I'm looking to get a SATA harddrive. My IDE one started crapping out so I reformatted it, but it's only 80 gigs. I have everything I need backed up on an external. So I was looking at newegg and came across a 500gig SATA for $79.99(USD). Good deal? Should I keep looking. I would rather just go to a store and buy one but the only computer store around here has this on their homepage:
4 Rules for a successful relationship with your computer:
#1: Your computer is a member of your family. Get over your love hate issues. Like any favorite pet, it nags for handouts. When cared for properly, it nags less.
#2: Be clear about boundaries. Let
Your computer knows whose boss. Don’t be afraid to use the Power Cord Trump
card - meaning unplug it when
It gets too sassy.
#3: Work your conflict resolution skills. Hitting, punching or throwing is not okay.
#4: When all else falls call us at _______________
Should I try Walmart or something?