fans while the third sounds kind of similar to the next band on this list, minus the avant-garde.


Shub-Niggurath is equal parts Zeuhl and Univers Zero. Pretty different from all of the above. I would recommend this Zeuhl-chamber rock hybrid to fans avant-garde and RIO (basically, if you like The Red Masque, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and of course Univers Zero, you'll feel at home here). I like this though and I find similarities with Zeuhl so I believe they are worth checking out.

Les Morts Vont Vite (1986)

This is the only album of theirs I've heard so its the only one I can recommend. Also, rumor has it that while their other two albums: C'Étaient De Très Grands Vents and Testament are pretty good, this one is their best.

Wow, you sure wrote a lot you should be promoted to admin or something.

Hey yeah I know.

And that's French Zeuhl (and all its variations) for you in a single post. Happy hunting!

Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 01:28:32 am by Bravo
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my issue with prog rock is that just like metal they think they are so epic, virtuosos, so elaborate, so much *waves hands over head* it ends up ridiculpously pretentious and boring
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This is kinda why I have reduced how much metal I listen to.
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Magma is one of the best prog groups that has ever existed but I had no idea they had this gay subculture.
brian chemicals
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my issue with prog rock is that just like metal they think they are so epic, virtuosos, so elaborate, so much *waves hands over head* it ends up ridiculpously pretentious and boring

and still they manage to sound better than most other rock bands out there, whahay!

I've listened to some Magma earlier (I think the album was MDK), but I'm gonna give some of these bands a shot.
<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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my issue with prog rock is that just like metal they think they are so epic, virtuosos, so elaborate, so much *waves hands over head* it ends up ridiculpously pretentious and boring
that's the best part!

but seriously, are you just gonna rag on prog everytime it gets mentioned? maybe you're just listening to the wrong stuff though. what bands have you heard?
Magma is one of the best prog groups that has ever existed but I had no idea they had this gay subculture.
yeah its pretty crazy.
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Holy shit, man, you really know your stuff! I've never heard of any of these guys before, but they sound really cool... I'll check them up on youtube and tell you what I think soon...

EDIT: Hahaha, it turns out that the Flying Luttenbachers track 'De Futura' is actually a cover of a Magma song! I'm definitely checking those guys out... (here's the luttenbachers version btw:

EDIT 2: I checked out some of their tracks like this one and they sound cheesy but cool, so I might pick up that Kobaia album you mentioned.
Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 07:24:06 pm by thecatamites
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Magma are one of the best bands ever, and their spiritual ideas are similar to those of Gong(one of Magma's members joined Gong for a short time if I recall) just in a more serious tone so it's something I totally dig. Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh is one of my fave albums (also check out Magma Live(Köhntark) for a great live performance)
It's suprising how Zeuhl has been taken in Japan, and indeed the only good Japanese bands are their prog/fusion/freakout bands (acid mothers temple \m/) so bands like Ruin and Koenji Hyakkei are really interesting. It's really different than french Zeuhl, it's more experimental interms of what they do but the music itself tend to be so much weaker, but it's great that it's still being carried out by relatively modern bands.
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and still they manage to sound better than most other rock bands out there, whahay!

what the hell does this mean?
I agree it sounds better than metal.
I can make a huge list of rock bands that sound fantastic.

Led Z, Pink Floyd, ELP, YES, Rick Wakeman, Marillion, Van Der Graaf, Mars Volta, Jethro Thull, Genesis, King Crimson.
Heard none of the bands in tjhis topic and am nor really interested in checking em out.

also, magma.. sounds pretty gay of a word
Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 09:14:53 pm by DJ Soup
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Whenever people post a topic about music I haven't heard about, the first (and second and third and only) thing I will do is post about how closed minded I am
~DJ Soup
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Soup: DP means that he knows a lot of prog that sounds better than a lot of normal rock he's heard. and if that's not what he means, well its what I mean regardless, and is the reason I listen to it.

and you've heard a lot of the MAIN prog bands, so did you like them at all or they not interesting? As for Zeuhl, I doubt you'll enjoy it because, at least with Magma, "they are so epic, virtuosos, so elaborate" and overall, a band you have to be very patient to listen to. still though, listen to De Futura and see if you don't enjoy it for its rather simple dance-able rythem. Its closer to punk in spirit than you think, if you ignore the MASSIVE drum kit (and the 2nd drummer). and regardless of your taste in music, the buildup at 6:20 is just great stuff.

Holy shit, man, you really know your stuff! I've never heard of any of these guys before, but they sound really cool... I'll check them up on youtube and tell you what I think soon...
Thanks bro, though I would say the same about your American punk articles. We've all got genres of choice. And the track you heard was a kinda bad one from Attahk. Try this one from the same album, as its imo the best song from it, rivaling any song from their prime, while the rest of the album isn't quite up to par.
Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 11:57:09 pm by Bravo
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Whenever people post a topic about music I haven't heard about, the first (and second and third and only) thing I will do is post about how closed minded I am
~DJ Soup

(that's inaccurate anyway)
I practically like all genres except metal. For all these genres there are bands i like and bands i dont. WHAT A CLOSED MINDED TASTE DEAR FUCK!!
So I take pleasure in telling you that you are DEADLY wrong.

Besides that's the conclusion I got from listening to several prog bands. Only a few are good.
But most are all the same to me, which is why I find little to no incentives for me to explore this genre. I usually don't like music that sounds like it was thought too much.
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that kind of translates to: I don't like music that sounds like someone wrote it.

also, zeuhl is pretty different sounding from the Yes and Genesis you're judging the genre on. and despite the collective adjective "progressive", there are a hell of a lot of differences between sub-genres. most of the time, "progressive" is used to label bands that broke from the mold and tried new things, and a rebel/punk/free thinker such as yourself probably thinks highly of people and bands that do that. (this is a pretty persuasive argument I'm bringing to the table that should make you want to get rid of your preconceived notions about what prog is. HINT: Its not Yes or ELP.)
Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 12:06:15 am by Bravo
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that kind of translates to: I don't like music that sounds like someone wrote it.
dude, Frank Zappa is my hero.
Math Rock is also a genre guys usually sit down to come up with the music but the music itself doesn't sound like the guys were thinking a lot to come up with those angular intertwining riffs.
Prog however really sounds like they sat down and started writting a Tolkien description. It is bland, man, and ultimately gets annoying.
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dude, Frank Zappa is my hero.
Math Rock is also a genre guys usually sit down to come up with the music but the music itself doesn't sound like the guys were thinking a lot to come up with those angular intertwining riffs.
Prog however really sounds like they sat down and started writting a Tolkien description. It is bland, man, and ultimately gets annoying.
point taken about zappa.

math rock...all I know is battles so i dunno about the genre at whole but it is kind of cool, though I can't sit through all of Mirrors as it gets samey and boring.

also, have you heard discipline by King Crimson (you're a fan of them so i suppose you did). i consider it one of the first math rock albums ever written.

also also, i don't really get the metaphor. because i don't find most of the music bland, its that exact methodology and experimentation which I love. admitedly some bands are bad at this, but i don't listen to them. if for you this by extention mean, all of a certain genre, well agree to disagree I suppose (and if you don't agree on that then get out cause I don't want to hear your whining!)
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most of the time, "progressive" is used to label bands that broke from the mold and tried new things, and a rebel/punk/free thinker such as yourself probably thinks highly of people and bands that do that. (this is a pretty persuasive argument I'm bringing to the table that should make you want to get rid of your preconceived notions about what prog is. HINT: Its not Yes or ELP.)
Prog is when song structure progresses. It doesn't directly imply innovative different music.
Besides breaking the mold and new shit doesn't always come with good outcomes, that's why I am pointing out.
Besides, I'm such a fan of breaking the mold, Bjork's Volta has this weird digital table as an instrument but it doesn't really have me impressed. (stupid argument)

EDIT: not a fan of King Crimson, just dig what I heard, havent heard that song. (you contradicted yourself about math rock, btw)

Tolkien description, I mean if prog where to be a type of book, it'd be a fantasy book. I don't like fantasy book, they expect me to believe that shit.
Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 12:24:41 am by DJ Soup
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Prog is when song structure progresses. It doesn't directly imply innovative different music.
Besides breaking the mold and new shit doesn't always come with good outcomes, that's why I am pointing out.
Besides, I'm such a fan of breaking the mold, Bjork's Volta has this weird digital table as an instrument but it doesn't really have me impressed. (stupid argument)

EDIT: not a fan of King Crimson, just dig what I heard, havent heard that song. (you contradicted yourself about math rock, btw)

Tolkien description, I mean if prog where to be a type of book, it'd be a fantasy book. I don't like fantasy book, they expect me to believe that shit.
no not directly imply innovative music...but that's what I listen to prog for, not for The Flower Kings who reiterate shit from 30 years ago but for stuff like Magma which a completely different genre of music than anything else, and still manages to be spiritual and emotional.

Did I? I said it was pretty cool but I couldn't really sit through the album. So idk I guess the album just isn't good all the way through. And the KC song is both a song and an album. its '81 or something. whole album is pretty good, if you like math rock you'll like this.

And I would have to agree with the fantasy description. But I wouldn't call it bland. There is some sort of suspension of believe necessary though at times.
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I agree with the Sheppard and for the longest time didn't listen to any Zeuhl because the idea of making a language and mythology is just dumb.  But now that I have, I'm really glad, because the music is actually really good.  Zeuhl is a strange genre and I'd consider much closer to Jazz Fussion (like he said) than Prog Rock, because it really doesn't sound like Prog at all...
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I actually get where Shep is coming from here, some of this stuff is ridiculously cheesy and over fantasized. But I am going to check these guys out as that youtube vid bravo posted wasn't too bad!
Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 08:59:49 am by Afura
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Saying "this sounds stupid, I wont listen to any of it and still judge it" is very retarded.
Also all prog sounds the same.
Gong sounds exactly like Frank Zappa who sounds exactly like pink floyd who sounds exactly like Hatfield and the North who sounds exactly like Magma.