It is no secret that at GW, we have our own.... GW-isms. Little things we do here that make us unique, things that make us Gaming World members. But what are they??
I think we should come up with a list of GW-isms so that we can poke fun at our stupid habits and maybe even put them on GWiki under a FAD section or something.
So hey!! What GW-isms do you know of which are pretty unique, stupid, whatever? I'll get the ball rolling with...
TYPING IN CAPS: Yes, this is done all over the place, but we at GW are a really special case.. Rather than typing in caps to express frustration or capitalizing a specific word to place emphasis on it, we just capitalize whatever the fuck we want that we write. We SORT OF DO IT like this. Random words which have no reason to be CAPITALIZED are, IN FACT, being capitalized. I'm not sure why MEMBERS OF GW do this, but it's pretty goofy!!!
There is my first contribution. Wat else do we do at GW that makes us unique? What defines the members of Gaming World?
(I was going to post this in the Crap Shack, but I think some real discussion and interesting things may be said so let's give it a go, yeah?)